Revision and Phylogeny of the Eccritotarsine Plant Bug Genus Caulotops Bergroth, with Descriptions of Four New Genera and 14 New Species (Hemiptera Heteroptera: Miridae: Bryocorinae) Associated with Agave (Agavoideae Asparagaceae) and Related Plant Genera Author Henry, Thomas J. Systematic Entomology Laboratory, ARS, USDA, c / o National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, P. O. Box 37012, Washington, DC 20013 - 7012 (e-mail: thomas. henry @ usda. gov) Author Menard, Katrina L. Department of Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269 - 3044 (e-mail: katrina. menard @ uconn. edu) text Zootaxa 2020 2020-05-08 4772 2 201 252 journal article 22303 10.11646/zootaxa.4772.2.1 be5e4bdb-a5e2-48f0-bc0c-3c27ddb7a1cf 1175-5326 3816462 442349A6-2D72-4FBE-9E03-1F94F45096CD Agaveocoris marginalis Henry and Menard , new species ( Figs. 29–31 , 86–88 ). DE88D481-B69C-4A00-A786-4CB212251925 DIAGNOSIS . This species ( Fig. 29–31 ) is recognized by the relatively large size, yellowish- to reddish-orange head; the frons with a broad black mark on either side of median line; the black antennae; the mostly fuscous to black pronotum, with only the area between calli, a depressed spot behind each callus, and the posterior margin narrowly pale, and the straight lateral margins; the bright reddish-orange scutellum; and the dark hemelytra with a distinct bluish tinge. It is most similar to A. barrerai in general appearance and male genitalia, but A. barrerai differs in having a more yellowish head that is only occasionally tinged with pale orange; the frons has only indistinct transverse brown markings on either side of the median line; the pronotum is paler yellowish brown, has distinct fine black spots on the calli, and lacks the distinct narrowly pale posterior margin; the lateral margins of the pronotum are flared posteriorly; and the scutellum is predominantly yellow or pale yellowish orange. DESCRIPTION . Male (n = 5; holotype measurements in parentheses): Length from apex of head to cuneal fracture 3.70–3.95 mm ( 3.90 mm ); length from apex of head to apex of membrane 5.00– 5.30 mm ( 5.15 mm ); widest point across hemelytra 2.20–2.25 mm ( 2.20 mm ). Head : Width across eyes 1.30–1.31 mm ( 1.28 mm ); interocular width 0.75–0.77 mm ( 0.75 mm ). Labium : Length 1.78–1.85 mm ( 1.88 mm ), extending well past hind coxae to abdominal segment III or beyond. Antenna : Segment I length 0.58–0.62 mm ( 0.59 mm ); II, 1.07–1.09 mm ( 1.07 mm ); III, 0.75–0.78 mm ( 0.78 mm ); IV, 0.64–0.66 mm ( 0.66 mm ). Pronotum : Median length 0.83–0.86 mm ( 0.86 mm ); posterior width 1.60–1.63 mm ( 1.60 mm ). Macropterous, large sized, elongate oval. COLORATION. Head : Yellowish with a reddish-orange tinge to strongly reddish orange; frons with a broad black band on either side of median line, transverse black lines on vertex nearly coalescing with marks on frons; clypeus uniformly black; labrum black on basal half, white distally; eyes dark brown. Labium : Segment I pale yellowish brown, II-IV darker brown. Antenna : Uniformly black. Pronotum : Brown to dark brown, with triangular between calli, a depressed spotted behind each callus, and narrow posterior margin pale or whitish; calli darker, almost black. Mesoscutum : Reddish orange, lateral angles black. Scutellum : Uniformly reddish orange. Hemelytron : Fuscous to black, with a strong bluish sheen; membrane translucent dark smoky brown, veins dark brown to black. Ventral surface : Thorax and abdomen dark brown to black. Legs : Coxa whitish to pale yellowish brown, fuscous at bases; femora whitish to pale yellowish brown, with a few scattered, small, black spots on anterior and posterior surfaces; front and middle tibiae pale yellowish brown, hind tibia yellowish brown, sometimes become dark brown to fuscous on proximal two thirds; claws and tarsi brown. SURFACE and VESTITURE. Head, pronotum, and hemelytra shiny; head and hemelytra impunctate, pronotum finely punctate on disc. STRUCTURE. As in generic description. Male genitalia : Endosoma ( Fig. 86 ). Left paramere ( Fig. 87 ), small, C-shaped. Right paramere ( Fig. 88 ) elongate, shallowly C-shaped, with an upturned pointed apex. Female (n = 5): Length from apex of head to cuneal fracture 3.70–4.30 mm ; length from apex of head to apex of membrane 4.85–5.40 mm ; widest point across hemelytra 2.10–2.23 mm . Head : Width across eyes 1.34–1.38 mm ; interocular width 0.77–0.80 mm . Labium : Length 1.85–1.90 mm , extending well past hind coxae to abdominal segment III or beyond. Antenna : Segment I length 0.59–0.66 mm ; II, 1.04–1.10 mm ; III, 0.70–0.83 mm ; IV, 0.62–0.69 mm . Pronotum : Median length 0.85–0.91 mm ; posterior width 1.66–1.79 mm . Similar to male in size, shape, and coloration. ETYMOLOGY . The specific epithet “marginalis is given to denote the narrowly pale posterior margin of the largely fuscous or black pronotum. HOST . Agave sp. [ Agavoideae : Asparagaceae ]. DISTRIBUTION . Known only from Puebla and San Luis Potosi , Mexico . TYPE MATERIAL . Holotype , MEXICO : San Luis Potosi : Estacion Micro-ondes de Caballo, elev. 2250 m , 22°04’07.8”N , 100°38’30.0”W , 26 Apr. 2019 , T. J. Henry, P. M. Dellapé, H. Brailovsky, & E. Barrera, ex broad-leaved Agave sp. (USNM). Paratypes : Puebla : 1♂ , 6.3 mi. N Tehuacan, elev 5900 ft. , 22 July 1987 , Kovarik & Schaffner (TAM). San Luis Potosi : 23♂♂ , 24 ♀♀ , same data as for holotype ( 3♂♂ , 3♀♀ UNAM; 20♂♂ , 21♀♀ USNM).