Paracloeodes caldensis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), an atypical new species from the Colombian Andes Author Gutiérrez, Yeisson Author Dias, Lucimar Gomes Author Salles, Frederico Falcão text Zootaxa 2013 3721 3 291 295 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3721.3.6 b08db499-01b4-4491-a7c9-1bf85ddbad58 1175-5326 224032 31EACDDD-9307-41C8-9494-30E7B45EFA8E Paracloeodes caldensis n. sp. ( Figs. 1–7 ) Mature Nymph. Body length 3.8–4.2 mm ; caudal filaments 1.9–2.1 mm . Antennae long, 1.2–1.4 mm , 1.8–2 times length of the head. General color yellowish brown ( Fig. 1 ). Head. Head yellowish with an undefined brown mark between the ocelli. Simple frontal keel present, ocelli black. Antennae pale yellow. Mouthparts ( Figs. 2–7 ): labrum dorsally with a subapical continuous row of setae as Fig. 2 a, distal margin ventrally with bifid setae ( Fig. 2 b). Mandibles ( Figs.3–4 ) without setae between prostheca and mola, incisors partially cleft in two sets. Left mandible ( Fig. 3 a) with molars with constrictions and sometimes with median lateral projections (branched) as Fig. 3 b, prostheca with three denticles. Right mandible with prostheca slender and bifid, mola as in Fig. 4 . Hypopharynx with lingua shorter than superlinguae and projected medially ( Fig. 5 ). Maxilla ( Fig. 6 ) with palp two-segmented and twice the length of galea-lacinia. Labium ( Fig. 7 ) with segment II of palp with rounded projection, 2.5 times width of segment III, segment III conical and with abundant setae. Thorax: pronotum lighter than the other segments, meso and metathorax shaded with brown as in Fig. 1 . Pleura of first thoracic segment whitish, brownish in the second and third. Sterna whitish. Legs whitish; femora with abundant long simple setae on anterior surface, near outer and inner margins ( Fig. 11 ); tarsal claws (Fig. 12) 0.5 times the length of tarsi, with 2 rows of small denticles basally. Hind wing pads absent. Abdomen pale yellow, with brownish and dark brown marks ( Fig. 1 ). Color pattern: segment I–VIII shaded with brown, segment I, VII and VIII darker than others. Posterior margin of terga with spines as long as wide. Sterna pale yellow, sternum VII and VIII shaded with brown. Gills whitish, less than twice the length of each tergum ( Fig. 10 ). Paraprocts ( Fig. 8 ) with 10–13 spines apically. Adults. Unknown. Biology. The nymphs were collected in streams with slow to moderate current with stony substrate. The sampling sites are situated between 1719 and 1727 m in Andean forest in Neira municipality Etymology. The epithet of the new species is a reference to Caldas, the department where the type material was found. Materials examined. Holotype : 1 mature nymph, Colombia , Caldas, Neira, Qda. Sobre la carretera. 5º10,586’N 75º31, 532’W. 10/II/2011 . Col: Gutiérrez, Y ; Dias, L.; Walteros, Y ., Montaño, M., Tabares, F. y Hoyos D. Paratypes : 14 nymphs, same data as holotype . Other material: 10 nymphs, same data as holotype . The holotype and 5 paratypes are deposited in CEBUC ( Colombia ). Other paratypes are deposited in IFML ( Argentina ) and CZNC ( Brazil ).