Revision and Phylogeny of the Eccritotarsine Plant Bug Genus Caulotops Bergroth, with Descriptions of Four New Genera and 14 New Species (Hemiptera Heteroptera: Miridae: Bryocorinae) Associated with Agave (Agavoideae Asparagaceae) and Related Plant Genera Author Henry, Thomas J. Systematic Entomology Laboratory, ARS, USDA, c / o National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, P. O. Box 37012, Washington, DC 20013 - 7012 (e-mail: thomas. henry @ usda. gov) Author Menard, Katrina L. Department of Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269 - 3044 (e-mail: katrina. menard @ uconn. edu) text Zootaxa 2020 2020-05-08 4772 2 201 252 journal article 22303 10.11646/zootaxa.4772.2.1 be5e4bdb-a5e2-48f0-bc0c-3c27ddb7a1cf 1175-5326 3816462 442349A6-2D72-4FBE-9E03-1F94F45096CD Schaffnerocoris fuscotibialis Henry and Menard , new species ( Figs. 61, 62 , 113, 114 , 135 ) 0221DA1B-15BE-4F1C-921D-1EEED0CCA873 DIAGNOSIS. This species ( Figs. 61, 62 ) is distinguished by the dark brown thorax, the bright red hemelytra, the dark brown to fuscous hind femora and tibiae, and the broad, round apex of the right paramere ( Fig. 114 ). It differs from the two other species in this genus by the brown hind femur and tibia (versus pale) and the thick apically rounded right paramere (versus apically slender and acute). FIGURES 113–118. Male genitalia of Schaffnerocoris spp. S. fuscotibialis , n. sp. : 113, left paramere. 114, right paramere. S. pallipes , n. sp. ; 115, left paramere. 116, right paramere. S. similis , n. sp. : 117, left paramere. 118, right paramere. DESCRIPTION. Male : (n = 5; holotype measurements in parentheses): Length from apex of head to cuneal fracture 3.12–3.20 mm ( 3.12 mm ); length from apex of head to apex of membrane 4.16–4.36 mm ( 4.12 mm ); widest point across hemelytra 1.63–1.72 mm ( 1.62 mm ). Head : Width across eyes 1.15–1.17 mm ( 1.17 mm ); interocular width 0.59–0.62 mm ( 0.59 mm ). Labium : Length 1.55–1.68 mm ( 1.54 mm ), extending to hind coxae. Antenna : Segment I length 0.56–0.59 mm ( 0.56 mm ); II, 1.04–1.10 mm ( 1.06 mm ); III, 0.64–0.72 mm ( 0.67 mm ); IV, 0.62–0.85 mm ( 0.70 mm ). Pronotum : Median length 0.74–0.80 mm ( 0.75 mm ); posterior width 1.33–1.34 mm ( 1.30 mm ). Macropterous, elongate oval. COLORATION. Head : Whitish gray to gray with medially separated, transverse stripes of dark grayish red to fuscous across vertex and frons, posterior margin red to dark brown; eyes purplish red to reddish brown; clypeus and gena dark brown to black. Labium : Pale yellow. Antenna : All antennal segments dark brown to fuscous. Pronotum : Gray to dark grayish brown, furrows around calli distinctly darker. Mesoscutum : Red to reddish brown. Scutellum : Red to reddish brown, with lateral margins sometimes dark reddish brown to give a V-shaped appearance. Hemelytron : Deep red with darkening along the margin of claval commissure, corial margins sometimes paler yellowish red, cuneus sometimes paler along lateral margins; membrane translucent grayish brown, veins pale brown. Ventral surface : Thorax and episternum grayish red to dark red; abdomen dark red to grayish red. Legs : Coxae yellow; pro- and mesofemora yellow, metafemora dark brown except at bases, pro- and mesotibiae yellow, metatibiae dark brown; tarsomeres yellow; claws brown. SURFACE AND VESTITURE. As in generic description. STRUCTURE. As in generic description. Male genitalia: Endosoma and phallotheca as in generic description. Left paramere ( Fig. 113 ) small, L-shaped with small hook at apex. Right paramere ( Fig. 114 ) C-shaped, thickened, with a broadly rounded apex. Female : Unknown. FIGURES 119–128. Male genital tubercles of Agaveocoris spp. 119, A. agavis . 120, A. barberi . 121, A. barrerai , n. sp. 122, A. bimaculatus , n. sp. 123, A. dimidiatus , n. sp. 124, A. distanti . 125, A. roseus , n. sp. 126, A. rostratus , n. sp. 127, A. schaffneri , n. sp. 128, A. scutellatus , n. sp. ETYMOLOGY. The specific epithet fuscotibialis , derived from the word “fuscous,” meaning dark brown or almost black, and tibia, is used to denote the uniformly dark hind tibiae of this species. HOST. Unknown. DISTRIBUTION. Known from only Nuevo Leon , Mexico . TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype , MEXICO : Nuevo Leon : 23.6 mi SW Linares , 3 July 1974 , Clark , Murray , Hart , & Schaffner ( TAMU ) . PARATYPES : MEXICO : Nuevo Leon : 9♂♂ , same data as for holotype ( 6♂♂ TAMU 736- 44 ; 3♂♂ USNM 739-740 , 743 ) ; 2♂♂ , 15 mi W Linares , 2-3 July 1973 , Mastro & Schaffner ( TAMU 745-746 ) ; 1♂ , 9 mi W Iturbide , 3 July 1974 , Clark , Murray , Hart , Schaffner ( TAMU 747 ) ; 2♂♂ , 18 mi SW Linares , 2 July 1974 , Clark , Murray , Hart , Schaffner , ( TAMU 748-749 ) ; 3♂♂ , 15 mi. W Linares , 2-3 July 1973 , Clark , Murray , Ashe , Schaffner , [ TAMU ] .