A new sand frog from Namaqualand, South Africa (Pyxicephalidae: Tomopterna) Author Wilson, Lyle Author Channing, Alan text Zootaxa 2019 2019-05-23 4609 2 225 246 journal article 26713 10.11646/zootaxa.4609.2.2 ad74907d-57fc-4ce0-9aab-dc7b6adaf63d 1175-5326 3187583 BE4E293B-FFF3-445B-A5BB-3625BF8E01ED Tomopterna branchi sp. nov. Namaqua Sand Frog Figs. 4 , 5 . Holotype . A male, ZMB 87233, field number AC3383 ( Fig. 4 ), collected in the dry bed of the Buffels River where it is crossed by the N7 highway, Namaqualand , South Africa , 8 May 2015 , by N. Telford ( WGS84 : 29.67791°S , 17.05214°E ). Paratypes . ZMB 87234, a female from Kamieskroon, and ZMB 87235 a male from Springbok . Diagnosis. The new species has been confused with Tomopterna delalandii , and is similar to all other species of sand frogs in morphology and burrowing behaviour. It has an advertisement call of a rapidly-repeated series of high-pitched notes, the most common type of call in sand frogs. We assign it to the genus Tomopterna based on the presence of teeth on the maxilla, the inner metatarsal tubercle strongly flanged, the outer metatarsals bound into the sole, and the presence of vomerine teeth, all characters that distinguish the genus Tomopterna ( Poynton 1964 ) . The following comparisons are based largely on data in Wasonga & Channing (2013) . The new species has single subarticular tubercles, distinguishing it from those with divided tubercles: T. gallmanni , T. krugerensis and T. wambensis . It has more than three phalanges of the fourth toe free of web, distinguishing it from those with more webbing: T. elegans , T. gallmanni , T. luganga , T, marmorata , T. tandyi and T. wambensis . There is a row of isolated glands below the tympanum, distinguishing it from those species with a distinct continuous or interrupted ridge: T. cryptotis , T. damarensis , T. elegans , T. gallmanni , T. kachowskii , T. krugerensis , T. luganga , T. natalensis , T. tandyi , T. tuberculosa and T. wambensis . The outer metatarsal tubercle is absent or present as a small white bump, which distinguishes it from those species with prominent outer metatarsal tubercles: T. delalandii , T. elegans , T. kachowskii , and T. tandyi . There is a transverse dark interocular bar present, which distinguishes it from those species without this pattern element: T. damarensis , T. luganga and T. natalensis . This bar is variable in T. elegans , T. kachowskii , and T. tandyi . The back is smooth or has small warts, distinguishing it from T. gallmanni and T. tuberculosa , which have prominent dorsal tubercles. FIGURE 4. Photo of the live holotype (ZMB 87233) of Tomopterna branchi , from the Buffels River, Namaqualand, South Africa. Photo: A. Channing. The advertisement call consists of a rapidly-repeated series of high-pitched notes, distinguishing it from the knocking call of T. krugerensis and T. gallmanni . The first two harmonics are emphasised (933–995 Hz; 1866–1990 Hz) at a note repetition rate of 3 s-1 . Tomopterna natalensis also has two emphasised harmonics, but at higher frequencies ( 1272–1488 Hz; 2544–2976 Hz). It is further distinguished from those species with only a single harmonic emphasised, at a higher frequency ( T. wambensis , T. tandyi , T. damarensis , T. sp. 3 and T. cryptotis ), and T. luganga and T. marmorata with a single emphasised harmonic at a lower frequency. The call of Tomopterna delalandii has the second harmonic emphasised, at a similar frequency to T. branchi , but the note repetition rate is approximately twice that of T. branchi . The call of T. elegans is unknown. The new species may occur with T. delalandii and T. tandyi . It can be distinguished from T. delalandii which has a distinct ridge below the tympanum (isolated glands), a prominent outer metatarsal tubercle (weak or absent), and an advertisement call with a note repetition rate of about 6 s-1 (about 3 s-1 ). It differs from T. tandyi which has more than three phalanges of the fourth toe free of webbing (three free), a ridge below the tympanum (isolated glands), a prominent outer metatarsal tubercle (weak or absent), and an advertisement call with a single harmonic emphasised at 1.9–2.1 kHz (two harmonics emphasised). The uncorrected p -distances (as percentages) of T. branchi compared to all other species of sand frogs based on 16S rRNA vary from 2.3–6.0%. The uncorrected p -distances between T. branchi and T. delalandii are 2.2–3.4% for 16S ( Table 2 ) and 2.5–4.3% for tyrosinase exon 1. FIGURE 5 . Dorsal, ventral and lateral views of the holotype of Tomopterna branchi ZMB 87233. TABLE 2 . List of sequenced material and sources. Rows in bold are multiple sequences from the same voucher.
Species (GenBank identification if different) Voucher Locality Co-ordinates 16S Accession number tyr Accession number Reference
T. branchi sp. nov . ZMB 87233 Buffels River, South Africa 29.6779°S, 17.0521°E MK289551 MK300847 This study
T. branchi sp. nov . AC3246 Buffels River, South Africa 29.6779°S, 17.0521°E MG450788 This study
T. branchi sp. nov . AC3247 Buffels River, South Africa 29.6779°S, 17.0521°E MG450789 MK300848 This study
T. branchi sp. nov . AC3248 Buffels River, South Africa 29.6779°S, 17.0521°E MG450790 This study
T. branchi sp. nov . AC3250 Buffels River, South Africa 29.6779°S, 17.0521°E MG450791 This study
T. branchi sp. nov . AC3251 Buffels River, South Africa 29.6779°S, 17.0521°E MG450792 This study
T. cryptotis No voucher Bredell, South Africa 26.0871°S, 28.3039°E AF215506 Vences et al. 2000
T. tandyi AC3063 Khorab, Namiba 19.6631°S, 17.3283°E MK335431 This study
T. cryptotis AC1154 Bloemfontein, South Africa 30.3300°S, 26.8003°E AY255099 Dawood & Uqubay 2004
T.cryptotis AC1100 Bubye, Zimbabwe 21.7081°S, 30.4986°E AY255090 Dawood & Uqubay 2004
T. damarensis AC2653 Naukluft, Namibia 24.2661°S, 16.2411°E MK335418 This study
T. damarensis AC3114 Farm Oas, Namibia 27.4900°S, 19.2288°E MK335419 This study
T. damarensis AC3130 Weavers Rock, Namibia 20.6983°S, 16.8417°E MK335420 This study
T. damarensis (“ T . sp.) CAS 254855 Pediva, Angola 16.2833°S, 12.5666°E KU662310 Ceríaco et al . 2016
T. damarensis MCZ A-148577 Epupa Falls, Namibia 17.0000°S, 13.2333°E KX869908 Heinicke et al. 2017
T. damarensis MCZ A-149503 Farm Omandumba, Namibia 21 29 51.1 / 15 37 47.9 KX869909 Heinicke et al. 2017
T. damarensis TM83916 Khorixas, Namibia 20.3666°S, 14.9666°E AY255091 Dawood & Uqubay 2004
T. damarensis ( T. cf. tandyi ) ZFMK 66403 Khorixas, Namibia 20.3666°S, 14.9666°E AF215419 Vences et al. 2000
T. damarensis ZFMK 66403 Khorixas, Namibia 20.3666°S, 14.9666°E DQ019610 Van der Meijden et al. 2005
T. damarensis ZFMK 66403 “Namibia” 20.3666°S, 14.9666°E DQ347301 Bossuyt et al. 2006
T. delalandii AC1134 Stellenbosch, South Africa 33.9823°S, 18.8282°E AY454372 Lehtinen et al . 2004
T. delalandii AC1144 Stellenbosch, South Africa 33.9823°S, 18.8282°E AY255085 Dawood & Uqubay 2004
T. delalandii AC2832 Riet River, South Africa 32.6746°S, 21.4648°E MK289552 This study
T. delalandii AC3222 Stellenbosch, South Africa 33.9823°S, 18.8202°E MK289553 This study
T. delalandii AC3223 Stellenbosch, South Africa 33.9823°S, 18.8202°E MK289554 MK300849 This study
T. delalandii AC3224 Stellenbosch, South Africa 33.9823°S, 18.8202°E MK289555 MK300850 This study
T. delalandii AC3225 Rondevlei, South Africa 34.0584°S, 18.5402°E MK289556 MK300851 This study
T. delalandii AC3226 Bellville, South Africa 33.9316°S, 18.6235°E MK289557 MK300852 This study
T. delalandii AC3227 Bellville, South Africa 33.9316°S, 18.6235°E MK289558 MK300853 This study
......continued on the next page ......continued on the next page Description of holotype . A male ( Figs. 4 , 5 ) SVL 42.4; the body is robust; head short (HL/SVL 0.37, HW/SVL 0.44), not wider than trunk, not longer than wide (HL/HW 0.83); snout short (SL/HL 0.44), rounded in dorsal view, truncated in profile, slightly projecting beyond lower jaw, narrow (SL/IND 1.97); canthus rostralis rounded; loreal region slightly concave; nostrils situated on slight projections, closer to the eye than snout tip (ENL/SNL 0.86); eyes directed anterolaterally, slightly protruding, relatively small (ED/HL 0.40); eye diameter less than snout length (ED/SL 0.91); interorbital distance is less than upper eyelid (IOS/ELD 0.46), and nearly equal to internarial distance (IOS/INS 0.94); Internarial distance just more than half eye diameter (IOS/ED 0.56); vomerine teeth inconspicuous; tympanum visible, smaller than eye diameter (TD/ED 0.46); a row of isolated glands below tympanum; upper jaw without dentition; choanae small, round, vomerine teeth absent; tongue notched posteriorly, 7.0 at widest part; median lingual processes present; vocal sac single, darkly pigmented anteriorly; dorsal surfaces of head, trunk and limbs generally smooth; ventral surface of limbs, gular and abdomen smooth. Arms slender; hand moderately large (HND/SVL 0.26); tips of fingers not enlarged into discs; relative length of fingers: IV <II <I <III; subarticular tubercles single and distinct, with one on fingers I, II and IV, and two on finger III; fingers without webbing; thenar tubercle distinct; metacarpals with supernumerary tubercles; pale nuptial pads present on upper surface of fingers I and II. TABLE 2. (Continued)
Species (GenBank identification if different) Voucher Locality Co-ordinates 16S Accession number tyr Accession number Reference
T. delalandii AC3228 Stellenbosch, South Africa 33.9823°S, 18.8202°E MK289559 MK300854 This study
T. delalandii AC3229 Stellenbosch, South Africa 33.9823°S, 18.8202°E MK289560 MK300855 This study
T. delalandii AC3230 Stellenbosch, South Africa 33.9823°S, 18.8202°E MK289561 MK300856 This study
T. delalandii AC3231 Stellenbosch, South Africa 33.9823°S, 18.8202°E MK289562 MK300857 This study
T. delalandii AC3232 Noordhoek, South Africa 32.7181°S, 19.0668°E MK289563 MK300858 This study
T. delalandii AC3233 Noordhoek, South Africa 34.0974°S, 18.3960°E MK289564 MK300859 This study
T. delalandii AC3234 Noordhoek, South Africa 34.0969°S, 18.3734°E MK289565 This study
T. delalandii AC3236 Port Elizabeth, South Africa 34.0016°S, 25.5277°E MG450762 MK300860 This study
T. delalandii AC3237 Port Elizabeth, South Africa 34.0016°S, 25.5277°E MG450763 This study
T. delalandii AC3238 Port Elizabeth, South Africa 34.0016°S, 25.5277°E MG450764 MK300861 This study
T. delalandii AC3239 Cape St Francis, South Africa 34.2077°S, 24.8300°E MG450765 MK300862 This study
T. delalandii AC3240 Cape St Francis, South Africa 34.2077°S, 24.8300°E MG450766 MK300863 This study
T. delalandii AC942 Stellenbosch, South Africa 33.9823°S, 18.8282°E AY255086 Dawood & Uqubay 2004
T. delalandii AC942 Stellenbosch, South Africa 33.9823°S, 18.8282°E DQ283403 Frost et al . 2006
T. delalandii KTH076 Anysberg Nature Reserve, South Africa 33.5192°S, 20.6492°E EF136565 Tolley et al . 2010
T. delalandii No voucher Stellenbosch, South Africa 33.9823°S, 18.8282°E HQ014421 Van der Meijden et al . 2011
T. delalandii SAIAB 185255-1 Port Alfred, South Africa 33.6131°S, 26.8881°E MG450784 This study
T. delalandii SAIAB 185255-2 Port Alfred, South Africa 33.6131°S, 26.8881°E MG450785 This study
T. delalandii SAIAB 185255-3 Port Alfred, South Africa 33.6131°S, 26.8881°E MG450786 This study
T. delalandii SAIAB 185255-4 Port Alfred, South Africa 33.6131°S, 26.8881°E MG450787 This study
T. delalandii SAIAB 186279-1 Port Alfred, South Africa 33.6131°S, 26.8881°E MG450771 MK300865 This study
T. delalandii SAIAB 186279-10 Port Alfred, South Africa 33.6131°S, 26.8881°E MG450780 This study
T. delalandii SAIAB 186279-11 Port Alfred, South Africa 33.6131°S, 26.8881°E MG450781 This study
T. delalandii SAIAB 186279-12 Port Alfred, South Africa 33.6131°S, 26.8881°E MG450782 This study
T. delalandii SAIAB 186279-13 Port Alfred, South Africa 33.6131°S, 26.8881°E MG450783 This study
T. delalandii SAIAB 186279-2 Port Alfred, South Africa 33.6131°S, 26.8881°E MG450772 This study
T. delalandii SAIAB 186279-3 Port Alfred, South Africa 33.6131°S, 26.8881°E MG450773 MK300866 This study
T. delalandii SAIAB 186279-4 Port Alfred, South Africa 33.6131°S, 26.8881°E MG450774 This study
......continued on the next page TABLE 2. (Continued)
Species (GenBank identification if different) Voucher Locality Co-ordinates 16S Accession number tyr Accession number Reference
T. delalandii SAIAB 186279-5 Port Alfred, South Africa 33.6131°S, 26.8881°E MG450775 This study
T. delalandii SAIAB 186279-6 Port Alfred, South Africa 33.6131°S, 26.8881°E MG450776 This study
T. delalandii SAIAB 186279-7 Port Alfred, South Africa 33.6131°S, 26.8881°E MG450777 This study
T. delalandii SAIAB 186279-8 Port Alfred, South Africa 33.6131°S, 26.8881°E MG450778 This study
T. delalandii SAIAB 186279-9 Port Alfred, South Africa 33.6131°S, 26.8881°E MG450779 This study
T. delalandii WC-0102 Port Elizabeth, South Africa 34.2077°S, 24.8300°E MG450767 This study
T. delalandii WC-0105 Cape St Francis, South Africa 34.2077°S, 24.8300°E MG450768 This study
T. delalandii WC-10-125 Cape St Francis, South Africa 34.2077°S, 24.8300°E MG450769 This study
T. delalandii WC-10-150 Cape St Francis, South Africa 34.2077°S, 24.8300°E MG450770 MK300864 This study
T. elegans MVZ:herp:242739 Buq, Somalia 10.6227°N, 47.1779°E HQ700692 Zimkus & Larson 2011
T. elegans (“ T. cryptotis ”) MVZ:herp:242739 Buq, Somalia 10.6227°N, 47.1779°E JX564898 Zhang et al. 2013
T. gallmanni NMK A/5145/1 Mogwooni Ranch, Kenya 0.2416°N, 36.9666°E JX088641 Wasonga & Channing 2013
T. gallmanni NMK A/5045 Lewa Wildlife Conservancy 0.1527°N, 37.4377°E JX088642 Wasonga & Channing 2013
T. gallmanni NMK A/5159 Road from Baragoi to South Horr, Kenya 1.3504°N, 36.8850°E JX088645 Wasonga & Channing 2013
T. gallmanni NMK A/5039/2 Laikipia Nature Conservancy, Kenya 0.5666°N, 36.4000°E JX088643 Wasonga & Channing 2013
T. gallmanni NMK A/5151/1 Baawa Village, Kenya 0.0458°N, 36.8152°E JX088644 Wasonga & Channing 2013
T. kachowskii MVZ:Herp:241321 Borama, Somalia 9.9705°N, 43.1460°E HQ700690 Zimkus & Larson 2011
T. kachowskii MVZ:Herp:241323 Borama, Somalia 9.9705°N, 43.1460°E HQ700691 Zimkus & Larson 2011
T. kachowskii AAU<ETH>: A:2009-310 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 9.0243°S, 38.7492°E HQ700687 Zimkus & Larson 2011
T. kachowskii AAU<ETH>: A:2008-317 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 9.0243°S, 38.7492°E HQ700689 Zimkus & Larson 2011
T. kachowskii AAU<ETH>: A:2008-321 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 9.0243°S, 38.7492°E HQ700688 Zimkus & Larson 2011
T. kachowskii USNM:589360 Day village, Djibouti 11.7800°N, 42.6300°E MG700266 Gotte et al. in press
T. kachowskii USNM:589356 Day village, Djibouti 11.7800°N, 42.6300°E MG700268 Gotte et al. in press
T. kachowskii USNM:589358 Day village, Djibouti 11.7800°N, 42.6300°E MG700264 Gotte et al. in press
T. kachowskii USNM:589359 Day village, Djibouti 11.7800°N, 42.6300°E MG700265 Gotte et al. in press
T. kachowskii USNM:589357 Day village, Djibouti 11.7800°N, 42.6300°E MG700267 Gotte et al. in press
TABLE 2. (Continued)
Species (GenBank identification if different) Voucher Locality Co-ordinates 16S Accession number tyr Accession number Reference
T. krugerensis AC 1506 Tembe Elephant Park, South Africa 27.0472°S, 32.4147°E AY255094 Dawood & Uqubay 2004
T. krugerensis AC1508 Tembe Elephant Park, South Africa 27.0472°S, 32.4147°E AY255098 Dawood & Uqubay 2004
T. luganga TM85107 Dodoma, Tanzania 6.1833°S, 37.6666°E AY547276 Channing et al. 2004
T. luganga AD310 Iringa, Tanzania 7.7666°S, 35.7000°E DQ017056 Haas et al. 2006
T. luganga AD309 Iringa, Tanzania 7.7666°S, 35.7000°E AY751302 Haas et al. 2006
T. luganga MCZ:A:HM1331 Iringa, Tanzania 7.7666°S, 35.7000°E HQ700695 Zimkus & Larson 2011
T. luganga TM 85104 Kigwembimbe, Tanzania 7.8195°S, 35.7810°E AY547275
T. marmorata AC1534 Livingstone, Zambia 17.8419°S, 25.8542°E AY255084 Dawood & Uqubay 2004
T. marmorata AC1387 Legalamectse NR, South Africa 24.4411°S, 30.2947°E AF371233 Dawood & Uqubay 2004
T. milletihorsini ZFMK 76391 Chelcha, Mauritania 16.6614°N, 9.6149°E AY014383 Kosuch et al. 2001
T. milletihorsini ZFMK 76391 Ayoun el-Atrous, Mauritania 16.6614°N, 9.6149°E AY255101 Dawood & Uqubay 2004
T. natalensis No voucher Ithala, South Africa 27.5380°S, 31.2885°E AF215508 Vences, 2000
T. natalensis AC1391 Mafefe Road, South Africa 24.1833°S, 30.0666°E AY255088 Dawood & Uqubay 2004
T. natalensis AC1451 Andries Vosloo Kudu Reserve, South Africa 33.0376°S, 26.7880°E AY255089 Dawood & Uqubay 2004
T. natalensis ES 255 Kyalami, South Africa 26.0178°S, 28.0687°E AY547277 Channing et al. 2004
T. natalensis TM84342 Tygerskloof Plantation, South Africa 27.8757°S, 31.3180°E AY205286 Dawood & Stam 2006
T. natalensis ZFMK 68815 Port St Johns, South Africa 31.5101·S, 29.4419°E AF215509 Vences, 2000
T. natalensis ZFMK 68815 Port St Johns, South Africa 31.5101·S, 29.4419°E DQ347300 Bossuyt et al. 2006
T. tandyi AC1556 Grootfontein, Namibia 19.5666°S, 18.1166°E AF371234 Dawood et al . (2002)
T. tandyi AC1567 Hardap, Namibia 24.5500°S, 17.9333°E AF436073 Dawood & Uqubay 2004
T. tandyi AC2006 Adelaide, South Africa 32.7195°S, 26.2948°E AF436071 Dawood et al . (2002)
T. tandyi AC3410 Okonjima, Namibia 20.8628°S, 16.6410°E MK335421 This study
T. tandyi AC3412 Queenstown, South Africa 31.8975°S, 26.8753°E MK335422 This study
T. tandyi AD14 Blouberg NR, South Africa 23.0500°S, 29.1333°E AF436072 Dawood et al . (2002)
T. tandyi AD231 Blouberg NR, South Africa 23.0307°S, 29.1253°E AY838891 Dawood & Stam 2006
T. tandyi (“ T. marmorata ”) No voucher Mt Meru, Tanzania (“South Africa”) 3.4411°S, 36.6323°E AF215507 Vences et al. 2000
......continued on the next page TABLE 2. (Continued)
Species (GenBank identification if different) Voucher Locality Co-ordinates 16S Accession number tyr Accession number Reference
T. tuberculosa AC1670 Ongongo , Namibia 19.1401°S , 13.8178°E AY255087 Dawood & Uqubay 2004
T. tuberculosa AC1672 Ongongo , Namibia 19.1401°S , 13.8178°E AY255100 Dawood & Uqubay 2004
T. tuberculosa AC3106 Zootecnica , Humpata , Angola 14.9162°S , 13.2562°E MK 335423 This study
T. tuberculosa AC3064 Zootecnica , Humpata , Angola 14.9816°S , 13.4335°E MK 335424 This study
T. tuberculosa AC3075 Humpata , Angola 14.9658°S , 13.3445°E MK 335425 This study
T. wambensis NMK A/5057/1 Ikave , Kenya 1.5888°S , 37.9000°E JX088646 Wasonga & Channing 2013
T. wambensis NMK A/5149/1 Mpala Research Center , Kenya 0.3533°N , 36.8722°E JX088647 Wasonga & Channing 2013
T. wambensis NMK A/5149/2 Mpala Research Center , Kenya 0.3533°N , 36.8722°E JX088648 Wasonga & Channing 2013
T. wambensis NMK A/4323 Bura Hasuma River , Kenya 3.8000°N 36.2833°E JX088656 Wasonga & Channing 2013
T. wambensis MCNPV CA253 Lugga Daudi River , Kenya 3.8166°N , 36.3500°E JX088655 Wasonga & Channing 2013
T. wambensis MCNPV CA250 Illeret , Kenya 4.3000°N , 36.2166°E JX088653 Wasonga & Channing 2013
T. wambensis MCNPV CA337 Kasa Well , Kenya 3.6000°N , 36.3000°E JX088654 Wasonga & Channing 2013
T. wambensis MCNPV CA334 17 km S Allia Bay , Kenya 3.7000°N , 36.3333°E JX088650 Wasonga & Channing 2013
T. wambensis NMK A/5152/1 Sordor Pan , Kenya 0.9833°N , 37.3333°E JX088651 Wasonga & Channing 2013
T. wambensis NMK A/5149/3 Mpala Research Center , Kenya 0.3533°N , 36.8722°E JX088649 Wasonga & Channing 2013
T. wambensis NMK A/5149/2 Mpala Research Center , Kenya 0.3533°N , 36.8722°E JX088648 Wasonga & Channing 2013
T. wambensis NMK A/5145/1 Kitobi Forest , Kenya 3 26 29 S , 37 13 E JX088652 Wasonga & Channing 2013
T. wambensis AC2062 Arusha , Tanzania 3.3563°S , 36.7081°E AY547278 Wasonga & Channing 2013
T. wambensis AC2159 Usangu Flats , Tanzania 8.5801°S , 34.2264°E MK 335426 This study
T. wambensis (“ T. sp.”) MCZ:A:HM1329 Iringa , Tanzania 7.7786°S , 35.6861°E HQ700694 Zimkus & Larson 2011
T. wambensis (“ T. sp.”) MCZ:A:HM1257 Iringa , Tanzania 7.7786°S , 35.6861°E HQ700693 Zimkus & Larson 2011
T. sp. 1 “Beira” AC1115 Beira, Mozambique 19.8123°S , 34.8459°E AY255092 Dawood & Uqubay 2004
T. sp. 1 “Beira” AC1116 Beira, Mozambique 19.8123°S , 34.8459°E AY255093 Dawood & Uqubay 2004
T. sp. 2 “Mutinondo” AC3376 Mutinondo, Zambia 12.4560°S , 31.2950°E MK335427 This study
T. sp. 2 “Mutinondo” AC3377 Mutinondo, Zambia 12.4560°S , 31.2950°E MK335428 This study
T. sp. 2 “Mutinondo” (“ T. tuberculosa ”) RdS 880 Tatanda, Tanzania 8.5166°S , 31.5000°E KC179967 De Sa et al . 2012
T. sp. 3 “Shankara” AC1549 Shankara, Namibia 17.9650°S , 20.5025°E AY255095 Dawood & Uqubay 2004
T. sp. 3 “Shankara” AC2649 Mbambi, Namibia 17.9833°S , 20.9734°E MK335430 This study
T. sp. 3 “Shankara” ZMB 83072 Ondjiva, Angola 17.0678°S , 15.7084°E MK335429 This study
Hind limbs stout, tarsal tubercle absent, represented by a small raised area; tibia short (TL/SVL 0.40); heels not reaching each other when knees are flexed and thighs are held at right angle to body; foot shorter than tibia (TL/ FOT 0.84); relative length of toes: I<II<V<III<IV; toes without expanded discs; subarticular tubercles: one on toe I and II, two on toe III, three on toe IV and two on toe V; pedal webbing formula I 1– 2 II 1– 2 III 1– 3 IV 3.5– 2 V ; thin margin of webbing extending to tips; inner metatarsal tubercle prominent and shovel-shaped, continuing as a tarsal ridge, smaller than eye diameter (IMT/ED 0.63); outer metatarsal tubercle present as a small white bump. Measurements of the holotype and paratypes are presented in Table 3 . TABLE 3. Measurements of the types of Tomopterna branchi . For definitions of measurements see text.
ZMB87233 Holotype 42.4 18.8 15.6 3.2 7.3 3.5 3.2 6.9
ZMB87234 Paratype 43.1 18.0 15.2 3.1 7.4 3.6 2.7 6.1
ZMB87335 Paratype 32.6 18.2 15.0 3.2 7.7 3.8 3.0 6.5
ZMB87233 Holotype 2.9 6.3 1.6 7.0 11.1 20.1 16.8 4.0
ZMB87234 Paratype 2.8 5.9 1.2 7.1 10.4 19.0 15.7 4.3
ZMB87335 Paratype 2.6 6.2 2.8 6.9 11.2 22.3 18.2 4.2
Colour in life . The dorsal pattern of the holotype consists of green patches with black warts on a reddish-brown background ( Fig. 4 ). The transverse bar between the eyes is green with black flecks. The iris is pale golden with dark veins. Small pale tubercles are densely scattered over the back and sides. The flanks have irregular brown and white marbling. The upper surfaces of the limbs are brown, with green or darker brown transverse bars. The venter is white with a black throat. Colour in preservative . The pattern is clearly visible ( Fig. 5 ) as a darker brown on a paler brown background. Paratype variation. The male from Nababeep ZMB 87234 ( SVL 43.1 ) and the female from Kamieskroon ZMB 87235 ( SVL 43.6 ) have similar morphology to the holotype, and practically identical body proportions. A male from Springbok (no voucher) had pale dorsolateral stripes and a thin vertebral stripe. In life, it had a greybrown background with black and brown warts, and a pale occipital patch. Advertisement call. Calls were recorded at the town dam in Springbok, 28 January 1985 , air temperature 22°C. No voucher was collected. The call consists of a number of rapidly repeated notes, which have the first two harmonics emphasised 933–997 Hz and 1866–1990 Hz. The note repetition rate is 3 s-1 . In contrast, the call of T. delalandii from Elands Bay (air temp 14° C) shows a much faster note repetition rate, and has only one frequency, the first harmonic, emphasised ( Fig. 6 ). Eggs and tadpoles. Eggs are unknown. Tadpoles were found in shallow pools in the riverbed 23 October 2012 and in a small cup-sized depression against a rock in the otherwise dry sandy bed of the Buffels River, 7 May 2015 . The tadpoles are practically identical in proportions and pigmentation to those of Tomopterna cryptotis illustrated by Channing et al. (2012) . A brief description of AC3247 from the Buffels River is given here. Gosner stage 36, TL 31.8; oral disc 0.8 width of head at level of disc; a single row of marginal papillae present; anterior and posterior jaw sheaths 80% pigmented; LTRF 4(2–4)/3(1); nostrils elliptical; internarial ratio NW/ID 0.25; orbitonasal line not visible; pineal spot a small white dot; extra-ocular proportion (HWE-EO)/EO 0.64; spiracle situated 0.6 along body; opening constricted, visible laterally; vent ratio TUB/VW 2.8; height of caudal muscles at base of tail/height of trunk 0.66; small brown spots around eyes to nostril and snout tip, then over the dorsal surface of the body where it is most dense; sides and top of tail muscle lightly marbled; ventral fin unpigmented, dorsal fin transparent with some fine black lines and blotches. Distribution and habitat. The species is presently known from the Buffels River drainage of Namaqualand ( Fig. 7 ), but may be more widely distributed once further investigations have been undertaken. This area includes the Namaqualand Hardeveld vegetation units of the Succulent Karoo Biome ( Mucina et al . 2006 ). A photo of the type locality is shown in Fig. 8 . Tadpoles occupy shallow pools together with tadpoles of Amietia poyntoni . Etymology. The specific epithet refers to Dr W.R (Bill) Branch ( 1946–2018 ), who passed away while this paper was being prepared. We suggest that the English common name, Namaqua Sand Frog, be used.