Taxonomy of Serpulidae (Annelida, Polychaeta): The state of affairs Author Ten Hove, Harry A. Author Kupriyanova, Elena K. text Zootaxa 2009 2009-03-16 2036 1 126 journal article 1175­5334 15888B41-A000-4611-BEC8-F9359D1149CD 35. Pseudochitinopoma Zibrowius, 1969a ( Fig. 40 ) Type-species : Hyalopomatopsis occidentalis Bush, 1905 Number of species: 2 Tube white opaque, with longitudinal keel, sub-triangular or triangular in cross-section, with occasional scooped peristomes (brood-care?). Hyaline granular overlay may be present. Operculum inverse conical with distal chitinous shallow cap. Peduncle circular to rounded triangular in cross-section, about twice as wide as radiole, without wings or pinnules, separated from ampulla by constriction; inserted at base of left branchial lobe, in front of first radiole or almost midway between branchial lobes. Pseudoperculum absent. Radioles in semi-circles to short pectinate arrangement, with up to 10 radioles per lobe, inter-radiolar membrane absent. Branchial eyes absent. Mouth palps absent. 7 thoracic chaetigerous segments. Collar trilobed, tonguelets between median and latero-dorsal lobes absent. Thoracic membranes short, ending at the chaetiger 2. Collar chaetae fin-and-blade, with a distal limbate zone and a proximal wing not well separated ( Fig. 40A ), and limbate chaetae. Apomatus chaetae absent. Thoracic uncini saw-shaped, with about 12 teeth above gouged peg ( Fig. 40C ). Triangular depression absent. Abdominal chaetae hollow trumpet-shaped, narrow and smoothly bent, with long lateral tip ( Fig. 40E ). Abdominal uncini rasp-shaped, with 12–14 teeth in profile, 3–6 teeth in a row above gouge shaped peg ( Fig. 40D ). Achaetous anterior abdominal zone absent. Long posterior capillary chaetae and posterior glandular pad absent. FIGURE 40. SEM micrographs of chaetae in Pseudochitinopoma occidentalis . Canada, British Columbia, Barkley Sound, legit T. Macdonald, det. E. Kupriyanova. A—fin-and-blade collar chaetae, B—thoracic chaetae, C—thoracic uncini, D—abdominal uncini, E—abdominal chaeta with a hollow tip. Remarks. Zibrowius (1969a) erected the genus Pseudochitinopoma for Hyalopomatopsis occidentalis Bush, 1905 to stress its superficial similarity to the genus Chitinopoma . He tabulated the differences between these two genera in the shape of anterior tooth of thoracic uncini, the structure of the special collar chaetae and abdominal chaetae, as well as the presence of Apomatus chaetae. However, morphologically, Chitinopoma appears to be closer to Filogranula than to Pseudochitinopoma (Kupriyanova & ten Hove in prep.), see remarks for Filogranula . Moreover, Kupriyanova et al. (2006) provided preliminary molecular evidence that Pseudochitinopoma and Chitinopoma are not closely related. 1. Pseudochitinopoma occidentalis ( Bush, 1905 ) , Prince William Sound, Eastern North Pacific 2. Pseudochitinopoma pavimentata Nishi, 1999 , off Tateyana, Tokyo Bay, Formosa Strait, Japan .