New species and records of Scaphobaeocera CSIKI from New Guinea (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scaphidiinae) Author Ivan Löbl text Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft 2017 2017-10-15 107 33 41 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.1098156 ed95e404-6108-47c1-92e6-c285d46196ac 0340-4943 1098156 Scaphobaeocera punctata sp. n. ( Figs 16 -18) Type material . Holotype : NEW GUINEA /NE/ LAE 4-6.IX.1968 /No. NG-L-B. 75. leg. Dr. J. BALOGH ( HNMB ). Description . Length 0.92 mm , width 0.50, dorsoventral diameter 0.52 mm . Head, pronotum, elytra and hypomera uniformly reddish-brown. Mesoventrite, metaventrite and abdomen darker, brown. Appendages light, almost yellowish. The length/width ratios of the antennomeres are as: III 16/5 : IV 18/5 : V 23/6 : VI 19/5 : VII 26/8 : VIII 12/6 : IX 27/10 : X 29/12 : XI 46/13 (Fig. 16). Pronotum very finely punctate, with distinct microsculpture. Exposed tip of scutellum minute. Elytra with parasutural striae, sutural striae shallow, somewhat curved near base, discal punctation distinctly coarser than pronotal punctation, with conspicuous strigulate microsculpture covering sutural areas, not iridescent. Hypomera not microsculptured, appearing smooth, lacking longitudinal stria. Middle area of metaventrite flat, without median stria or impression, enti- rely very densely and rather coarsely punctate, punctures mostly larger than puncture intervals, bearing short setae. Lateral parts of metaventrite not microsculptured, with conspicuous, comparatively coarse and dense punctation, punctures somewhat elongate, smaller than puncture intervals. Submesocoxal areas about 0.03 mm , submesocoxal lines with punctures as large as those on lateral parts of metaventrite. Metanepisterna about 0.05 mm wide, flat, not narrowed anteriad, with straight suture, each bearing puncture row. Tibiae straight. Abdomen with strigulate microsculpture. Sternite 1 very finely and sparsely punctate, basal punctures rather coarse. Male : Protarsomeres 1 to 3 weakly widened, narrower than apices of protibiae. Aedeagus as in Figs 17, 18, 0.25 mm long. Differential diagnosis . This species may be readily distinguished by the lateral parts of the metaventrite conspicuously punctate and by the punctate metanepisterna. In addition, it may be readily distinguished from most of its congeners the small body size. The aedeagus resembles that in S. piceoapicalis LÖBL , 1977 and S. variabilis LÖBL , 1981 . These species share a long flagellum forming two complete circles and a short apical process of the median lobe. The Australian S. piceoapicalis has the middle part of metaventrite impressed and ventrally lobed parameres, S . variabilis from Japan differs by the microsculptured lateral parts of the metaventrite and the antennomeres VI about as long as the antennomeres VII.