Three new Glossoscolex (Annelida: Crassiclitellata: Glossoscolecidae) in the truncatus group from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Author Feijoo-Martínez, Alexander Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales, A. A. 097, Pereira, Colombia Author Brown, George G. Embrapa Forestry, C. P. 319, Estrada da Ribeira km. 111, Colombo-PR, Brasil, 83411 - 000 text Zootaxa 2023 2023-03-15 5255 1 220 234 journal article 57834 10.11646/zootaxa.5255.1.21 daec5db6-c6c1-4c8e-8daa-1712a9f1eb00 1175-5326 7744725 FDA06316-7926-499D-8C92-893F99110489 Glossoscolex ( Glossoscolex ) santarosaensis sp. nov. ( Figs. 3 ) Etymology . The name of species derives from the name of the type locality, the “Fazenda Santa Rosa”, located in Assistência District, near Rio Claro, S„o Paulo. Holotype . BRSP0078 , one adult in topsoil ( 0-20 cm depth) of a lowland cattle pasture, 02 February , 2006, Fazenda Santa Rosa , Assistência District , Rio Claro , S „o Paulo State , Brazil ; 22.509853°S , 47.611472°W , S.W. James , G.G. Brown , S.K. Davidson , N. Pinel , T. Decaëns, D . Baretta, J.M . Pereira, colls. Paratypes . BRSP0166 , 1 adult , same collection data as holotype . MZUSP5359 , 1 adult , same site as holotype , 11 March , 2005, S.W. James , G.G. Brown , colls . Other material examined. BRSP0160 , three adults , same collection data as holotype . BRSP0126 , three adults without posterior segments, 22 May , 2012, same site as holotype , G. Brown , A. Feijoo , and H. Drake , colls . BRSP0157 , three adults , nine sub-adults, same site as holotype , 11 March , 2005, S.W. James , G.G. Brown , colls . BRSP0948 , two adults , one missing anterior portion and severed at the clitellum and the other lacking caudal portion (severed at 70 segments after clitellum), and two amputated juveniles, same site as holotype , 11 March , 2005, S.W. James , G.G. Brown , colls . BRSP0949 , three adults , seven subadults (one amputated in anterior portion, two in posterior portion), same data as holotype . Description. Endogeic species with cylindrical body, lacking pigmentation dorsally, except for the clitellar region which is reddish-pink (color no. 147 according to Séguy 1936 ) ( Fig. 3A ). Some individuals presented orangish color ventrally (color no. 205 according to Séguy 1936 ). Holotype : length of preserved holotype 210.1 mm , diameter 4.6 mm in the preclitellar region, 5.2 mm in the clitellum, and 4.6 mm in the postclitellar region. Number of segments: 336. Paratype : length 170 mm long and widths of 5.4 mm (segment 10), 5.3 mm (segment 20) and 4.6 mm (segment 38). Number of segments: 279. Prolobic prostomium with first segment invaginated. Eight rows of closely paired setae with a , b visible from segment 7, and c , d from 8. Setae ratio in segment 40: aa:ab:bc:cd:dd = 16:1:4.3:0.5:18. The annular-shaped clitellum lies in segments 14–23 (=10), tubercula pubertatis absent ( Fig. 3A ). The male pores are located in segment 17 and female pores intraclitellar and pre-setal in segment 14, aligned with and close to b setae. The nephropores are close to b setae. FIGURE 3. Glossoscolex ( Glossoscolex ) santarosaensis , sp. nov. A. External view of rosy clitellar zone (15-23), showing male pores (MP) in 17 and female pores (FP) in segment 14. B. Internal view of clitellar region, showing seminal vesicles (SV) in a long strand and the tubular copulatory chamber (CC) occupying segments 16 and 17; close-up of calciferous gland in 12 (smaller inset). C. Yellowish-green-colored cocoon. D. Live adult individuals are unpigmented, long and frequently reach 20 cm in the field (in hands of co-author G.G. Brown). Internal anatomy. Septa of segments 6/7–10/11 are thick, conical and interpenetrated. Gizzard with round shape in 6. One pair of calciferous glands in segment 12 ( Fig. 3B ), circle shape, with composite tubular structure (Kompositenschlauchtaschen), and lumen greatly irrigated with blood vessels that completely fill the interior spaces of the gland. Oesophagus-intestine transition in segment 14 and typhlosole beginning in segment 14, with an S-shaped tightly folded dorsal lamina that occupies 2/3 of the intestinal lumen. At around segment 30, the lamina becomes less folded, and eventually just a slightly curved simple lamina. The first part of the intestine, includes organic particles such as litter mixed with seeds, soil and stones. Intestinal caeca absent. Five pairs of lateral-oesphageal hearts in segments 7–11. One pair of holonephridia per segment. Ovaries and ovarian funnels in segment 13. One pair of seminal vesicles beginning in segment 12 and extending to segment 94 ( Fig. 3B ). Male sexual system metandric, testes and funnels in single midventral subesophageal sac in segment 11, with vas deferens beginning in segment 11, penetrating the copulatory chambers in segment 17 and exiting at the male pore in segment 17. Tubular-shaped copulatory chamber in segments 16–17 ( Fig. 3B ). Cocoons. The cocoons ( Fig. 3C ) are ovoid and have a long strand on one side, and give rise to a single small unpigmented individual ( Cardoso 2016 ). Remarks. Glossoscolex ( G. ) santarosaensis sp. nov. is close to G. (G.) araucariaenis sp. nov. G ( G .) mariarum Bartz & James, 2012 , and G. (G.) terraopimus Bartz & James, 2012 by the presence of annular clitellum, tubercula pubertatis absent, male pores in 17, but is separated by calciferous gland shape, the position and shape of the copulatory pouches, as well as the setal distances. Adult individuals are generally over 20 cm long in the field, but preserved individuals measure from 160 to 210 mm ( Fig. 3D ).