Revision of the genus Euscelidia Westwood, 1850 (Diptera: Asilidae: Leptogastrinae) Author Dikow, Torsten text African Invertebrates 2003 2003-12-31 44 2 1 131 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.7911189 2305-2562 7911189 Euscelidia insolita sp. n. Figs 40 , 41 Etymology: Latin adjective insolitus = unusual, uncommon, odd; refers to the unusual shape of the aedeagus. Diagnosis: The species is distinguished from congeners by the large size, predominantly apruinose sct, and features of the ơ terminalia (d aed shea Fig. 40 ). Description: Head: Black; fc yellow pruinose, fc gib indistinct, mystax white, many macrosetae; prob and plp brown, setae white; oc tr pruinose dorsally; occ silver pruinose, setae white; Antennae - scp brown, white setae ventrally, white pruinose; ped brown, brown setae ventrally and dorsally, white pruinose; pped brown, white pruinose; apsel brown. Thorax: Black; ppro peg large, silver pruinose; sct predominantly apruinose, yellow pruinosity restricted to anterior, lateral, and posterior margins, yellow setae on pruinose area, few scattered on apruinose part; macrosetae: 1 white npl s, 1 white or black spal s; sctl silver pruinose, ds sctl s and sctl s long, yellow; Legs - yellow to brown; fem light brown, meta fem pale yellow proximally, clubbed, club with brown lateral stripe; tib light brown, brown stripe dorsally, pale yellow stripe not reaching tip anteriorly; first tar yellow, brown distad, remaining tar brown, setae black; emp about a quarter of length of clw; Wings - densely covered with microtrichia, brown stained, veins brown; ptero distinct, brown; cell d terminating in 2 veins; hlt light brown. Abdomen: Black; grey pruinose, distal T more brown pruinose dorsally, T1 with long yellow setae laterally, T 2 in proximal half with white setae laterally, remaining T with short white and yellow setae, S grey pruinose; ơ terminalia Fig. 40 - sur pointed distally, lobe ventrally; hypd ventral margin straight; d aed shea proximally plate-like, distally with 4 lateral narrow lobes, dorsally with separate structure covering ductus ejaculatorius, medium length; lat apod bifurcated. A B C D Fig. 40. ơ terminalia of Euscelidia insolita sp. n. A. Dorsal. B. Ventral. C. Lateral. D. Aedeagus lateral. Scale line = 1 mm. Type material - The ơ holotype is labelled ‘Elisabethville [Lubumbashi] Congo Belge Dr, M. Bequaert 20-I-35 [ 20.i.1935 ] (date handwritten on backside of label) / R.I.Sc.N.B. 24.236 Coll. M. Bequaert / E. Janssens det., 1955 Euscelidia Datis Walker (handwritten except for ‘E. Janssens det., 195’) / HOLOTYPE Euscelidia insolita sp. nov. det. T. Dikow 2001 (red label)’. The specimen is directly mounted, is in very good condition (right meta leg broken; ơ terminalia attached to specimens pin in micro vial), and is deposited in the ISNB. Two ^ paratypes are labelled ‘ Elisabethville [Lubumbashi] Congo Belge Dr, M . Bequaert 20-I-35 [ 20.i.1935 ] (respectively mars 1934 [ Mar 1934 ]) (date handwritten on backside of label) / R.I.Sc. N.B. 24.236 Coll. M. Bequaert / PARATYPE Euscelidia insolita sp. nov. det. T. Dikow 2001 (yellow label)’. The specimens are directly mounted, are in good condition ( 1 specimen with left meta leg broken; 1 specimen with right meta leg and abdomen broken that is attached to specimens pin on piece of cardboard), and are deposited in the ISNB . Type locality and distribution (Fig. 41): DR Congo , Lubumbashi (former Elisabethville), 1139'S 27 28'E . DR Congo .