Barilius Kamjongensis, A New Bariliine Fish Species (Danionidae, Danioninae) From The Chindwin Basin Of Manipur, India
Arunkumar, L.
Department of Zoology, Mayai Lambi College, Yumnam Huidrom- 795009, Imphal West, Manipur, India
Thoibi, M.
Department of Zoology, Mayai Lambi College, Yumnam Huidrom- 795009, Imphal West, Manipur, India
Jajo, E.
Department of Zoology, Pettigrew College, Ukhrul- 795142, Manipur, India
journal article
Barilius kamjongensis
sp. n.
fig. 1
Material. Type.
: 125/NH/
, 24°86´N &
101.1 mm
111.7 mm
TL, Taret-lok at Lunbung,
Kamjong District
Coll. Ersilia Jajo
& her party.
: 125/NH/
, 5 exs,
75.5–97.2 mm
96.5–121.6 mm
TL, data as for holotype
Barilius kamjongensis
sp. n.
differs from its congeners based on the following combination of characters: presence of 2 pairs of barbels, 16–19 predorsal scales, 12–15 lateral body bars, inter-bars wider than bars, 40–43 perforated lateral line scales, 7.5/2.5 lateral line transverse scales, dorsal-fin without a distinct transverse blue-black band, origin of dorsal-fin closed to base of caudal-fin, not equidistant from the middle of eye and base of caudal-fin and far behind the vertical through the origin of pelvic-fin, pectoral-fin shorter than head length, pelvic-fin origin far in front of dorsal-fin origin, caudal-fin unequal lobes, body depth at dorsal-fin origin 22.8–26.6 % SL, caudal peduncle depth depth 8.5–10.3 % SL, predorsal length 55.8–57.7 % SL, head length 23.4–25.4 % SL, head length at occiput 12.5–18.4 % SL and 75.7–77.8 % HL, narrow head 10.4–12.7 % SL, eye diameter 6.4–7.9 % SL and 26.0–33.6 % HL respectively. See detailed comparison in the Discussion below.
Fig. 1. A —
Barilius kamjongensis
sp. n.
, 125/NH/MUM, 101.1 mm SL (Holotype) before preservation; B —
Barilius kamjongensis
sp. n.
97.2 mm SL (Paratype) after preservation.
T a b l e 1. Morphometric data of
Barilius kamjongensis
sp. n.
(No. of specimens = 6)
Characters |
Holotype 125/NH/MUM |
Paratype Ranges |
Mean |
Total length (= TL in mm) |
111.7 |
96.5–121.6 |
Standard length (= SL in mm) |
101.4 |
106.6–110.7 |
In % of SL |
Body depth at dorsal-fin origin |
25.0 |
22.8–26.6 |
24.7 |
Body depth at ventral-fin origin |
25.7 |
24.0–27.1 |
25.7 |
Body depth at anal-fin origin |
21.7 |
19.7–22.1 |
20.6 |
Body width at dorsal-fin origin |
11.2 |
11.1–12.8 |
11.6 |
Body width at anal-fin origin |
8.1 |
8.1–10.1 |
9.2 |
Caudal-peduncle depth |
8.5 |
8.5–10.1 |
9.6 |
Caudal-peduncle length |
19.4 |
14.8–17.6 |
13.6 |
Predorsal length |
57.7 |
55.8–57.3 |
26.6 |
Post-dorsal length |
44.6 |
41.8–47.8 |
45.3 |
Preanal length |
69.2 |
68.1–72.3 |
70.2 |
Preanus length |
64.1 |
64.7–68.5 |
66.0 |
Prepectoral length |
27.0 |
24.7–28.0 |
26.0 |
Prepelvic length |
49.4 |
49.6–51.2 |
50.5 |
Pectoral to pelvic-fin length |
22.4 |
22.2–26.2 |
23.7 |
Pelvic to anal-fin length |
19.9 |
18.5–21.5 |
19.7 |
Anal to caudal-fin base length |
30.8 |
27.6–31.9 |
29.8 |
Pelvic to anus length |
14.7 |
14.0–19.4 |
16.1 |
Caudal-fin length (upper lobe) |
26.3 |
21.0–26.8 |
23.8 |
Caudal-fin length (lower lobe) |
29.3 |
25.1–27.8 |
27.1 |
Dorsal fin length |
24.3 |
19.5–23.5 |
22.2 |
Pectoral fin length |
21.3 |
17.6–19.2 |
19.2 |
Pelvic fin length |
14.8 |
12.8–14.1 |
13.6 |
Anal fin length |
20.3 |
20.3–21.9 |
21.1 |
Dorsal fin base length |
11.9 |
9.7–12.7 |
11.3 |
Anal-fin base length |
14.4 |
11.8–17.0 |
14.3 |
Lateral head length |
24.4 |
23.4–25.4 |
24.1 |
Head length at occiput |
12.5 |
13.3–18.4 |
16.5 |
Head depth at occiput |
16.3 |
13.3–18.8 |
17.0 |
Head width at occiput |
12.6 |
10.4–12.7 |
12.0 |
Post orbital length |
14.8 |
13.2–14.0 |
13.8 |
Pre orbital head depth |
11.9 |
9.5–12.6 |
11.0 |
Post orbital head depth |
15.6 |
14.8–16.5 |
15.5 |
Upper jaw length |
9.9 |
9.8–10.5 |
10.1 |
Snout length |
7.8 |
6.2–8.2 |
7.1 |
Eye diameter |
6.4 |
6.6–7.9 |
7.0 |
Interorbital width |
9.6 |
8.0-9.7 |
8.8 |
Internarial width |
4.3 |
4.1–5.0 |
4.5 |
Description. Morphometric data are shown in table 1 and table 2. Body shape is shown in
fig. 1
. Body laterally compressed, ventral profile slightly rounded Post dorsal region in a slanted straight line. Head length usually longer and larger than head depth. Snout tip nearby blunt. Mouth gape below anterior margin of eye and mouth upturned, upper and lower jaws more or less same in length. Dentary tubercles of row developed and shown in
fig. 2
Fig. 2. Dentary tubercles of
Barilius kamjongensis
sp. n.
T a b l e 2. Morphometric data of
Barilius kamjongensis
sp. n.
(No. of specimens = 6)
Characters |
Holotype 125/NH/MUM |
Paratype Ranges |
Mean |
In % of HL (Head Length) |
Head width at occiput |
51.4 |
44.3–52.5 |
49.7 |
Head depth at occiput |
66.8 |
72.9–77.8 |
74.5 |
Head length at occiput |
75.7 |
75.1–77.8 |
76.8 |
Head depth at anterior eye |
48.5 |
40.2–46.9 |
45.7 |
Snout length |
32.0 |
26.3–34.8 |
29.3 |
Eye diameter |
26.0 |
26.1–33.6 |
28.7 |
Interorbital distance |
39.3 |
33.6–38.2 |
36.8 |
Internarial distance |
17.4 |
17.4–20.8 |
18.8 |
Post orbital length |
60.7 |
54.4–58.3 |
57.3 |
Upper jaw length |
17.4 |
17.4–20.8 |
18.8 |
Snout slightly longer than eye diameter. Inter-orbital region slightly convex. Nares located closed to eyes than tip of snout. Dorsal margin of eye never reaches to the dorsal profile of head and its lower margin never reaches to the level of angle of mouth. Origin of dorsal-fin closed to the base of caudal-fin, not equidistant from the middle of eye and base of caudal-fin but equal to the post-orbit and base of caudal-fin. Tip end of dorsal-fin straight, with posterior tip surpassing vertical through posterior base of anal-fin. Dorsalfin with ii, 7 rays. Pectoral-fin shorter than head length and often reaching base of pelvicfin. Pectoral-fin with i, 11 rays. Pelvic-fin origin far in front of dorsal-fin origin, its tip not reaching origin of anal-fin. Pelvic-fin with I, 7–8 rays Pectoral and pelvic-fins with lobate axial scales. Anal-fin originated far behind vertical through the last posterior origin of dorsal-fin ray with ii, 10 rays. Caudal-fin unequal, lower lobe longer than upper lobe and ii, 8+8. Ii rays. Circumpeduncular scales 14.
Colouration. In fresh specimen, dorsal and dorso-lateral surfaces of head and body faintly greyish green, ventral portion anterior to pelvic-fin origin silver coloured. Belly creamy to light golden yellowish. Lateral body with 12–15 dark blue bars and not touched lateral line scales. Pectoral, pelvic and anal-fins are light orange in colour. Caudal-fin edge yellowish with blackish upper and lower lobe margins.
Fig. 3. Distribution and type locality of
Barilius kamjongensis
sp. n.
in Manipur, India, indicated as a red triangle.
Fig. 4. Taretlok River at Lunbung, Kamjong District, Manipur, India: habitat and type loclity of
Barilius kamjongjenesis
sp. n.
Local Name. ‘Ngapaila’ in Tangkhul language and ‘Ngawa’ in Manipuri language.
D i s t r i b u t i o n a n d h a b i t a t.
Barilius kamjongensis
sp. n.
is presently known only the Taret-lok River, Kamjong District of
fig. 3–4
). Taret-Lok River is originated from Nungshit-Haibi, then it joins the Nungjaopokpi River, southern part of Sita village, Tengnoupal District and flows through Tuyungbi at Yongkhun village which mainly dominated by Maring tribe and then joined to the Maklang River at Nambasi. There are three main hill streams of Nambasi viz., Lungbung, Kartangtak and Lungkuna which are the main hill stream fishing centres of the Taret-lok River of Kamjong District of
sp. n.
is associated with the following fish species viz.,
Garna moyonkhulleni, Neolissochilus hexagonolepis, Poropuntius burtoni, Schistura reticulata, Glyptothorax chivomensis
E t y m o l o g y. The species is named after the Kamjong District of
from where it was collected.