A revision of Lebeckia sect. Lebeckia: The L. sepiaria group Author le Roux, M. M. Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology, University of Johannesburg, P. O. Box 524, Auckland Park 2006, South Africa Author Van Wyk, B. - E. Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology, University of Johannesburg, P. O. Box 524, Auckland Park 2006, South Africa bevw@na.rau.ac.za text South African Journal of Botany 2007 2007-01-31 73 1 118 130 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sajb.2006.09.005 journal article 10.1016/j.sajb.2006.09.005 3a3b284a-51fc-46db-b751-28978c8e5adf 7958313 4.3. L. gracilis L. gracilis Eckl. and Zeyh., Enum.: 192 (1836) ; Benth. in Hook., Lond. J. Bot. 3: 358 (1844) . Type: South Africa , “Zwartkopsrivier” [3322 CD], Ecklon and Zeyher 1336 ( SAM !, specimen in middle of the sheet, lectotype , designated here ; P !, S !, isolectotypes) . L. sepiaria auct. non (L.) Thunb .: Eckl. and Zeyh., Enum.: 191 (1836) ; Harv. in Harv. and Sond., Fl. Cap. 2: 86 (1862); Goldblatt and Manning, Cape Plants, Strelitzia 9: 493 (2000) . [Harvey cited a Thunberg specimen ( Thunberg s.n. sub Herb. Thunberg 16422 ) which is indeed this species. However, Thunberg based his description on a specimen from Cape Town “Leeuwenberg”, but he explicitly cited Spartium sepiarium of Linnaeus, q.v .] L. ambigua E. Mey., Com. : 34 (1836) , pro parte minore . Erect, glaucous suffrutex, 0.15 0.8 m in height. Leaves simple, acicular, articulated near the middle; leaf density 3–6 per 10 mm length of stem. Inflorescences terminal, 44–172 mm long; rachis furrowed; flowers numerous, relatively dense (5–7 per 10 mm length of rachis), relatively small in size ( 6–8 mm long); pedicel 1.5–3.0 mm long; bract lanceolate, acute, ± 2 mm long; bracteoles triangular, acuminate, ± 1 mm long. Calyx 2.5–4.5 mm long, tube 1.5–3.5 mm long, lobes 0.7–1.5 mm long; ± equally lobed; lobes deltoid, tips minutely pubescent inside. Standard widely oblong to suborbicular or obovate, 4.0–6.5 × 2.0– 3.5 mm ; apex obtuse; claw 1.5–2.5 mm long. Wings oblong, longer than the keel, 4.0–6.5 × 1.0– 2.5 mm , with 11–14 rows of sculpturing; apex obtuse; claws 1.5–2.0 mm long. Keel rostrate, 5–6 × 1.5–2.5 mm , sometimes with pockets; claws 1.5–2.5 mm long. Pistil subsessile; ovary 5.5–7.5 × 0.6–0.8 mm long, linear; ovules many (9–11); style 1.5–3.5 mm long, curved upwards. Pods linear, straight or very slightly falcate, up to 37 × 2–3 mm ; dehiscent; semi-terete; fruit wall thin, membranous. Seeds reniform-orbicular, ± 1.8 × 1.5 mm , rugose, pale brown, mottled dark brown to black; hilum dark brown ( Fig. 9 ). Fig. 9. Morphology of Lebeckia gracilis : (a) Lateral view of flower; (b) abaxial view of bract and bracteoles; (c) abaxial view of calyx with the upper lobes to the left; (d) standard petal; (e) wing petal; (f) keel petal; (g) anthers; (h) long, basifixed anther, carinal (intermediate) anther and short, dorsifixed anther; (i) pistil; (j1 – j2) lateral view of pods; (k) cross section of pod; (l) leaf. Vouchers: (a) from Heginbotham 163 (NBG); (b, e) from Esterhuysen 23529 (BOL); (c, f, g, h, i) from Bohnen 7617 (NBG); (d) from Leighton 1894 (BOL); (j1) from Hutchinson 1478 (BOL); (j2) from Ecklon and Zeyher 1336 (S); (k) from Le Roux , Boatwright , Magee and Van Wyk 17 (JRAU); (l) from Wurts 2234 (NBG). Scale bars: 1 mm. 4.3.1. Diagnostic characters L. gracilis is similar to L. ambigua but differs in its calyx that is ± equally lobed and with the lobes shorter than the tube (calyx subequally lobed and the lobes as long as the tube in L. ambigua ) ( Fig. 9 ). L. gracilis also differs from L. ambigua in its shorter and more congested racemes. The two species are allopatric. 4.3.2. Distribution and habitat L. gracilis has a distinctively coastal distribution, from Bredasdorp in the Western Cape Province eastwards to Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape Province ( Fig. 10 ). All known localities are below 300 m altitude. Those in the west experience winter rainfall, while those in the east (around Port Elizabeth) have a higher proportion of summer rain. Plants grow in deep sandy soil. 4.3.3. Specimens examined. 3322 ( Oudtshoorn ): Fairy Knowe (– DC ), Guillarmond 8257 ( PRE ) ; Rondevlei (– DC ), Sachse 670 ( PRE ) ; Wilderness (– DC ), Van Niekerk 223 ( BOL ) ; Ruigtevlei at Zwart River (– DD ), Fourcade 1534 ( BOL , NBG , PRE ) . 3324 ( Steytlerville ): Zwartkopsrivier (– DC ), Ecklon and Zeyher 1336 ( P , S , SAM ) , Zeyher 2293 ( P , S ) ; Gamtoos River (– DD ), Gillett 2361 ( NBG ) . 3325 ( Port Elizabeth ): Humewood (– DC ), Paterson 773 ( BOL ) . 3420 ( Bredasdorp ): De Hoop (– AD ), Morley 139 ( PRE ) ; Melkbosheuwel (– BC ), Burgers 2461 ( NBG ) ; Potberg area (– BC ), Derdejaarsekskursie 84/C10 ( NBG ) ; Potberg (– BC ), Esterhuysen 23259 ( BOL ) ; De Hoop (– BC ), Fellingham 701 ( PRE ) ; The Poort (– CA ), Henderson 1829 ( NBG ), Morris 268 ( NBG ) ; Bredasdorp Poort (– CA ) , Heginbotham 163 ( NBG ) . 3421 ( Riversdale ): Oude Tuin near Albertinia (– AB ), Muir 1852 ( BOL , PRE ) ; Stilbaai (– AD ), Jordaan 18607 ( NBG ) ; Stilbaaihoogte (– AD ), Bohnen 7617 ( NBG ) , Le Roux , Boatwright , Magee and Van Wyk 17 ( JRAU ) . 3422 ( Mossel Bay ): Brak River (– AA ), Young 5514 ( BOL ) ; Belvedere (– BB ), Duthie 510 ( NBG ) ; Goukamma (– BB ) , Wurts 2234 ( NBG ) . 3423 ( Knysna ): Between Knysna and Plettenberg Bay (– AA ), Pappe s.n. ( S , SAM ) ; Plettenbergbaai (– AB ), Anon s.n. sub STEU 13540 ( NBG ) . 3425 ( Port Elizabeth ): Schoenmakers Kop (– AB ), Story 3654 ( PRE ) .