A new species of Metafruticicola (Gastropoda, Hygromiidae) from the Aegean Archipelago and new anatomical and distributional data on some congeneric species Author Bitzilekis, Eleftherios 599CF3C1-6866-472D-AE73-DA281CC99E5D Natural History Museum of Crete, School of Sciences and Engineering, University of Crete, 71409 Irakleio, Greece. & Biology Department, School of Sciences and Engineering, University of Crete, Voutes University Campus, 70013 Irakleio, Greece. ebitzi@hotmail.com Author Vardinoyannis, Katerina CFD1E53C-B8A2-44E4-8E61-A0664CDD1067 Natural History Museum of Crete, School of Sciences and Engineering, University of Crete, 71409 Irakleio, Greece. mollusca@nhmc.uoc.gr Author Mylonas, Moisis 5AF8941E-C2E3-4EA6-8002-9344BE3C6BA9 Natural History Museum of Crete, School of Sciences and Engineering, University of Crete, 71409 Irakleio, Greece. & Biology Department, School of Sciences and Engineering, University of Crete, Voutes University Campus, 70013 Irakleio, Greece. mylonas@nhmc.uoc.gr text European Journal of Taxonomy 2023 2023-07-04 879 1 1 23 http://dx.doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2023.879.2155 journal article 58541 10.5852/ejt.2023.879.2155 67c69252-9e0f-49b8-b7c7-ce62d25e9251 2118-9773 8135424 02FF7797-1F28-4782-B9F6-24CE9A4993D3 Metafruticicola coartata coartata Fuchs & Käufel, 1936 Figs 6 , 7A , 8 Material examined GREECE Cyclades • 7 shells, 19 specs in 75% alcohol, 4 dissections; Askania Islet ; 36.2346° N , 25.2135° E ; 22 Mar. 1993 ; M. Mylonas leg.; NHMC 50.4077 16 shells, 28 specs in 75% alcohol, 4 dissections; Christiani Islet ; 36.2497° N , 25.2038° E ; 19 Mar. 1993 ; M. Mylonas leg.; NHMC 50.3721 1 spec. in 95% alcohol; Thirasia Island ; 36.4265° N , 25.3423° E ; 26 May 2007 ; K. Vardinoyannis leg.; NHMC 50 . 42157 6 shells; Anafi Island , Moni Zoodochou Pigis to Moni Panagias Kalamiotissas ; 36.3583° N , 25.8309° E ; 26 Nov. 2021 ; L. Maroulis leg.; NHMC 50.49858 3 shells, 4 specs in 75% alcohol, 2 dissections; Fteno Islet ; 36.3111° N , 25.7999° E ; 22 Mar. 1993 ; M. Mylonas leg.; NHMC 50.3726 14 shells, 19 specs in 75% alcohol, 2 dissections; Makra Islet ; 36.2693° N , 25.8857° E ; 21 Mar. 1993 ; M. Mylonas leg.; NHMC 50.4056 8 shells; Pacheia Islet ; 36.2737° N , 25.8308° E ; 21 Mar. 1993 ; M. Mylonas leg.; NHMC 50.432 . – Dodecanese • 46 shells, 3 specs in 75% alcohol, 2 dissections; Sochas Islet ; 36.0573° N , 26.4047° E ; 18 May 2018 ; P. Lymberakis leg.; NHMC 50.16877 18 shells, 15 specs in 75% alcohol, 3 dissections; Mikri Zafora Islet ; 36.0467° N , 26.4096° E ; 21 Apr. 1989 ; M. Mylonas leg.; NHMC 50.9955 22 shells; Safonidi Islet ; 36.8867° N , 26.9211° E ; 30 Mar. 2005 ; K. Triantis leg.; NHMC 50.26812 . Locus typicus Greece , “ Insel Astropalia” (= Astypalaia). Description SHELL . Shell description is given by Bank et al . (2013: 117) . SHELL DIMENSIONS (n = 141). H 6.54–12.64 mm ; D 11.41–17.52 mm ; W 51/s–57/8 whorls. – Askania Islet (n = 7): H 7.29–12.64 mm (mean = 9.96 mm ); D 12.15–16.03 mm (mean = 14.09); W 54/s–57/8 (mean = 55/8). All of the shells with one or two prominent growth interruptions. – Christiani Islet (n = 16): H 6.54–8.6 mm (mean = 7.62 mm ); D 11.41–13.39 mm (mean = 12.15 mm ); W 51/s–54/s (mean = 53/8). All of the shells with one or two prominent growth interruptions. – Anafi Island (n = 6): H 7.17–8.43 mm (mean = 7.84 mm ); D 11.86–14.75 mm (mean = 13, 27 mm ); W 51/s–53/8 (mean = 52/s). All of the shells with one or two prominent growth interruptions. – Fteno Islet (n = 3): H 7.72–8.06 mm (mean = 7.89 mm ); D 12.3–12.88 mm (mean = 12.59 mm ); W 52/s–54/s (mean = 53/8). Shells with one growth interruption. – Makra Islet (n = 14): H 7.48–9.09 mm (mean = 8.25 mm ); D 11.98–14.46 mm (mean = 13.23 mm ); W 51/s–55/8 (mean = 53/8). Most of the shells with two growth interruptions. – Pacheia Islet (n = 8): H 7.25–8.28 mm (mean = 7.73 mm ); D 11.85–13.72 mm (mean = 12.55 mm ); W 51/s–54/s (mean = 52/s). All of the shells with one or two prominent growth interruptions. – Sochas Islet (n = 46): H 8.7–11.11 mm (mean = 9.98 mm ); D 13.68–17.52 mm (mean = 15.68 mm ); W 52/s–57/8 (mean = 55/8). Shells with one or rarely two interruptions. – Mikri Zafora Islet (n = 19): H 8.77–11.45 mm (mean = 9.84 mm ); D 12.32–16.18 mm (mean = 14.84 mm ); W 54/s–57/8 (mean = 55/8). Shells with two growth interruptions, several with three. – Safonidi Islet (n = 22): H 7.53–8.69 mm (mean = 8.06 mm ); D 11.08–13.07 mm (mean = 12.10 mm ); W 51/s–54/s (mean = 53/8). Shells with one or rarely two interruptions. GENITALIA ( Fig. 6 ). Flagellum very long, three times the length of the epiphallus. Epiphallus evenly thick. Penial retractor attached in the proximal third of the epiphallus. Penis around three quarters the length of epiphallus in Makra, Mikri Zafora and Askania. In the specimens from Fteno, the penis is around one third the length of epiphallus. In the specimens from Askania and Fteno the penis is clavate, thicker and distinct at its junction with the epiphallus, while from Christiani, Makra, Sochas and Mikri Zafora islets, it is fusiform with less distinct boundaries with the epiphallus. Penial papilla has a smooth surface and a vertical groove in the center; the epiphallic pore lies at its base. In specimens from Sochas and Mikri Zafora the papilla is semi-ellipsoid, whereas in the animals from Christiani, Makra, Askania and Fteno islets the two parts of the papilla are longer, sub-cylindrical, bilobed but not separated, with rounded tips and one of these two parts is bulkier. Inner penial walls have a smooth surface apart from the specimens of Sochas and Mikri Zafora, where some prominent vertical grooves are observed ( Fig. 6C ), while in Makra these grooves are less prominent ( Fig. 6D ). Vas deferens slender. In Makra and Mikri Zafora the vagina is short and slender and has distinct boundaries with the thick base of the duct of the gametolytic gland. In Fteno and Askania the vagina is very short and thick and the boundaries with the base of the duct of the gametolytic gland are vague. Inside the thickened base of the duct there are some longitudinal ridges. Free oviduct is a bit longer than the penis and as broad as the duct of the gametolytic gland. Gametolytic gland is ovate. Remarks The shell measurements provided here have a wider range than those given by Bank et al . (2013) , due to the populations of different islets that were examined in this study and the large number of specimens. Part of the material that was examined comes from islands and islets that were, until now, out of the distributional range of M. c. coartata , most of which were not previously known to host a species of Metafruticicola ( Fig. 8 ).