Revision and phylogenetic analysis of Chilioediscelis (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) with descriptions of three new species Author Willis, Erin Author Packer, Laurence text Zootaxa 2008 2008-05-05 1762 1 29 52 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1762.1.2 35d153b4-7e9c-42cd-b08d-d339c98fcad8 1175-5326 180172 Chilicola (Chilioediscelis) penai Willis and Packer new species Diagnosis: Males can be differentiated from all other species except C. araucana and C. patagonica by the colouration of their legs (See diagnosis for C. araucana on how to separate these three species from all others and each other). Females are unique in the combination of mandible with yellow spot at base and metasomal terga mostly orange, with brown markings laterally on T1 and T2. Description: Male: Length 7.0mm, forewing length 3.5mm , head width 1.8 mm , intertegular span 1.3mm . Colouration: As in C. andina except yellow as follows, labrum entirely, clypeus mostly (brown along lateral margins), lower paraocular area maculation present along dorsolateral margin of clypeus, anterior surface of profemur, pro- and mesotibia mostly, metatibia almost entirely with at most small dark spot, probasistarsus entirely. Pubescence: As in C. andina . Surface Sculpture: As in C. andina except as follows, striae on gena extending to close to mandible base; mesoscutum and mesopleuron with punctures denser (i=1–2d), noticeably sparser above level of scrobe. Structure: As in C. andina except as follows: Head : Labrum shorter (length to breadth 11:33), not concave dorsally. Vertex concave. OOC:IOC (9:10). Ratio of pedicel:F1:F2:F3 (5:5:6:6). Flagellomeres slightly longer than broad. Malar space shorter, length:basal depth of mandible (4:7); FIGURE 6. Chilicola penai . A. head of female, frontal view, B. female, lateral view, C. head of male, frontal view, D. male, lateral view, E. S7, F. genitalia, stippling represents membranous lobes of penis valves, G. S8. Drawings of terminalia with ventral views to left, dorsal views to right. FIGURE 7. Map of Chile and Argentina (except the far north of both countries and north–eastern Argentina ) showing localities mentioned in text. C. andina , ♢ C. araucana , C. patagonica , C. mirzamalae , C. sardonyx , C. penai . The location for C. patagonica in Tierra del Fuego is approximate. Mesosoma : Ratio of scutellum:metanotum:propodeum (13:7:9). Scrobal groove entire. Ventral surface of metatrochanter acutely angulate in lateral view. Metafemur and metatibia less swollen, length to breadth, (45:21) and (34:10), respectively; Metasoma : S1 slightly swollen apically. Apical impressed areas less extensive, less than 0.33 X as long as corresponding tergum. S7 with apical process of ventral lobe somewhat longer than in C. andina , dorsal lobe with short setae occupying much smaller portion of dorsal surface, robust seta-bearing ridge parallel to long axis of lobe. S8 with apical process weakly concave but (damaged in sole specimen), lateral lobe large. Genital capsule broadest at apical third. Membranous lobes of penis valve moderately long and moderately broad. Description: Female: Length 6.0mm, forewing length 3.0mm, head width 1.7 mm , intertegular span 1.3mm . Colouration: As in C. andina with the following exceptions, pro- and mesotibia brown; T1 dark, rest of metasomal terga orange except suffused with brown on sides of T2-T4 and on T6. Pubescence: As in C. andina . Surface Sculpture: As in male except punctures finer and frons only weakly striate. Structure: As in male except as follows: Head : Clypeus broader (25:18). Eyes less convergent below (35:33). Ratio of pedicel:F1:F2:F3 (6:5:4:4); Mesosoma : Ratio of scutellum:metanotum:propodeum (13:6:8). Hind leg unmodified; Metasoma : S1 not swollen apically. Apical impressed areas of terga more extensive, more than 0.33 X as long as corresponding tergum. Material examined: Holotype male and allotype female: CHILE , Region VIII : Termas de Chillan, S36.54.441 W071.24.668, 5396 ft ., 12–27.xii.2007 , L. Packer, pan trap. One paratype male: CHILE , Region VIII : Shangrila, Las Trancas, Chillán area, SE Recinto, xii.1983 , L. Peña. One paratype female as previous except 1600m , 14.xii.1983 ; additional paratype female same data as previous except 19.xii.1983 and with no altitude given. One additional paratype male same data as holotype except 06–24.i.2007 , A-I. Gravel, vane trap. The Packer and Gravel material including the holotype and allotype are at PBYU ; Peña’s material is at the AMNH . FIGURE 8. Single most parsimonious tree obtained for Chilioediscelis with character state changes mapped onto it. Open circles represent homoplasious changes, solid in circles are non–homoplasious changes. Length:103, CI: 69, RI:65. Numbers above internodes are GC values, below nodes bottstrap support. Etymology: This species is named for the collector of the earlier specimens, the late Luis Peña, one of Chile’s most renowned entomologists.