Taxonomic review of tropical western Atlantic shallow water Drilliidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Conoidea) including descriptions of 100 new species
Fallon, Phillip J.
journal article
Fenimorea caysalensis
new species
Plates 69
11.8 x 5.0 mm (USNM 1291343); 33
from the
locality: 4 spec., 11.9 x 5.5, 12.0 x 5.3, 12.5 x 5.3 & 12.5 x
5.3 mm
(USNM 1291344); 4 spec., 11.7 x 5.0, 11.1 x 5.4, 11.1 x 4.8 & 11.2 x
5.2 mm
(ANSP 464989); 4 spec., 11.3 x 5.1, 11.6 x 5.0, 11.6 x 5.4 & 11.2 x 5.0 mm (BMSM 14989); 4 spec., 9.4 x 4.5,
4.6, 10.0 x 4.4 & 10.0 x
4.6 mm
); 4 spec., 10.2 x 4.6, 9.2 x 4.4, 10.0 x 4.6 & 10.2 x
4.6 mm
(UF 496638); 13 spec., 10.9 x 4.8, 10.4 x 4.7, 10.3 x 4.4, 10.1 x 4.6, 10.6 x 4.7, 10.8 x 4.9, 10.5 x 4.6, 10.7 x 4.7, 10.8 x 4.7, 10.9 x 4.8, 11.0 x 4.9, 12.1 x 5.3 & 12.4 x
5.1 mm
(author’s coll.). All
G. Mackintosh!
22–23 Feb 1996
W side of Dog Rocks, Cay Sal Bank,
Is., in
10 m
Other material examined.
An additional
93 specimens
were examined: 1 spec., 9.7 x
4.5 mm
, in
9 m
, Pickles Reef,
5 mi
8 km
] ESE of Tavernier Creek, E end of Plantation Key, Florida Keys, H.G. Lee!
9 Jul 1989
(UF 470298); 63 spec., 8.2–12.0 mm, 19 measured: 11.4 x 4.8, 12.3 x 4.9, 11.1 x 4.7, 11.7 x 5.0, 10.1 x 4.4, 8.2 x 3.8, 10.5 x 4.2, 9.4 x 4.4, 12.0 x 4.8, 10.3 x 4.6, 10.3 x 4.3, 9.8 x 4.5, 11.5 x 4.7, 11.8 x 4.8, 10.8 x 4.6, 12.0 x 5.0, 9.3 x 4.3, 9.3 x 4.3 & 10.8 x
4.6 mm
, in
3 m
, Honeymoon Cove, Gun Cay, Bimini Is.,
Is., G. Mackintosh!
8 Apr 1994
(author’s coll.); 1 spec., 11.1 x
4.4 mm
, N Cat Cay, Bimini Is., B. Holliman!
25 Oct 1987
(UF 470297); 26 spec., 9.8 x 4.3, 9.5 x 4.2, 9.1 x 4.3, 9.6 x 4.6, 8.9 x 4.4, 8.9 x 4.1, 8.8 x 4.1, 10.2 x 4.7, 10.1 x 5.0, 8.8 x 4.2, 9.2 x 4.4, 8.9 x 4.3,
10 x
4.5, 9.3 x 4.6, 9.7 x 4.6, 9.8 x 4.6, 9.0 x 4.2, 10.2 x 4.6, 10.7 x 4.9, 9.1 x 4.2, 8.5 x 4.0, 9.0 x 4.4, 8.8 x 4.4, 9.5 x 4.8, 9.2 x 4.2 & 10.6 x
4.5 mm
, in
9 m
, Cay Sal, Cay Sal Bank,
Is., G. Mackintosh!
22 Apr 1994
(author’s coll.); 2 spec., 10.1 x 4.2 & 10.8 x
4.6 mm
, in
1.2 m
, W side of Saddle Cay, N Exuma Cays,
Is., G. Duffy!
5 Sep 1977
(UF 470317).
Range and habitat.
Florida Keys (Plantation Key);
Is. (Dog Rocks & Cay Sal, Cay Sal Bank; Gun Cay, N Cat Cay, Bimini Is.; Exuma). It has been reported from
10 m
small, to
14.7 mm
in total length, stoutly fusiform, almost half as wide as long; of up to 9 straight-sided whorls with an acuminate spire tip, and with only slight indentations marking suture and anterior boundary of the sulcus. Last whorl 67% of shell length.
smooth, of approximately 2 round whorls; transition to teleoconch difficult to discern because of pitted surface on account of slight erosion.
Axial sculpture
of low irregular ribs, some extend from suture-to-suture a few end at sulcus, some slightly nodulose at whorl periphery, others are very low, almost obsolete; arcuate and slightly reduced in sulcus, some slightly nodulose; evanesce below periphery of body whorl; 12–18 on penultimate whorl, 8–13 on last whorl to varix.
Vari x
humplike, about ⅓-turn back from the edge of the outer lip.
Spiral sculpture
of closely spaced microscopic incised lines over the shell surface, more widely spaced on the shell base, cut by closely spaced growth striae that form microscopic pits between. Deeper, more widely spaced spiral grooves override this pattern.
demarcated by a crease on the shell surface.
Outer lip
thin, lightly scalloped by projections of the deeper, more widely spaced spirals on thin-lipped specimens to smooth on thick-lipped specimens; a slight inward fold present on edge on the anterior portion of lip. Outer lip surface from varix to lip’s edge strengthened by up to 5 irregular axial folds in mature specimens.
Anal sinus
deep, its apex round, sides straight; slightly constricted at opening on parietal wall side by a callus.
Anterior canal
very short, open, slightly notched at its tip; anterior fasciole not swollen; spirals subequal to that on shell base.
Inner lip
appressed to columella, narrow, margined, glossy, thin on parietal wall.
variable, white to dingy white with a light brown spiral band mid-body, broken by lighter ribs; large darker brown patch on varix and irregularly between ribs, and dark patches intermittently spaced on shoulders of spire whorls.
Fenimorea caysalensis
new species
Upper panel.
Figs. 1, 3: holotype, W of Dog Rocks, Cay Sal Bank, Bahama Is. (USNM 1291343). Fig. 1: ventral, lateral & dorsal views; Fig. 3: apical view, V = varix, L = edge of outer lip. Fig. 2: specimen in Pl. 70, Fig. 6: enlarged view of protoconch (not to scale; author’s coll.).
Lower panel.
Figs. 4–23: paratypes, all from the type locality. Figs. 4–7: USNM 1291344; Figs. 8–11: ANSP 464989; Figs. 12–15: BMSM 14989; Figs. 16–19: UF 496638; Figs. 20–23: DMNH 240357.
Fenimorea caysalensis
new species
, comparison with
Fenimorea fucata
(Reeve, 1845)
Upper panel
F. caysalensis
. Figs. 1–19: Honeymoon Cove, Gun Cay, Bimini Is. (author’s coll.); Figs. 20–21: N Exuma Cays, Bahama Is. (UF 470317).
Lower panel
F. fucata
(Reeve, 1845)
. Figs. 22–26: Damas Cays, Cay Sal Bank (author’s coll.).
Fenimorea caysalensis
has all of the characteristics of
: the shell microsculpture typical of the genus; ribs suture-to-suture that are modified in the sulcus, a broad hump-like varix; a deep U-shaped anal sinus, and numerous low ribs. It is one of the smallest and stoutest among its cogeners.
F. caysalensis
is similar in size and shape to ecotypic dwarfs of
F. f u c at a
(Reeve, 1845). Compare Figs. 5–8, and Figs. 18–20 of
Plate 78
, ecotypic dwarfs from Grand
I. and Abaco I., respectively, and Figs. 7–10 of
Plate 79
(dwarfs from Andros I.). There does not appear to be “normal size” or intermediate size
F. f u ca t a
having a similar color pattern present on Cay Sal Bank. Specimens of
F. f u c at a
from Cay Sal Bank (Damas Cays) are much larger and somewhat differently patterned than Dog Rocks
F. caysalensis
specimens. The Damas Cays specimens are shown in Figs. 22–26
Plate 70
. A representative specimen of
F. fucata
from Honeymoon Cove is shown in
Fig. 2
Plate 79
. For this reason it is believed that
F. caysalensis
represents a true species and not just another ecotypic dwarf.
The average length of
96 specimens
10.52 mm
8.2–14.7 mm
) and average W/
L ratio
is 0.449. Specimens are fairly uniform in gross shell parameters but color pattern varies between known populations. The Dog Rocks population differs somewhat from the one in Honeymoon Cove, Gun Cay (compare
Plates 69
). The central color band is wider although mostly confined to the intercostal space in the Dog Rocks population, whereas the Honeymoon Cove population is more like
F. fucata
in its color pattern, and more variable, the central color band narrower and more often continuous, not usually confined to the intercostal space. All-white specimens of what are believed to be this species have been taken from Exuma (Pl. 70, Figs. 20–21).
Fenimorea caysalensis
is similar to
F. jongreenlawi
new species
F. glennduffyi
new species
. Their average total length is comparable (10.52, 10.87, and
11.1 mm
F. caysalensis
F. jongreenlawi
, and
F. glennduffyi
, respectively); however, other shell parameters differ.
F. caysalensis
has a stouter shell (W/L = 0.449 versus 0.405 and 0.418 for
F. jongreenlawi
F. glennduffyi
, respectively), and a proportionately larger height of the last whorl (66% versus 64% and 63% for
F. jongreenlawi
F. glennduffyi
, respectively). There are differences in other characters, namely sculpture and color.
F. caysalensis
has more axials than either of the other two species.
Fenimorea caysalensis
has a scalloped outer lip, not smooth as in
F. jongreenlawi
, and spiral lines on the shell base more widely spaced and ridge-like. It is more darkly colored than
F. jongreenlawi
, and differently patterned than
F. glennduffyi
. From
F. biminensis
new species
it differs in being more robust (W/L average = 0.449 versus 0.391), and it has a different color pattern. From
F. f a ba e
, new species it differs in possessing distinct ribs, spiral grooves and teeth on the outer lip edge, and a distinct sulcus. From
F. cul exensis
Usticke, 1969
it differs in possessing a round last whorl, not squarish, a less angular shoulder, teeth on the edge of the outer lip, not small bumps, and it has a different color pattern. The all-white forms differ from
F. nivalis
new species
principally in the acuminate shape of the spire.
The Cay Sal Bank
. Named after its
locality and known principal area of occurrence, Cay Sal Bank,