Rhaphium Meigen (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from the Taimyr Peninsula (Russia), with description of a new species Author Negrobov, Oleg P. Author Barkalov, Аnatolii V. Author S, Оlga В. Author Va, E L I Va N O text Zootaxa 2012 3548 75 87 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.282829 ac2ae19b-f934-4d63-9a1f-993d174bce39 1175-5326 282829 Rhaphium tridactylum (Frey) Rhaphium tridactylum ( Frey, 1915 ) : 37 ( Porphyrops ). Material examined . Russia : 2 3, Taimyr Reserve, Ary-Mas field station, left bank of river Novaya, 14 m a.s.l., inundated terrace, 72.5°N , 101.94°E , 10–12.VII.2010 , A. Barkalov. Distribution . Sweden , Finland , Russia : Murmansk Region, Taimyr Peninsula, Khabarovsk Region.