Coleoptera Heteromera From Guam Author Blair, K. G. British Museum \ (Natural History), London text 1942 1942-06-01 Bernice P. Bishop Museum Honolulu, Hawaii Insects of Guam I 56 60 book chapter 7700299b-eb39-4c24-86fe-2eabb15beda7 5159673 2. Euglenes guamensis , new species . Similar in form to E. bifossicollis , but thorax smaller and more strongly transverse, without the prebasal foveae; the puncturation is finer, the coarser hairs more decumbent and not conspicuous, the fine decumbent pubescence exhibiting dark markings on a silvery ground as follows: on thorax an elongate median patch and a smaller spot near each angle; on elytra an irregular transverse band (or three spots united) at basal one fourth, a strongly zigzag transverse band just beyond middle, projecting farthest forward on suture and nearly as far in middle of disk. Antennae.stout (female), joints 4 to 11 of equal thickness, 6 to 10 strongly transverse. Hind femora rather strongly incrassate. Length 1.25 mm. Libugon Farm, Aug. 10, holotype female, swept from unknown tree; Inarajan, May 7, one female ; Piti, Oct. 29, swept from bamboo, one female ; Agana, May 15, one example, head and prothorax missing; all collected by Swezey. Very close to Xylophilus marquesa .nus Blair (B. P. Bishop Mus., Bull. 98: 290, fig. 1, 1935), but rather smaller with stouter antennae and the dark markings of the elytra differently disposed.