A review of genus-group names in Diptera (Insecta) that J. C. Fabricius “ borrowed ” from other dipterists and proposed as new in his systematic works from 1775 to 1805 Author Michelsen, Verner Zoological Museum, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. E-mail: vmichelsen @ snm. ku. dk Canadian National Collection of Insects, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K 1 A 0 C 6. E-mail: james. ohara @ agr. gc. ca Author O’Hara, James E. text Zootaxa 2014 2014-10-14 3873 1 73 81 journal article 5299 10.11646/zootaxa.3873.1.6 4def451e-e1a4-496e-9cfb-6ccb4f6d88a1 1175-5326 4948111 66DDFEA9-E1CE-43C1-B09F-FE8504898312 Ceria Fabricius, 1794: 277 . Type species: Ceria clavicornis Weber, 1795 [= Musca conopsoides Linnaeus, 1758 ], by subsequent monotypy ( Weber 1795 ). Junior homonym of Ceria Scopoli, 1763 . Replaced by Ceriana Rafinesque, 1815 , nomen novum for Ceria Fabricius, 1794 (Syrphidae) . Remarks. The name Ceria Scopoli, 1763 was originally proposed for two species of Scatopsidae . Fabricius (1794) proposed the name Ceria for a species of Syrphidae and his usage of the name became widely accepted in pre-1902 literature (P.A. Latreille, J.W. Meigen, J.W. Zetterstedt, G.H. Verrall, etc.). A description of the only included species was given by Fabricius (1794) , but inadvertently the specific name [ clavicornis ] was omitted. It first appeared in an index to the four volumes (1792–1794) of Fabricius’s Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta prepared by Weber (1795) . Accordingly, the authorship of Ceria clavicornis is correctly attributed to Weber (1795) rather than Fabricius (1794) . This interpretation of type fixation of Ceria Fabricius, 1794 is the same as that of Sabrosky (1999: 79) except that authorship of Ceria clavicornis was attributed in that work to Fabricius, 1795 not Weber, 1795 .