Revision of Molopsis Schatzmayr (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini), with descriptions of four new species Author Lohaj, Roman Author Guéorguiev, Borislav Author Dubault, Gérard Author Lassalle, Bernard text Zootaxa 2012 3185 1 35 journal article 45494 10.5281/zenodo.279988 4baaaf6e-292b-4c53-97e2-40dc856e5b46 1175-5326 279988 Tapinopterus ( Molopsis ) molopinus ( Chaudoir, 1868 ) (Figs. 15–17, 37–38, 65–67, 70–72, 87–88, 102–103, 117–118, 131–132, 140, 147, 152, 158, 164, 168, 170) Type locality. Constantinople. Taxonomic decisions. Feronia ( Haptoderus ) molopina Chaudoir, 1868 : 245 . Pterostichus olympicus Kraatz, 1875 : 418 (typ. loc.: “Olymp”) (synonymy by Apfelbeck, 1904 : 244 , 405). Tapinopterus ( Molopsis ) dipojranus brussanus Straneo, 1986 : 126 (typ. loc.: “Brussa”), synonymum novum . References. Feronia ( Haptoderus ) molopina : Chaudoir, 1868 : 245 ; Ganglbauer, 1889 : 52 . Pterostichus olympicus : Kraatz, 1875 : 418 ; Ganglbauer, 1889 : 52 . Feronia molopina : Kraatz, 1875 : 419 . Feronia ( Cophosus ) olympica : Marseul, 1880 : 306 . Feronia ( Steropus ) olympica : Marseul, 1882 : 47 . Feronia ( Steropus ) molopina : Marseul, 1882 : 48 . Pterostichus ( Pterostichus ) molopinus : Seidlitz, 1887 : 40 ; Seidlitz, 1888 : 44 . Pterostichus ( Pterostichus ) olympicus : Seidlitz, 1887 : 40 ; Seidlitz, 1888 : 44 . Pterostichus ( Haptoderus ) molopinus : Heyden et al ., 1891 : 35 . Tapinopterus ( Crisimus ) olympicus : Heyden et al ., 1891 : 38 . Haptoderus molopinus : Heyden et al. 1891 : 397 . Pterostichus ( Tapinopterus ) molopinus : Apfelbeck, 1904 : 244 . Pterostichus ( Tapinopterus ) molopinus : Heyden et al ., 1906 : 82 . Platysma ( Tapinopterus ) molopinum : Jakobson, 1907 : 352 . Pterostichus ( Tapinopterus ) molopinus : Breit, 1914 : 55 ; Csiki, 1930 : 707 . Tapinopterus molopinus : G. Müller, 1923 : 111 . Crisimus ( Tapinopterus ) molopinus : Schatzmayr, 1929 : 330 . Tapinopterus ( Crisimus ) molopinus : G. Müller, 1932 : 216 –217. Platysma ( Tapinopterus ) molopinus : Straneo, 1936 : 156 . Tapinopterus molopinus molopinus : Mařan, 1940 : 57 . Tapinopterus molopinus olympicus : Mařan, 1940 : 57 . Tapinopterus molopinus : Schatzmayr, 1942 : 45 . Tapinopterus ( Molopsis ) molopinus : Schatzmayr, 1943 : 119 ; Straneo, 1986 : 122 ; Kirschenhofer, 1991 : 5 ; Lorenz, 1998 : 267 ; Casale & Vigna Taglianti, 1999 : 381 . Tapinopterus ( Molopsis ) molopinus olympicus : Schatzmayr, 1943 : 119 ; Kirschenhofer, 1991 : 5 ; Bousquet, 2003 : 518 . Tapinopterus ( Molopsis ) dipojranus brussanus : Straneo, 1986 : 126 ; Kirschenhofer, 1991 : 6 ; Lorenz, 1998 : 267 ; Bousquet, 2003 : 518 . Tapinopterus ( Molopsis ) molopinus molopinus : Bousquet, 2003 : 518 . Molopsis molopinus molopinus : Jeanne, 2005 : 384 . Molopsis molopinus olympicus : Jeanne, 2005 : 384 . Tapinopterus ( Molopsis ) dipojranus brussanus : Lorenz, 2005 : 288 . Tapinopterus ( Molopsis ) molopinus molopinus : Lorenz, 2005 : 288 . Tapinopterus ( Molopsis ) molopinus olympicus : Lorenz, 2005 : 288 . PLATE 4. Median lobe of aedeagus (Figs. 37–44), dorsal view (Figs. 37–39, 41–44) and ventral view (Fig. 40) of Tapinopterus species. Fig. 37. T . ( Molopsis ) molopinus ( holotype of Feronia molopina ); Fig. 38. T . ( Molopsis ) molopinus ( holotype of Tapinopterus dipojranus brussanus ); Fig. 39. T . ( Molopsis ) chaudoiri sp. nov. ( paratype , Oylat); Fig. 40–41. T . ( Molopsis ) wiedemanni ( lectotype of Feronia wiedemanni ); Fig. 42. T . ( Molopsis ) wiedemanni ( Turkey , Abant Lake); Fig. 43. T . ( Molopsis ) wiedemanni ( Turkey , Aladaġlari); Fig. 44. T . ( Molopsis ) wiedemanni ( Turkey , Sundiren daġlari). Scale bars: 1 mm (Figs. 37– 39); 2 mm (Figs. 40–44). Material examined . 97 specimens . Type material . Holotype 3 of Feronia molopina , designated by monotypy, well preserved, “ molopinus Chaud. Constantinople Sturm. ” (h label pinned on the bottom of box) / HOLOTYPE Feronia ( Haptoderus ) molopina Chaudoir 1868 G.Dubault désign. 2003 (red p)/ Tapinopterus ( Molopsis ) molopinus Chaudoir G.Dubault détermin. (p) (Fig.15) ( MNHN , “Collection Chaudoir”, box no 216 “ Argutor ”). Holotype 3 of Tapinopterus ( Molopsis ) dipojranus brussanus , “Brussa Anatolien G.Frey IV.32 .” (p)/ “ Tapinopterus molopinus Chd. ” (h) / “ Holotypus T . dipojran . s. brussan . (red p/h) / “ Tapinopterus dipojranus s. brussanus (h), det. S. L. Straneo 1985 Holotypus ” (p/h)/ TAPINOPTERUS ( sg. MOLOPSIS ) molopinus ( Chaudoir, 1868 ) R. LOHAJ det.2003 (p) (Fig.16) ( MCSNM ). Other material examined. Uludag: 1 3, Turkei 1848 ( NMP ); 13, Asia minor ( HNHM ); 1 3, BALKAN FRIV . ( HNHM ); 3 33, Olympe ( ZISP ); 2 33, Bithynischen Olymp, leg. Merkl, coll. Leonhard ( DEI ); 1 Ƥ, Olymp, coll. O.Leonhard ( DEI ); 1 3, Olympos Bithyn. Asia min. Dr. Jureček 1931 ( NMP ); 4 33, BRUSSA, 1870, leg. Pável ( HNHM ); 5 33 ƤƤ, “Uludag Bursa 1.500 West . Turkey J. y S. Klapperich.” ( MNHN ); 6 33 ƤƤ, “Ulu Dagh Brousse 1400- VI66 ” ( MNHN ); 6 33 ƤƤ, “Ulu Dagh Turquie 1700 m VI 68 ” ( MNHN ); 2 33, Merkl.92, Türkei ( NMNHS ); 1 3, Turcia Merkl 98. ( MCSNT ); 1 3, “ rebellis Turcia ” ( MNHN ); 1 3, “Museum Paris 1906 Coll Léon Fairmaire” / “ Pter . olympicus Turquie ” ( MNHN ); 1 3, “ olympicus Kr. Turkei Merkl.” ( MNHN ); 1 Ƥ, Türkei , Ulu dagh 2000 m , leg. Kenyery, VI.1963 ( NMP ); 3 33 1 Ƥ, Anatolia occ, Uludagh bei Bursa (gipfelzone) 1500 m , 28.V.1966 , Blumental leg. ( NMP ); 8 33 4 ƤƤ, Turchia , Bursa Uludag, 29.5.1974 , lg. Sama, Coll. Gudenzi (cMP); 3 33, Anatol. Bursa Uludag 25.5.82 Drioli ( MCSNT ); 1 3 1 Ƥ, Turkei , Uludag, 13.IV.1983 , H.+L.Freude (cMP); 8 33 7 ƤƤ, Uludag 1500, Bursa Turquie , VII 87 G.Dubault & D.Echaroux lgt. (cGD, cDE); 1 Ƥ, Uludaġ 1500 m , (Bursa) 15.V.89 , leg. R.Pittino (cWH); 2 ƤƤ, Uludag 1500 Bursa VI 90 ” / “Lassale” (cBL); 7 33 3 ƤƤ, TR (Bursa) Uludaġ b. Soġurpinar, 1200–1400 m , 26.IV.1992 Heinz leg. (cRL); 4 33, Tr.occ., Bursa env. Uludag, 27.5.1994 , Skoupý leg. (cVS); 1 3, “NW Turkey—Bursa Uludag pineto—abietum, 1500 m 3.10.97 , D. Čatlos lgt. (cRL) (Fig. 17); 1 3, Tr.occ, Bursa Uludag 1650 m , 15.5.2000 , Skoupý leg. (cVS); 1 3, Tr.occ, Bursa Uludag 2100 m , 15.5.2000 , Skoupý leg. (cVS); 1 Ƥ, Turkey , Cumalikizik, Bursa, Ulu daġ, 24.5.2004 , 5– 900 m , T.Tichý (cEH). Diagnosis. BL 10.8– 15 mm . Male genitalia . Median lobe of aedeagus long in dorsal view, with long, thin, almost straight apical lamella, apical orifice deflected to left lateral position (Figs. 37–38); basal bulb relatively long, with concave basal orifice, apical part longer, copulatory sclerite curved, situated in medial part, apex slighlty bent downwards (Figs. 65–67, 70–72). Right paramere relatively long, more or less strongly curved and constricted medially, with thicker basal and thinner apical parts (Figs. 87–88, 102–103). Left paramere with short, more or less reduced transverse apophysis and fairly long, oblique paramedial apophysis (Figs. 117–118, 131–132). Female genitalia . Tergum VIII with convex distal margin and short, thin proximal “legs” (Fig. 140). Sternum VIII consisting of two chitinised parts connected by membrane, without “legs” on proximal margin (Fig. 147). Syntergum IX+X long, narrow, bearing pair of small, articulated, distant each other ovipositors (Fig. 152). Ovipositor with large valvifer and smaller stylus, as longer axis of former ± perpendicular to longer axis of latter (Figs. 158); valvifer with short cylindrical part, more acute internal margin, less acute external margin, and with developed, slightly curved externally, process at distal part; stylus consist of one, basal, elongate stylomere (apical stylomere disappeared), having incised outer margin. Spermatheca with seminal canal and receptaculum discrete; seminal canal long; receptaculum shorter than seminal canal, slightly curved apically (Fig. 164). This species differs from its closest relatives, T . chaudoiri sp. nov. and T . relegatus sp. nov. in the structure of the male and female genitalia. T . molopinus has a smaller aedeagus, with relatively shorter and thinner apical lamella, about 1/3 entire length of lobe (in dorsal view). T . chaudoiri sp. nov. has a larger aedeagus, with apical lamella about 2/5 that of median lobe (compare Figs. 37–39). In lateral view, the aedeagus of T . molopinus is smaller, with narrower medial part and shortened apical lamella (Figs. 65–74). The transverse apophysis on left paramere in T . molopinus is more or less reduced while in T . chaudoiri possesses a longer, well-developed transverse apophysis (Figs. 117–120, 131–134). The females of this species are easily distinguished from the females of T . chaudoiri in the absence of incision at the apex of elytra and apex of sternum VII (Figs. 168–171). Besides, sternum VII has finer posterior border. For the distintions between T . molopinus and T . relegatus , see paragraph “Diagnosis” under the latter species. Taxonomic notes. The first mention of this taxon has been made by Sturm (1843: 25) , but the species was described by Chaudoir in 1868 as Feronia ( Haptoderus ) molopina based on single male specimen. The last author wrote “C’est le Steropus brevis du catalogue de Sturm, indiqué comme venant de Constantinople, et que j’ai acheté à la vente de sa collection.”. In view of the relativeness of the geographical designation in the old-days, it should be noted that the type locality of T . molopinus is doubtful. We are unaware of any subsequent record or material of Molopsis in collections from Constantinople (= Istanbul). Regarding the present bionomy of the species, we suppose that the type material was collected in the area of the Uludag Mt.; the same has already been supposed (Apflelbeck, 1904: 244, note 1). PLATE 5. Median lobe of aedeagus (Figs. 45–54) in left lateral view of Tapinopterus species. Fig. 45. Tapinopterus ( Pseudomolopsis ) rebellis ( Greece , Kalamata); Fig. 46. T . ( Molopsis ) molopiformis (Tmolos-Gbg., Lydien, West-Kleinasien, Weirather) ; Fig. 47. T . ( Molopsis ) aenigmaticus sp. nov. ( holotype ); Fig. 48. T . ( Molopsis ) phrygius ( syntype ); Fig. 49. T . ( Molopsis ) phrygius ( syntype of T . phrygius pisidicus ); Fig. 50. T . ( Molopsis ) phrygius ( holotype of T . dipojranus ); Fig. 51. T . ( Molopsis ) phrygius ( Turkey , Beyşehir); Fig. 52. T . ( Molopsis ) phrygius ( paratype of Tapinopterus dipojranus cilicius ); Fig. 53. T . ( Molopsis ) machardi ( paratype ); Fig. 54. T . ( Molopsis ) oyukluensis sp. nov. ( holotype ). Scale bar: 1 mm . The holotype of Feronia molopina was found in MNHN. Meantime, two of us (BG, RL) tried to find the holotype of Pterostichus olympicus in DEI and MNHUB. According to Dr. Lothar Zerche (personal communication), no type of this species exists in DEI. The search of BG in NMHUB led nowhere too. The material of Tapinopterus from DEI, very probably including also the type of Pterostichus olympicus , was many years ago loaned by Dr. Jozef Mařan (Praha, Czech Republic ) and maybe have never been returned (Dr. L. Zerche, personal communication). According to the information provided by Dr. Josef Jelinek, the former curator of Coleoptera in NMP, the Tapinopterus loan was in possession of Dr. J. Mařan at the time of his death. The type material was, however, not located after his demise. Kraatz (1875) did not indicate clearly the exact massif from which the type series of Pterostichus olympicus comes, e.g. the Olymp Mt. in Central Greece or the Uludag Mt. (Bythinic Olymp near Bursa by the ancient authors) in Northwestern Anatolia . The title of the Kraatz paper has points that the author dealt with species from Europe (“Drei neue europäische Pterostichus Bon. “) and author noted: „Mein Ex. stammt aus der Schaum´schen Sammlung und wurde wahrscheinlich von Dr. Krüper aufgefunden“. Dr. Theobald Johaness Krüper ( 1829 –1921 ) a German ornithologist and entomologist and long-time curator and director of University Museum in Athens. He collected in Greece and also often in Turkey . Authors (RL, BG) could not find the type sample in the studied collections which may have successfully associated with the specimen/s from the type series. For this reason, until the type material is located and examined, we prefer to treat this taxon as synonym of T . molopinus . Pterostichus olympicus Kraatz was first synonymized with Pterostichus molopinus Chaudoir by Apfelbeck (1904: 244, 405) . Judging from the context of the Apfelbeck’s work we suppose that this author examined type material of this taxon. The most of the subsequent authors (see the list above) have not accepted this opinion. Only Csiki (1930: 707) and Müller (1932: 217) agreed with the Apfelbeck’s decision. Mařan (1940: 57) first removed T . olympicus from the synonymy and considered it as subspecies of T . molopinus . His view was followed by all subsequent authors ( Schatzmayr, 1943 : 119 ; Kirschenhofer, 1991 : 5 ; Bousquet, 2003 : 518 ; Jeanne, 2005 : 384 ). Pterostichus ( Crisimus ) kyparissis Jedlička, 1963 was described by Jedlička (1963: 19) by single female specimen from the southwestern part of the Peloponnesos. The author compared the new species with T . molopinus and T . rebellis , and stated that it possesses setigerous pore in scutellar stria. Despite still not clear relationships of T . kyparissis , we exclude it as belonging to Molopsis based on the last mentioned character. Distribution. This species inhabits the massif of Uludaġ near Bursa, NW Anatolia . PLATE 6. Median lobe of aedeagus Figs. 55–64) in right lateral view of Tapinopterus species. Fig. 55. Tapinopterus (Pseudomolopsis) rebellis ( Greece , Kalamata); Fig. 56. T . ( Molopsis ) molopiformis (Tmolos-Gbg., Lydien, West-Kleinasien, Weirather) ; Fig. 57. T . ( Molopsis ) aenigmaticus sp. nov. ( holotype ); Fig. 58. T . ( Molopsis ) phrygius ( syntype ); Fig. 59. T . ( Molopsis ) phrygius ( syntype of T . phrygius pisidicus ); Fig. 60. T . ( Molopsis ) phrygius ( holotype of T . dipojranus ); Fig. 61. T . ( Molopsis ) phrygius ( Turkey , Beyşehir); Fig. 62. T . ( Molopsis ) phrygius ( paratype of Tapinopterus dipojranus cilicius ); Fig. 63. T . ( Molopsis ) machardi ( paratype ); Fig. 64. T . ( Molopsis ) oyukluensis sp. nov. ( holotype ). Scale bar: 1 mm . PLATE 7. Median lobe of aedeagus (Figs. 65–79), left lateral view (Figs. 65–69, 75) and right lateral view (70–74, 76–79) of Tapinopterus species. Figs. 65, 70. T . ( Molopsis ) molopinus ( holotype of Feronia molopina ); Figs. 66, 71. T . ( Molopsis ) molopinus (“ olympicus ”, HNHM); Figs. 67, 72. T . ( Molopsis ) molopinus ( holotype of Tapinopterus dipojranus brussanus ); Figs. 68, 73. T . ( Molopsis ) chaudoiri sp. nov. ( paratype , Domanic); Figs. 69, 74. T . ( Molopsis ) chaudoiri sp. nov. ( paratype , Oylat); Figs. 75–76. T . ( Molopsis ) wiedemanni ( lectotype of Feronia wiedemanni ); Fig. 77. T . ( Molopsis ) wiedemanni ( Turkey , Abant Lake); Fig. 78. T . ( Molopsis ) wiedemanni ( Turkey , Aladaġlari); Fig. 79. T . ( Molopsis ) wiedemanni ( Turkey , Sundiren daġlari). Scale bars: 1 mm (Figs. 65–74); 0.5 mm (Figs. 75–79).