Checklist of terrestrial Parasitengona mites in Fennoscandia with new species- and distribution records (Acariformes: Prostigmata) Author Stalstedt, Jeanette Author Laydanowicz, Joanna Author Lehtinen, Pekka T Author Bergsten, Johannes Author Makol, Joanna text Biodiversity Data Journal 2019 7 36094 36094 journal article 1314-2828-7-e36094 Calyptostoma velutinum ( Mueller , 1776) [PL, L] Materials Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 L; recordedBy: MG ; Location: county: NOR-Hordaland; locality: In the vicinity of Stanghelle ; verbatimElevation: 50 ; decimalLatitude: 60.5492 ; decimalLongitude: 5.7344 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 24/06/2001 ; habitat: Soil, litter Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 2 L; recordedBy: MG ; Location: county: NOR-Hordaland; locality: Blinde ; verbatimElevation: 100 ; decimalLatitude: 60.4639 ; decimalLongitude: 5.3786 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 04/07/2001 ; habitat: Moss, litter, soil Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 L; recordedBy: MG ; Location: county: NOR-Hordaland; locality: Haukeland, in the vicinity of Bergen ; verbatimElevation: 100 ; decimalLatitude: 60.3528 ; decimalLongitude: 5.4478 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 05/07/2004 ; habitat: Soil, humus, litter Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 AD ; recordedBy: MG, JL ; Location: county: NOR-Hordaland; locality: Dale ; verbatimElevation: 50 ; decimalLatitude: 60.5881 ; decimalLongitude: 5.8178 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 22/08/2006 ; habitat: Soil, humus Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 L; recordedBy: MG, GM ; Location: county: NOR-Sogn og Fjordane; locality: Opptun ; verbatimElevation: 320 ; decimalLatitude: 61.5000 ; decimalLongitude: 7.7203 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 10/08/2000 ; habitat: Moss, soil, herbaceous plants, at the base of Salixcaprea Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 AD ; recordedBy: MG ; Location: county: NOR-Sogn og Fjordane; locality: Kaupanger ; verbatimElevation: 200 ; decimalLatitude: 61.1942 ; decimalLongitude: 7.2192 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 15/08/2000 ; habitat: Bark and rot from tree trunk Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 DN; recordedBy: MG ; Location: county: NOR-Sogn og Fjordane; locality: In the vicinity of Sogndal ; verbatimElevation: 180 ; decimalLatitude: 61.2042 ; decimalLongitude: 7.1983 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 15/08/2000 ; habitat: Humic soil Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 DN; recordedBy: MG ; Location: county: NOR-Sogn og Fjordane; locality: Mo, in the vicinity of Moskog ; verbatimElevation: 100 ; decimalLatitude: 61.4364 ; decimalLongitude: 5.9856 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 11/10/2000 ; habitat: Moss, litter, soil Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 DN; recordedBy: MG ; Location: county: NOR-Sogn og Fjordane; locality: In the vicinity of Borgund ; verbatimElevation: 400 ; decimalLatitude: 61.0533 ; decimalLongitude: 7.8125 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 07/06/2001 ; habitat: Soil, litter Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 DN; recordedBy: MG ; Location: county: NOR-Sogn og Fjordane; locality: Galdane ; verbatimElevation: 300 ; decimalLatitude: 61.0611 ; decimalLongitude: 7.7278 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 07/06/2001 ; habitat: Soil, moss, herbaceous plants Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 L; recordedBy: MG ; Location: county: NOR-Sogn og Fjordane; locality: Laerdalsoyri ; verbatimElevation: 100 ; decimalLatitude: 61.0972 ; decimalLongitude: 7.4911 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 07/06/2001 ; habitat: Soil, litter Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 2 AD , 1 L; recordedBy: MG, GM ; Location: county: NOR-Sogn og Fjordane; locality: Balestrand ; verbatimElevation: 100 ; decimalLatitude: 61.2081 ; decimalLongitude: 6.5281 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 31/07/2001 ; habitat: Soil at the base of decaying tree trunk, herbaceous plants Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 2 DN; recordedBy: MG, GM ; Location: county: NOR-Sogn og Fjordane; locality: In the vicinity of Urnes ; verbatimElevation: 50 ; decimalLatitude: 61.3072 ; decimalLongitude: 7.3422 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 19/08/2001 ; habitat: Moss, soil Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 AD ; recordedBy: MG ; Location: county: NOR-Sogn og Fjordane; locality: In the vicinity of Nystolen ; verbatimElevation: 725 ; decimalLatitude: 61.3442 ; decimalLongitude: 6.4664 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 16/09/2001 ; habitat: Soil, moss, herbaceous plants Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 DN; recordedBy: MG ; Location: county: NOR-Sogn og Fjordane; locality: In the vicinity of Boyabreen ; verbatimElevation: 175 ; decimalLatitude: 61.4817 ; decimalLongitude: 6.7406 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 16/09/2001 ; habitat: Soil, moss Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 AD , 1 L; recordedBy: MG ; Location: county: NOR-Sogn og Fjordane; locality: Feigum ; verbatimElevation: 25 ; decimalLatitude: 61.3839 ; decimalLongitude: 7.4239 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 20/07/2003 ; habitat: Moss by the creek Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 3 AD ; recordedBy: MG, MK ; Location: county: NOR-Sogn og Fjordane; locality: Sognefjellet, in the vicinity of Turtagro ; verbatimElevation: 1 200 ; decimalLatitude: 61.5208 ; decimalLongitude: 7.8258 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 04/08/2003 ; habitat: Soil, moss, herbaceous plants Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 2 L; recordedBy: MG, AS ; Location: county: NOR-Sogn og Fjordane; locality: Vikafjellet ; verbatimElevation: 890 ; decimalLatitude: 60.9700 ; decimalLongitude: 6.5025 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 05/07/2004 ; habitat: Moss by the creek Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 2 AD , 1 DN; recordedBy: MG, GM ; Location: county: NOR-Sogn og Fjordane; locality: In the vicinity of Opptun ; verbatimElevation: 600 ; decimalLatitude: 61.4978 ; decimalLongitude: 7.7492 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 08/05/2005 ; habitat: Soil, litter, close to creek Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 AD ; recordedBy: MG ; Location: county: NOR-Sogn og Fjordane; locality: Between Opptun and Fortun ; verbatimElevation: 600 ; decimalLatitude: 61.4978 ; decimalLongitude: 7.7492 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 15/11/2005 ; habitat: Soil Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 2 AD , 28 L; recordedBy: MG ; Location: county: NOR-Sogn og Fjordane; locality: Between Skjolden and Fortun ; verbatimElevation: 25 ; decimalLatitude: 61.4878 ; decimalLongitude: 7.6594 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 25/11/2005 ; habitat: Moss, soil Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 AD , 1 L; recordedBy: JL , MG ; Location: county: NOR-Sogn og Fjordane; locality: In the vicinity of Opptun ; verbatimElevation: 600 ; decimalLatitude: 61.4978 ; decimalLongitude: 7.7492 ; Event: samplingProtocol: U ; eventDate: 01/07/2006 ; habitat: Soil, cow parsley, wood stitchwort, side of the road Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 L; recordedBy: JL , MG ; Location: county: NOR-Sogn og Fjordane; locality: Opptun ; verbatimElevation: 400 ; decimalLatitude: 61.4997 ; decimalLongitude: 7.7247 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 07/08/2006 ; habitat: Moss and humic soil, by the creek Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 DN; recordedBy: MG ; Location: county: NOR-Vestfold; locality: Between Larvik and Kvelde ; verbatimElevation: 25 ; decimalLatitude: 59.1525 ; decimalLongitude: 10.0244 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 03/10/2002 ; habitat: Soil, litter Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 AD ; recordedBy: MG ; Location: county: NOR-Vestfold; locality: Rien, in the vicinity of Odberg ; verbatimElevation: 50 ; decimalLatitude: 59.2708 ; decimalLongitude: 9.9300 ; Event: samplingProtocol: T ; eventDate: 03/10/2002 ; habitat: Soil, litter Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 2 PL; recordedBy: JS ; Location: county: SWE-Kalmar; locality: Oeland ; verbatimElevation: 40 ; decimalLatitude: 56.6624 ; decimalLongitude: 16.5896 ; Event: samplingProtocol: S ; eventDate: 12/08/2013 ; habitat: Detritus of leaves, sheep pasture with hazels near wetland Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 2 L; recordedBy: SMTP ; Location: county: SWE-Uppsala; locality: Biskops-Arnoe (=TrapID 8) ; verbatimElevation: 10 ; decimalLatitude: 59.6721 ; decimalLongitude: 17.5009 ; Event: samplingProtocol: M ; eventDate: 10/09/2004 - 17/12/2004 (=Coll.ID 1563); habitat: Northern beach, elm grove Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: JS, MF, RH ; Location: county: SWE-Vaermland ; locality: Ransaeter , Praestmyren ; verbatimElevation: 115 ; decimalLatitude: 59.7883 ; decimalLongitude: 13.4348 ; Event: samplingProtocol: S ; eventDate: 04/06/2013 ; habitat: Arable land, grass, fine sediment, near pine forest and smaller forest stream Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: JS, MF, RH ; Location: county: SWE-Vaermland ; locality: Ransaeter , Ransberg Herrgard ; verbatimElevation: 110 ; decimalLatitude: 59.7903 ; decimalLongitude: 13.4160 ; Event: samplingProtocol: U, S ; eventDate: 05/06/2013 ; habitat: Moss, fern, mixed deciduous forest in stream ravine Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 4 PL; recordedBy: RH ; Location: county: SWE-Vaesterbotten ; locality: Near Stora Tjultraesk ; verbatimElevation: 600 ; decimalLatitude: 65.9668 ; decimalLongitude: 16.0605 ; Event: samplingProtocol: U ; eventDate: 19/06/2013 ; habitat: Birch forest, slope Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: RH ; Location: county: SWE-Vaesterbotten ; locality: Stora Tjultraesk ; verbatimElevation: 560 ; decimalLatitude: 65.9645 ; decimalLongitude: 16.0479 ; Event: samplingProtocol: P ; eventDate: 21/06/2013 ; habitat: Damp area, birch, juniper, next to brook draining into lake Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-North Karelia; locality: Lieksa, Vuonisjaervi , Saerkijoki ; decimalLatitude: 63.2 ; decimalLongitude: 30.0 ; Event: eventDate: 14/08/1997 ; habitat: Lakeshore bush Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 2 PL; recordedBy: JM, PTL ; Location: county: FIN-North Karelia; locality: Ilomantsi, Kuikkalampi, Saerkkae ; decimalLatitude: 62.8 ; decimalLongitude: 30.9 ; Event: eventDate: 15/08/1997 ; habitat: Lakeshore meadow, litter of aspen Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 6 PL; recordedBy: JM ; Location: county: FIN-North Karelia; locality: Tohmajaervi , Kemie, Kirkkoniemi, ; decimalLatitude: 62.8 ; decimalLongitude: 30.9 ; Event: eventDate: 15/08/1997 ; habitat: Deciduous forest with Rhamnus & alder Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Northern Ostrobothnia; locality: Pyhaejaervi , Vesikoski ; Event: eventDate: 05/07/1966 ; habitat: Rocky slope Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Northern Ostrobothnia; locality: Kuusamo, Toranginjaervi ; decimalLatitude: 66.2 ; decimalLongitude: 29.2 ; Event: eventDate: 11/07/1966 ; habitat: Bog Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 fem; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Northern Ostrobothnia; locality: Kuusamo, Liikasenvaara Sirkkapuro, ; decimalLatitude: 66.2 ; decimalLongitude: 29.2 ; Event: eventDate: 18/06/1985 ; habitat: In moss and litter of brook valley Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 AD ; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Northern Ostrobothnia; locality: Lumijoki, Saarenperae ; decimalLatitude: 64.9 ; decimalLongitude: 24.9 ; Event: eventDate: 13/06/1987 ; habitat: Mixed forest, litter Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Ostrobothnia; locality: Oravainen, Bodholm ; decimalLatitude: 63.2 ; decimalLongitude: 22.2 ; Event: samplingProtocol: P ; eventDate: 22/07/1972 - 07/10/1972 ; habitat: Shore meadow Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Ostrobothnia; locality: Uusikaarlepyy, Jepua, Lapuanjoki ; decimalLatitude: 63.4 ; decimalLongitude: 22.6 ; Event: samplingProtocol: P ; eventDate: 22/07/1972 - 07/10/1972 Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 AD , 1 DN; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Parainen, Sydmo, Ippos ; decimalLatitude: 60.2 ; decimalLongitude: 22.1 ; Event: eventDate: 13/06/1966 Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Parainen, Sydmo, Ippos ; decimalLatitude: 60.2 ; decimalLongitude: 22.1 ; Event: eventDate: 24/05/1967 Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 2 PL; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Korppoo, Bjoerkoe ; decimalLatitude: 59.9 ; decimalLongitude: 21.6 ; Event: samplingProtocol: P ; eventDate: 15/05/1968 - 16/07/1968 ; habitat: Maritime deciduous forest Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Korppoo, Jurmo ; decimalLatitude: 59.8 ; decimalLongitude: 21.5 ; Event: samplingProtocol: P ; eventDate: 16/05/1968 - 17/07/1968 ; habitat: High juniper stand far from the seashore Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 AD ; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Parainen, Kurckas ; decimalLatitude: 60.2 ; decimalLongitude: 22.1 ; Event: samplingProtocol: P ; eventDate: 17/05/1968 - 05/07/1968 ; habitat: Meadow in spruce forest Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Uusikaupunki, Lyoekki , Ukonkari ; decimalLatitude: 60.8 ; decimalLongitude: 21.1 ; Event: eventDate: 25/06/1968 ; habitat: Small bog Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Korppoo, Bjoerkoe ; decimalLatitude: 59.9 ; decimalLongitude: 21.6 ; Event: samplingProtocol: P ; eventDate: 16/07/1968 - 20/10/1968 ; habitat: Base of rock Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 2 PL; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Parainen, Kopparoe ; Event: samplingProtocol: P ; eventDate: 15/08/1968 - 09/10/1968 ; habitat: Shore meadow Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 DN, 1 PL; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Korppoo, Jurmo ; decimalLatitude: 59.8 ; decimalLongitude: 21.5 ; Event: samplingProtocol: P ; eventDate: 29/06/1969 - 14/08/1969 ; habitat: Bog Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 AD ; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Korppoo, Loevskaer , Hummelskaer ; decimalLatitude: 60.1 ; decimalLongitude: 21.2 ; Event: eventDate: 11/07/1982 ; habitat: Drifted Fucus mixed with decaying Elymus Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: SK ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Kaarina, Karpanmaeki ; decimalLatitude: 60.3 ; decimalLongitude: 22.3 ; Event: samplingProtocol: P ; eventDate: 09/05/1989 - 13/06/1989 Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: RN, VR ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Kaarina, Karpanmaeki ; decimalLatitude: 60.3 ; decimalLongitude: 22.3 ; Event: samplingProtocol: P ; eventDate: 13/06/1989 - 15/07/1989 ; habitat: Oak forest Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: RN, VR ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Turku, Kylaemaeki , Vaehae‑Rasi ; decimalLatitude: 60.4 ; decimalLongitude: 22.3 ; Event: samplingProtocol: P ; eventDate: 20/05/1990 - 28/08/1990 ; habitat: In cellar Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 3 DN, 5 PL; recordedBy: KH, PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Houtskari, Jungfruskaer ; decimalLatitude: 60.1 ; decimalLongitude: 21.1 ; Event: samplingProtocol: P ; eventDate: 29/05/1990 - 23/07/1990 ; habitat: Ash grove Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 AD , 6 PL; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Nauvo, Berghamn, Boskaer ; decimalLatitude: 59.9 ; decimalLongitude: 21.6 ; Event: eventDate: 30/05/1990 ; habitat: Alnus grove, fungus Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 5 PL; recordedBy: KH, PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Nauvo, Berghamn, Boskaer ; decimalLatitude: 59.9 ; decimalLongitude: 21.6 ; Event: samplingProtocol: P ; eventDate: 30/05/1990 - 24/07/1990 ; habitat: Hazel slope and on the cliff Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 2 AD , 2 PL; recordedBy: KH, PTL, RN ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Houtskari, Jungfruskaer ; decimalLatitude: 60.1 ; decimalLongitude: 21.1 ; Event: samplingProtocol: P ; eventDate: 23/07/1990 - 12/09/1990 ; habitat: Sandy dry meadow Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Nauvo, Berghamn, Boskaer ; decimalLatitude: 59.9 ; decimalLongitude: 21.6 ; Event: samplingProtocol: P ; eventDate: 24/07/1990 - 13/09/1990 ; habitat: Dry meadow Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Houtskari, Jungfruskaer ; decimalLatitude: 60.1 ; decimalLongitude: 21.1 ; Event: eventDate: 12/09/1990 ; habitat: Water avens in Alnus grove Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 AD , 1 PL; recordedBy: KH, PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Houtskari, Jungfruskaer ; decimalLatitude: 60.1 ; decimalLongitude: 21.1 ; Event: samplingProtocol: P ; eventDate: 29/05/1991 - 23/07/1991 ; habitat: Ash grove with Fraxinus sp. Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 DN, 2 PL; recordedBy: KH, PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Houtskari, Jungfruskaer ; decimalLatitude: 60.1 ; decimalLongitude: 21.1 ; Event: samplingProtocol: P ; eventDate: 29/05/1992 - 23/07/1992 ; habitat: Sandy meadow Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Nauvo, Sandoe ; decimalLatitude: 60.17 ; decimalLongitude: 22.09 ; Event: eventDate: 09/09/1992 ; habitat: Pondside mire with Calla, Comarum, Carex spp. Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 DN, 3 PL; recordedBy: KH, PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Houtskari, Jungfruskaer ; decimalLatitude: 60.1 ; decimalLongitude: 21.1 ; Event: samplingProtocol: P ; eventDate: 29/05/1993 - 23/07/1993 ; habitat: Cultivated meadow Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Houtskari, Bjoerkoe ; Event: eventDate: 03/06/1994 ; habitat: Decaying fir Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 2 PL, 1 L; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Parainen, Lapplahti ; decimalLatitude: 60.2 ; decimalLongitude: 21.9 ; Event: eventDate: 06/08/1996 ; habitat: Moist deciduous forest Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Nauvo, Krok Storra Gunkobb ; decimalLatitude: 60.08 ; decimalLongitude: 21.71 ; Event: eventDate: 21/07/1997 ; habitat: At the base of Cochleariadanica Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 DN; recordedBy: JM ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Sonkajaervi , Sukeva ; decimalLatitude: 63.8 ; decimalLongitude: 27.4 ; Event: eventDate: 12/08/1997 ; habitat: Grove (Salix sp., Alnus sp., Betula sp., grass) on the river shore Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: PTL ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Nauvo, Sydaenperae ; decimalLatitude: 60.17 ; decimalLongitude: 21.72 ; Event: eventDate: 01/09/1997 ; habitat: Hazel bush close to seashore Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: SK ; Location: county: FIN-Southwest Finland; locality: Rymaettylae , Alakylae , Isoluoto ; decimalLatitude: 60.30 ; decimalLongitude: 21.97 ; Event: eventDate: 04/09/1997 ; habitat: Litter of alder and decaying reed on seashore Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 1 PL; recordedBy: JM ; Location: county: FIN-Aland Islands; locality: Aland , Mariehamn, Svinoe ; decimalLatitude: 60.1 ; decimalLongitude: 19.8 ; Event: samplingProtocol: U ; eventDate: 17/08/1997 ; habitat: Seashore and margin of deciduous forest Distribution Norway ( Thor 1900a , Makol and Gulvik 2002 ), Sweden ( Willmann 1943 ) and new for Finland. Notes This taxon may represent more than one species ( Wohltmann et al. 1999 ). Trombidium expalpe Hermann, 1804 is a junior synonym ( Oudemans 1929 ).