An illustrated guide to the lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian Subcontinent. Part II. Tribe Chilocorini Author POORANI, J. text Zootaxa 2023 2023-11-27 5378 1 1 108 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5378.1.1 1175-5334 10208917 68976F75-EC46-480B-AB8A-061B1441A958 Chilocorus albomarginalis (Li & Wang) , comb. n. ( Fig. 23 ) Phaenochilus albomarginalis Li & Wang , in Li et al. 2017b: 35 . Chilocorus albusolomus (sic): Li et al . 2020a: 11 (misspelled). Diagnosis. Length: 3.67–3.80 mm ; width: 3.60–3.67 mm . Form broad oval, dorsum strongly convex and glabrous; dorsal and ventral sides yellowish, elytral margins whitish and distinctly paler than disc ( Fig. 23a–c ). Elytra with lateral sides somewhat subparallel for nearly two-thirds of the length. Abdominal postcoxal lines incomplete, ventrite 6 posteriorly distinctly and deeply emarginate ( Fig. 23d ). Male genitalia with penis guide ( Fig. 23e, f ) asymmetrical, parameres subequal to or slightly shorter than penis guide, with characteristic, long and dense pubescence on outer and apical margins; penis ( Fig. 23g ) with inner process of capsule more slender and longer than outer process, apex ( Fig. 23h ) modified as illustrated. Distribution . India ( Assam ) (new record); China ( Yunnan ). Material examined. INDIA : Assam , Margherita , 163.5 mts, 27°15’47.4”N 095°41’59.8”E , 14.ix.2014 , Sweep net , Yeshwanth, H.M. / genitalia in glass vial pinned to specimen ( NCBS ) . Notes . This species was originally described under Phaenochilus by Li et al. (2017b) from Yunnan , China and it is transferred to Chilocorus ( comb. n. ) following the revised phylogenetic classification proposed for Chilocorini by Li et al . (2020b) . The species included as “ Chilocorus albusolomus (Li &Wang, 2017) ” by Li et al . (2020a) apparently refers to P. albomarginalis and “ Chilocorus albusolomus looks like a lapsus calami and not mentioned anywhere else, including Li et al . (2017b) , cited as the original source of this name.