Two new species of Corynellus Bates, 1885 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae) Author Santos-Silva, Antonio Museu de Zoologia Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo, SP, Brazil Author Wappes, James E. American Coleoptera Museum 8734 Paisano Pass San Antonio, TX 78255 - 3523, USA text Insecta Mundi 2020 2020-10-30 2020 811 1 7 journal article 7850 10.5281/zenodo.4565469 12176670-5037-4df4-bd36-fac23bc16de1 1942-1354 4565469 8DAAC466-8318-4233-871D-2CECB9EF80D9 Corynellus rebeccae Santos-Silva and Wappes , new species ( Fig. 1–6 ) Description. Holotype male ( Fig. 1–4 ). Head orange, except wide black band behind eyes, which includes the eyes dorsally and antennal tubercles forming a wide subquadrate macula covering most of frons; maxillary and labial palpomere I brownish-orange with pale apex, maxillary palpomere II–III and labial palpomere II brownish with pale apex, and maxillary palpomere IV and labial palpomere III blackish with yellowish apex; mandibles brownish-orange on basal half, black on posterior half; scape mostly orange on anterior half, black on remaining surface; pedicel and antennomeres black. Pronotum orange except one wide, longitudinal black band on each side. Sides of prothorax orange, except wide, longitudinal black band placed closer to prosternum than pronotum. Prosternum yellowish except yellowish-white sides and apex of prosternal process. Ventral surface of mesothorax blackish laterally, central area of mesoventrite yellowish, and mesoventral process gradually yellowish-white. Ventral surface of metathorax black except one small, irregular brownish-orange macula on each side of posterior region. Scutellum black. Elytra orange on anterior 2/3 except black longitudinal band along suture on anterior sixth (narrowed toward its apex); posterior third dark blue, with irregular black areas interspersed. Procoxae yellowish except blackish macula close to trochanter; mesocoxae yellowish on anterior half, black on posterior half; metacoxae black. Trochanters darkened close to coxae, gradually yellowish toward apex. Femora yellowish-brown on peduncle, base of dorsal surface and most of sides and ventral surface of club, blackish on remaining surface. Tibiae and tarsi black. Abdomen black. Head. Frons coarsely, sparsely punctate (punctures partially confluent); with erect yellowish-brown setae, and a few brownish setae interspersed, except central area glabrous. Area between antennal tubercles with short, sparse yellowish-brown setae; remaining central area of vertex with dense yellowish-brown pubescence, except triangular area close to prothorax nearly glabrous, and sides with minute, sparse yellowish-brown setae, with a few long, erect brownish setae close to eyes. Area behind eyes somewhat coarsely, partially confluent behind upper eye lobes, finely, sparsely punctate behind lower eye lobes; area close to eye with sparse, short yellowish-brown setae, and long, erect, sparse brownish setae interspersed behind lower eye lobes, and area close to prothorax glabrous. Genae finely, sparsely punctate, except smooth apex and sides of area close to mandible; with short, sparse yellowish setae, and long, erect sparse yellowish and brownish setae interspersed. Antennal tubercles finely, sparsely punctate basally, smooth on remaining surface; with short, sparse yellowish-brown setae basally, remaining surface glabrous. Wide central area of postclypeus with sparse, short, erect yellowish setae, and long, erect brownish setae interspersed, sides glabrous. Labrum with long, sparse yellowish-brown setae directed forward. Gulamentum smooth, glabrous on posterior half, striate-punctate, with long, erect, yellowish-brown setae on anterior half. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.66 times length of scape (0.38 times distance between outer margins of eyes); in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.79 length of scape (0.45 times distance between outer margins of eyes). Antennae about as long as elytra, reaching posterior fifth of elytra. Scape with minute, very sparse yellowish setae, and long, erect dark setae throughout. Pedicel and antennomeres with dark pubescence, and long, erect dark seta interspersed, throughout on pedicel and antennomeres III–IV (distinctly abundant on posteroventral area of III–IV); remaining antennomeres with long, erect, sparse dark setae (shorter on XI). Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.96; pedicel = 0.19; IV = 0.92; V = 1.27; VI = 1.04; VII = 1.00; VIII = 0.88; IX = 0.84; X = 0.81; XI = 0.96. Thorax. Pronotum coarsely, shallowly, sparsely punctate centrally, coarsely, abundantly, deeply punctate laterally; with abundant brownish-orange pubescence partially obscuring integument on light areas, slightly brownish on dark areas; with long, erect, abundant brownish setae throughout. Sides of prothorax coarsely, sparsely punctate; pubescence and erect setae as on pronotum. Prosternum with sparse yellowish pubescence, and long, erect sparse yellowish setae interspersed; prosternal process longitudinally sulcate, with its narrowest area about 0.25 times width of procoxal cavity. Mesoventrite with sparse yellowish pubescence centrally, distinctly denser laterally. Mesanepisternum sparsely pubescent superiorly, with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence toward mesepimeron; mesepimeron with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence. Mesoventral process deeply emarginate posteriorly; narrowest area 0.35 times width of mesocoxal cavity. Metanepisternum with brownish pubescence not obscuring integument. Metaventrite with brownish pubescence not obscuring integument laterally, and long, erect, sparse brownish setae throughout, except central area glabrous. Scutellum with sparse yellowish-brown pubescence. Elytra. Sides gradually widened toward posterior quarter, then gradually narrowed toward apex; finely and abundantly punctate on anterior 2/3, rugose on posterior third (dark posterior area); with dense brownish-orange pubescence, and long, erect setae of same color interspersed on light and dark anterior area, with long, erect dark seta on dark blue area; epipleural margin with short fringe of brownish-orange setae on light area, dark on dark blue area. Legs. Femora pedunculate-clavate, especially meso- and metafemora; with long, erect, sparse setae throughout, most on peduncle and ventral surface of club yellowish, and most on dorsal surface blackish. Tibiae with both short and long erect setae, mostly yellowish basally, darker toward apex; ventral surface of protibiae with abundant, erect yellowish-brown setae ventrally; apex of ventral surface with short, bristly, abundant dark setae near apex of meso- and metatibiae. Figures 1–6. Corynellus rebeccae . 1–4) Holotype male. 1) Dorsal habitus. 2) Ventral habitus. 3) Lateral habitus. 4) Head, frontal view. 5–6) Paratype female. 5) Dorsal habitus. 6) Ventral habitus. Abdomen. Ventrites with very sparse, long, erect, brownish setae; apex of ventrite V widely emarginate centrally. Female ( Fig. 5–6 ). General color as in male, except, area between antennal tubercles entirely dark brown; scape entirely black; prosternum and prosternal process brownish-orange; mesoventrite and mesoventral process blackish; trochanters dark brown; light area of femora brownish-orange. Antennae 0.90 times elytral length, reaching base of posterior third of elytra. Apex of abdominal ventrite V truncate. Dimensions in mm ( holotype male/ paratype female). Total length, 12.50/13.65; prothoracic length, 1.85/2.00; anterior prothoracic width, 1.60/1.75; posterior prothoracic width, 2.20/2.15; maximum prothoracic width, 2.40/2.50; humeral width, 3.10/3.50; elytral length, 9.70/10.30. Type material. Holotype male from BOLIVIA , Santa Cruz : Florida , 4 km N Bermejo , Refugio Los Volcanes , 18°06 S / 63°36 W , 1000–1200 m , 12.XII.2012 , Skillman and Wappes col. ( FSCA , formerly FWSC ) . Paratype female, same data as holotype , except 16.XII.2012 ( FWSC ). Remarks. Corynellus rebeccae sp. nov. is similar to C. mimulus Bates, 1885 , but differs as follows: prothorax lacking dark band on posterocentral area; elytra more distinctly widened from base to posterior quarter; elytra five times as long as prothorax; anterior dark sutural band not reaching posterior dark area. In C. mimulus , the prothorax has dark posterocentral band, elytra less widened from base to posterior quarter, about four times longer than prothorax, and dark sutural band fused with the dark posterior area. Etymology. The species is dedicated to Rebecca Ann Wappes, wife of the second co-author.