Taxonomic Review of Eumenes Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae) from the New World Author Grandinete, Yuri Campanholo Author Noll, Fernando Barbosa Author Carpenter, James text Zootaxa 2018 2018-08-14 4459 1 1 52 journal article 29039 10.11646/zootaxa.4459.1.1 9acf71bc-6414-4878-8af0-a64d3ec1fea6 1175-5326 1458302 633A9498-FCC6-4439-BE33-A45B9E51B550 Eumenes sculleni Bohart, 1950 Eumenes sculleni Bohart, 1950 , 63: 78. Type data: Holotype male at CAS (n° 6143). Type locality: Charleston Mts. , C 1ark Co., Nevada , 7500 feet ”. Bohart, 1951: 885 (cat). Krombein, 1979: 1508 (cat.). MacLachlan, 1980 , 53: 618, 619 (key). Distribution: U. S. A. (CA, NV, UT). Comments and diagnosis: Eumenes sculleni Bohart, 1950 , can be identified by the shiny integument, especially on the metasoma; the long golden pubescence along the body; the weak and very sparse punctation on the metasoma; the globose T2, with its lateral angle strongly concave and rising up abruptly. Redescription. Holotype Eumenes sculleni Bohart, 1950 ( Fig. 17 ) Male. Color, head: Black with yellow marks as follows: mandibles; labrum; clypeus; inter-antennal region; broad longitudinal band on scape; narrow and short band on upper half of gena, adjacent to the compound eye. Mesosoma: Black, with yellow marks as follows: broad band on anterior portion of pronotum and a small mark on posterior area, right next to the tegula; small marks on each side of anterior half of mesoscutum; tegula (except for a black mark on central area); parategula; wide mark on upper half of mesepisternum, adjacent to the mesepimeron, and a small mark on basal half; spots on each side of scutellum; almost entirely metanotum; broad band along the lateral portion of the posterior face of propodeum. Wide marks on coxae and femora; entirely tibiae and tarsi, although the distal tarsi are dark brownish. Metasoma: Black with yellow marks as follows: wide mark on each side of middle area of T1; narrow and transverse band on apex of T1; broad band on each side of middle area of T2, contiguous laterally with a broad band on apex. Broad band on apex of T3–T6 and S2–S6. T7 and S7 entirely black. Wings: Hyaline, with costal, medial and submedial cells yellowish. Pterostigma and veins dark brownish. Pubescence: In lateral or oblique view, the pubescence that is under yellow marks along the integument might give the impression of being whitish, but all the pubescence along the body shows the same color pattern. Head: Very long yellowish pubescence mainly on frons and occipital region. Pubescence on scape long but shorter than on frons. Pubescence on base and lateral margins of clypeus as long as on frons, while on the apex it becomes shorter. Mesosoma: Long (as long as on frons) and yellowish pubescence homogeneously distributed. Long (shorter than the rest of mesosoma) on anterior face of coxae. Erect bristles all over the internal face of fore femur. Metasoma: T1 with yellowish and long (as long as mesosoma). Base of T2 with yellowish and long (shorter than on T1) pubescence that becomes slightly shorter towards apex. T3–T7 and S2–S7 with short and yellowish pubescence. Surface of integument, head: Clypeus with coarse punctation homogeneously distributed; frons and vertex with coarse and moderately dense punctation, slightly sparser behind the ocelli. Mesosoma: Coarse and moderately dense (as on frons) covering all mesosoma. Metasoma: T1 with reduced punctation, at least with some punctures more evident on apical half; T2 with reduced punctation on basal half, becoming more evident and denser towards apex; S2 with evident punctation scattered mainly on lateral margins; T3–T7 and S3–S7 without evident punctation. Structure, head: Clypeus convex, longer than wide, with the apex concave forming two projections with well developed carinae on apex of each one. Inter-antennal region longitudinally cariniform, narrow than the antennal socket. Lateral ocelli closer to the compound eyes than to each other. Occipital carina not angled on middle of gena and very close to the compound eyes next the mandibles. F11 long, with the apex pointed, surpassing the apical edge of F8 ( Fig. 87 ). Dorsal surface without longitudinal carina. Microscopic erect bristles on ventral surface of it. Mesosoma: Pronotal carina on dorsal face of pronotum weakly developed, while on lateral face it is more developed. Pronotal fovea present. Mesepimeron slightly elevated regarding the mesepisternum level. Posterior projection of tegula weakly developed, rounded; parategula lamelliform; posterior face of propodeum strongly concave. Metasoma: T1 about 2.5 times longer than wide, strongly swollen in dorsal view ( Fig. 37 ); T2 longer than wide, laterally globose ( Fig. 53 ). Basal angle of T2 rising up abruptly, concave ( Fig. 60 ). Apex of T2 with an apical lamella that becomes reduced towards lateral margins. S7 flattened apically. Male genitalia: Aedeagus as in figure 103a, b. Paramere ( Fig. 103c ) with long bristles on middle region of gonostyle; digitus broad and short, nor surpassing the distal lobe (fig. 120) with scattered short bristles; cuspis with erect bristles, longer than on digitus; volsella with scattered short bristles and long ones on ventral margin; distal lobe rounded, without bristles. Female: Besides the usual color, pubescence, and punctation as in males. Clypeus broader than males, but still longer than wide. Variation: Clypeus may have black marks on center area; yellow marks may be more developed; yellow marks on scutellum contiguous; yellow bands on middle area of T 2 may be contiguous dorsally. Punctation on T1 and on basal half of T 2 may be more evident; punctation on frons and posterior face of propodeum may be denser. Concavity on posterior face of propodeum usually weaker on females. Type material: The holotype male (CAS) of Eumenes verticalis Bohart, 1950 is in excellent condition and bears the labels: ‘Charlerston Mts. \ Kyle Canyon \ Clark Co., Nev.’ ‘About 7500 ft . \ July 25, 1942 \ H. A. Sculen, Col.’ ‘[Red Label] Eumenes \ verticalis \ sculleni \ R. Bohart’ ‘California Academy \ of Sciences \ Type No. 6143’. Four paratypes, one female and three males (UCD) are in good condition and bears the labels: [female] ‘Charlerston Mts. \ Kyle Canyon \ Clark Co., Nev. \ About 7800 ft \ July 25, 1942 \ H. A. Scullen, Col.’ ‘ Eumenes \ verticalis \ sculleni \ R. Bohart’; ‘Charleston Mt. Park \ Nev. 9000 ft . VI-21-40 ’; two males bear the same label as holotype.