New genera, species and host plant records of Nearctic and Neotropical Tephritidae (Diptera) 2398 Author Norrbom, Allen L. Author Sutton, Bruce D. Author Steck, Gary J. Author Monzón, José text Zootaxa 2010 2010-03-12 2398 1 65 journal article 1175­5334 Xanthaciura insecta (Loew) Remarks. The examined series from Venezuela has the subbasal hyaline mark in cell cu 1 more elongate than in other specimens examined. Biology. Ten species, including seven species of Bidens , have been previously reported as host plants for X. insecta . The records below include a new host record from Cosmos sulphureus Cav. and data documenting the records of Bidens squarrosa H.B.K. and Dahlia coccinea Cav. reported by Foote et al. (1993) . Bidens , Cosmos , and Dahlia are closely related genera, all belonging to the tribe Coreopsideae of the Asteraceae . The larvae develop in the flowerheads. FIGURES 123–125. Host plants: Porophyllum ruderale , host of Trupanea pseudovicina : 123, inflorescence; 124–125, capitula. FIGURES 126–129. Undetermined probable host plant of Ostracocoelia mirabilis , possibly Ageratina sp. : 126, female on foliage; 127, female in oviposition; 128, old stem gall; 129, opened gall showing empty puparium. Material examined. GUATEMALA : Huehuetenango : Huehuetenango - Cuilco Road (7W), E of Chejoj , 15.41126°N 91.8241°W , 1717 m , emerged 3–5 Dec 2007 reared ex flowerheads of Cosmos sulphureus (07G63) collected 24 Nov 2007 , B.D. Sutton , A.L. Norrbom , J. Monzón , F. Camposeco , 1♂ 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT00671457–58 ) . Sacatepéquez : Volcán de Agua , trail from Ciudad Viejo , reared ex flowers of Dahlia coccinea Cav. (90G11), 19 Oct 1990 , A. L. Norrbom , 42♂ 29♀ ( USNM ) , 3♂ 2♀ ( FSCA ) , 4♂ 2♀ ( UVG ) . MEXICO : Chiapas : Rt. 190 between Belem & Teopisca , 1800 m , reared ex flowerheads of Dahlia coccinea Cav. (87M15), 20 Sep 1987 , A. L. Norrbom & L. E. Carroll , 1♂ 1♀ ( IEXV ) , 2♂ 3♀ ( USNM USNMENT00214399–403 ) ; Rt. 195 btw. Bochil & Soyalo , 1550 m , reared ex flowerheads of Dahlia coccinea Cav. (87M9), 19 Sep 1987 , A. L. Norrbom , 1♂ 1♀ ( IEXV ) , 2♂ 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT00104384–86 ) , Cacahoatan , Centro Exp. Rosario Izapa , 14°59'N 90°10'W , reared ex flowerheads of Bidens alba L. (93M13), 2 Nov 1993 , A. L. Norrbom & C. Estrada , 3♂ 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT00214348–51 ) . VENEZUELA : Mérida : Páramo La Culata , reared ex flowerheads of Bidens squarrosa H.B. K. (89V16), 27 Oct 1989 , A. L. Norrbom , 1♂ 2♀ ( IZAM ) , 3♂ 6♀ ( USNM USNMENT00104391–400 ) .