A review of clearwing moths in the tribe Synanthedonini, with descriptions of six new species from Taiwan (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) Author Liang, Jia-Yuan Author Hsu, Yu-Feng text Zootaxa 2015 4044 4 535 555 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4044.4.4 7049a2b8-655c-4381-a708-b549d2f1e569 1175-5326 243567 4EF25DAC-946F-4F1B-9FF9-2A10D3B5B8E6 Paranthrenella weiyui Liang & Hsu sp. nov. ( Figs 5 , 18 ) Holotype . ♂, NEW TAIPEI : Sanchi, Sanban Bridge, 350 m , 18.III.2014 , reared from Lindera megaphylla , emg. 5.IV.2014 , YMS 14C28, J.Y. Liang Coll. (NHM). Paratypes . 1♂ , same date as holotype (Gen. Prep. JYL-011, NTNU ); 1♂ , same locality, 300 m , 24.II.2013 , reared from L. megaphylla , emg. 14.IV.2013 , YMS 13B01, J.Y. Liang Coll. ( NTNU ). Description. Male ( Fig. 5 ). Antennae length 6.3−6.4mm (n=3); forewing length 7.7–8.2 mm (n=3); body length 9.5–10.1 mm (n=3). Head: antenna black with blue-violet sheen dorsally and light brown with a few yellow scales ventrally; frons white; labial palpus yellow; vertex black with purplish sheen; pericephalic scales yellow with a few black scales dorsally and pale yellow laterally. Thorax: patagium black with violet sheen; tegula yellow with a black with purplish sheen spot at base of forewing; mesothorax black with a few yellow scales anteriorly; metathorax yellow; thorax laterally yellow with a few black scales. Legs: fore coxa yellow with a small, narrow, longitudinal spot medio-basally; hind tibia black, internally and at base of both pairs of spurs yellow; spurs yellow. Abdomen: black with blue sheen; tergite 1 with a few yellow scales medially; tergites 2, 3, 5 and 6 each with a narrow yellow stripe distally; tergite 4 with a broad yellow stripe distally; tergite 7 with a narrow, broadened laterally, yellow-orange stripe distally; sterna 2, 3 black, others densely mixed with yellow scales; anal tuft dorsally dark brown to black with blue-violet sheen, with a narrow admixture of yellow-orange scales medially and laterally, ventrally yellow-orange. Forewing: black basally; costal margin dark brown to black, with a narrow yellow stripe between vein Sc and R-stem; discal spot and veins within exterior transparent area dark brown to black; apical area dark brown, with admixture of yellow scales between veins R3-Cu1 distally; discal spot broad, slightly broadened medially; exterior transparent area large divided into five cells, level to M2 about 1.2X as broad as discal spot and 4X as broad as apical area; posterior transparent area reaching distal margin of discal spot; fringe dark brown. Hindwing: mostly transparent; veins, discal spot and outer margin dark brown to black with bronzedpurple sheen; discal spot small, cuneiform, reaching to vein M2; outer margin broad, about 1−2 as broad as fringe; fringe dark brown, yellow anally. Genitalia. Male (Gen. Prep. JYL-011, NTNU, Fig. 18 ). Tegumen-uncus complex relatively narrow; scopula androconialis well-developed, long, about as long as tegumen-uncus complex; crista gnathi medialis long and narrow, semi-oval, membranous proximally; crista gnathi lateralis semi-oval, narrow and short, membranous; valva elongated oval; crista sacculi nearly undeveloped, covered with same setae as most part of valva; ventral crista low and short, covered with relatively short flat-topped setae; saccus rounded basally, nearly as long as vinculum; phallus extremely narrow about 2/3 length of valva; vesica with numerous, irregular, minute cornuti. Diagnosis. Paranthrenella weiyui sp. nov. is distinct from all known species of the genus Paranthrenella by possessing additional brown scalings along hindwing termen ( Fig. 5 ). Besides, M 2 in exterior transparent area is short, approximately 1/ 4X of length of M 2 in apical area, whereas it is 1/ 2X or more than 1/ 2X in the other species. Etymology. This species is named for Mr. Wei-Yu Wang. His observation of larva and host plant at the type locality led to the discovery of the specie. Biology. The larva bores into the trunks of 3−5 cm diameter of Lindera megaphylla (Lauraceae) and feeds on callus tissue around the hole, which was covered with silk, debris, and frass. Distribution. Known only from the type locality in Taiwan .