Review Of The Species Groups Of The Genus Ctenoceratoda Varga, 1992 With Description Of Four New Species And A New Subspecies (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) Author Varga, Zoltán Author Gyulai, Péter Author Ronkay, Gábor Author Ronkay, László text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2018 2018-03-30 64 1 51 74 journal article 110555 10.17109/AZH. d747e720-4280-469c-98a5-7f52451fe05b 2064-2474 5734636 Ctenoceratoda scotosparsa sp. n. ( Figs 9–12 , 27 , 42–46 ) Holotype : male, Mongolia , Govi Altai aimak, Mongolian Altay Mts , Sutay uul, 16 km SE of Dzuyl , 46°11’N , 94°01’E ; 2070 m , 28.VI.2005 , leg. T . Csővári (coll. P. Gyulai , Miskolc ). Paratypes . Mongolia . 17 males , 2 females , from the same locality as the holotype, 28. VI. and 4.VII.2005, leg. T . Csővári (coll. T . Csővári , P. Gyulai , G. Ronkay , Z. Varga and HNHM ); 3 males , Govi Altai aimak, 45 km SE Biger , 1850 m , 5. VI.2004, leg. Saldaitis (coll. P. Gyulai ), 2 males , Govi Altay aimak, N slope of Adz Bogd Mts , 1880 m , 8. VI.2004, leg. Saldaitis (coll. M. Dvořák , Smrcna , Czech Republic ). Slide Nos: GYP 1739m ; RL 8644m , VZ 7678m , VZ 9491m , VZ 9492m , VZ 9521m (males), VZ9508f, VZ9509 (females). Diagnosis – Ctenoceratoda scotosparsa is on average the smallest species of the khorgossi -group with its wingspan 33–38 mm . It is most closely related to C. argyrea ( Figs 7–8 ) but is smaller in size and more narrow-winged, the light ochreous-grey ground colour of the forewing is irrorated with whitish and blackish-brown scales, and the entire wing is less shiny than in C. argyrea . The maculation is also different: reniform stigma finely blackish defined, with blackish-brown filling and an L-shaped whitish spot basally, without “pipeshaped” elongate whitish stripe like in C. argyrea and C. khorgossi . The claviform stigma is unicolorous blackish-brown, being very different from those of all other species of the species-group (and the whole genus). The inner side of the subterminal line is followed by sharp black arrowheads. The hindwings are more unicolorous and darker than in all related species. The male genitalia ( Figs 43–46 ) are also proportionally smaller than in the related species, the “head” of the cucullus is not inflated than in C. argyrea and more rounded than in C. cyanochrea ( Figs 47–48 ). The ampulla is relatively broad, slightly curved and rounded terminally; the fascia of cornuti in vesica is shorter than in the related species, as well as the appendix bursae in the female genitalia ( Fig. 42 ). Distribution and bionomics. Mostly unknown. The type-series was collected at medium-high altitude of the Mongolian Altai Mts; the flight period is the early summer.