Synopsis of the genus Oxathres Bates (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Author Monné, Miguel A. Author Tavakilian, Gerard Luc text Zootaxa 2011 2928 20 28 journal article 46576 10.5281/zenodo.278002 a5abeabc-1b4e-47cb-9b87-a5043811f1d2 1175-5326 278002 Oxathres guyanensis sp. nov. ( Fig. 3 ) Description. Male. Integument predominantly brown-yellowish; antennomeres I II, V,VII, IX XI and apical half of III IV, VI, VIII with integument dark brown, basal half of III IV, VI, VIII with integument yellowish covered with whitish pubescence. Pronotum with integument dark brown and an ill-defined longitudinal median line of yellowish pubescence. Elytra densely covered with clear-brownish pubescence, in the basal half a rounded patch of dark-brown pubescence and in the apical half two transverse zigzag fascia of white-yellowish pubescence, each fascia composed by several spots. Femora, a median ring in the tibiae and the basal tarsomere covered with yellowish pubescence. Antennae reaching the apices of the elytra in the distal extreme of antennomere VII Prothorax laterally unarmed. Pronotum with a transverse row of punctures near the posterior margin. Elytra without longitudinal carinae near the suture; apices obliquely truncated, angles slightly produced. Surface moderately punctured in the basal fourth, more scattered in the distal third. Apex of urotergite rounded; urosternite shallowly semicircularly emarginated. Female. Antennae reaching the apices of the elytra in the base of antennomere VIII; apex of the urotergite and urosternite rounded. Measurements (mm), male/female. Total length, 7.8/8.7 9.8; prothorax length, 1.4/1.3 1.5; prothorax width, 2.0/1.9 2.5; elytral length, 5.5/5.5 7.5; humeral width, 2.6/2.8 3.4. Etymology. guyanensis , allusive to the name Guyane where the material was collected. Type material. Holotype male, FRENCH GUIANA , Remire, 26.IV.1986 , Christian Marschal leg., à vue, de jour, (ex-collection IRD [# 269], MNHN ). Paratypes : Chemin Vidal, female, 11.VII.1984 , G. Tavakilian col. (excollection IRD , MNHN ). Montjoly, female, 29.III.1981 , Michel Rémillet col. (ex-collection IRD , MNRJ ). Fourgassié, female, 15.06.1997 , Jérôme Collgros, à vue, de jour, (ex-collection IRD , MNHN ). Piste de Kaw, pk 36, female, 0 1.06.1992, Jean-Aimé Cerda, à vue, de jour, (ex-collection IRD , MNHN ). BRAZIL , Rondonia, 62km SW Ariquemes, Fazenda Rancho Grande, male, 8 20 XI 1994 , J.E. Eger, L.B. & C.W. O'Brien col. ( ACMT ). Comments. O. guyanensis sp. nov. is similar to O. erotyloides Bates , by the sides of the prothorax unarmed and by the pattern of coloration and arrangement of patches.