An illustrated guide to the lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian Subcontinent. Part II. Tribe Chilocorini Author POORANI, J. text Zootaxa 2023 2023-11-27 5378 1 1 108 journal article 294804 10.11646/zootaxa.5378.1.1 8a6ca207-2c3f-4770-bfd4-f83ad6e6e426 1175-5334 10208917 68976F75-EC46-480B-AB8A-061B1441A958 Chilocorus pakistanensis (Ahmad & Ghani) ( Figs 44 , 45 ) Simmondsius pakistanensis Ahmad & Ghani, 1966: 9 .— Poorani 2002: 314 ; Kovář 2007: 595 . Chilocorus pakistanensis : Li et al . 2020b: 461 . Diagnosis. Length: 3.60–4.50 mm ; width: 2.90–3.20 mm . Form ( Fig. 44 , 45a–c ) elongate oval, dorsum moderately convex. Head ( Fig. 45b, c ) blackish blue with greyish hairs; pronotum and elytra metallic greenish blue to blue, glabrous. Antenna ( Fig. 45d ) short, with 7 antennomeres, antennomeres 4–7 forming a somewhat fusiform club. Maxilla ( Fig. 45e ) dark brown to black, cylindrical, apical margin obliquely transverse. Tarsal claws sickle-shaped / falciform with weak basal teeth. Abdominal postcoxal lines ( Fig. 45f ) incomplete. Male genitalia ( Figs. 45g –i ) as illustrated. Coxites elongate triangular, spermatheca ( Fig. 45j ) as illustrated. Distribution. India ( Uttarakhand ; Jammu & Kashmir); Pakistan . Prey / associated habitat. The type specimens were found “feeding on Parlatoria oleae (Colvee) on Pinus excelsa ” ( Ahmad & Ghani 1966 ) . Feeds on Aphis pomi and scale insects on apple ( Maqbool et al. 2020 ). Other known hosts include Aonidiella orientalis (Newstead) , Comstockaspis perniciosa , Leucaspis coniferarum Hall & Williams ( Diaspididae ). Seasonal occurrence. In Kashmir, India , adults were observed to emerge in May and started overwintering in September ( Maqbool et al . 2020 ). Natural enemies. Dinocampus coccinellae (Schrank) ( Hymenoptera : Braconidae ) ( Maqbool et al . 2018 ), Tetrastichus epilachnae Giard ( Hymenoptera : Eulophidae ). Notes. This was the type species of Simmondsius Ahmad & Ghani (1966) , a genus described from Pakistan and now subsumed into Chilocorus . Simmondsius was erected based on the antenna with seven antennomeres and falciform tarsal claws and Li et al . (2020b) recently reduced it to a synonym of Chilocorus based on their combined molecular and morphological analysis of the tribe Chilocorini . It was not listed in the annotated checklist of Coccinellidae from Pakistan by Ali et al. (2018) . Orcus nepalicus Canepari 2012 , described from Nepal as the “most western species of the genus Orcus ”, is described as ‘dorsally black with blue metallic sheen’ and the ventral side is also largely blackish-brown.The description and the male genitalia illustrations given by Canepari (2012) indicate it is most likely to be a synonym of C. pakistanensis , a species distributed in the same geographical range. The type of O. nepalicus could not be studied for confirming this.