Synopsis of the Grenadier Fishes (Gadiformes; Teleostei) of Taiwan Author Iwamoto, Tomio Section of Ichthyology, California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Drive, San Francisco, CA 94118, USA; Author Nakayama, Naohide Laboratory of Marine Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, 2 - 5 - 1 Akebono-cho, Kochi, 780 - 8073, Japan; Author Shao, Kwang-Tsao Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica No. 128, Sec. 2, Academia Road, Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan; Author Table, Hsuan-Ching Ho text Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 2015 2015-04-15 62 3 31 126 journal article 299670 10.5281/zenodo.11512126 522b8de7-880d-40ca-803e-aa5a3a05c5f6 0068-547X 11512126 Bathygadus garretti Gilbert and Hubbs, 1916 Bathygadus garretti Gilbert and Hubbs, 1916:151–153, pl.8, fig. 1 ( holotype USNM 76863 , 513 TL, Suruga Gulf , Japan , Albatross sta. 5059, 197–297 fm [ 360–543 m ]) . Bathygadus ( Melanobranchus ) garretti : Gilbert and Hubbs, 1920:380 (in key). Bathygadus garretti : Okamura, 1970:34–36 , pl. 12, text-fig. 17 (descr. based on paratype , USNM 135351); Okamura, 1984:197 , 357, fig. 139 (descr. in Japanese and English; 7 spec. , Okinawa Trough, 360–650 m ).— Chiou et al., 2004b:42 , fig. 6 ( 1 spec. , Da-xi, NET ).— Shao et al., 2008 : table 2 ( 6 spec. , NET , SWT , SCS ). Bathygadus nipponicus : Howes and Crimmen, 1990:191 (in part; synonymized B. garretti with B. nipponicus ). Chiou et al., 2004b:42 , fig. 7 ( 1 spec. , NET ). MATERIAL EXAMINED ( 20 spec. ).— NET : ASIZP 61226 (1, 86.5 HL, 446 TL) ; Da-xi; ASIZP 61227 (2, 70–77 HL, 362–380 TL) ; Da-xi; ASIZP 61228 (1, 96.8 HL, 458 TL) ; Da-xi, ASIZP 64274 (1, 91.3 HL, 365 TL) ; CP 235, 764 m ; ASIZP 70241 (1, 281 TL) ; Da-xi; ASIZP 70244 (1, 153 TL); Da-xi ; ASIZP 70246 (3, 127–175 TL); Da-xi ; ASIZP 70249 (3, 360–456 TL); Da-xi ; ASIZP 70253 (1, 444 TL); Da-xi. SWT : ASIZP 65512 (1, 58.1 HL, 320 TL); CP 130, 709– 728 m ; ASIZP 65593 (1, 70 HL, 338 TL); CD 140, 280– 452 m ; ASIZP 65599 (1, 65.6 HL, 291+ TL); CD 137, 316– 477 m . No data: ASIZP 65580 (1, 71.6 HL, 335+ TL). Other material : Japan : BSKU 98225 (1, 62.5 HL, 305+ TL) and BSKU 98224 (1, 58.9 HL, 320 TL); Suruga Bay , 520–545 m ; 23 Nov. 1978 . DISTINGUISHING FEATURES .— A species of Bathygadus with gular membrane scaled; a rudimentary chin barbel usually present (sometimes absent); dorsal profile behind head relatively low, nape not humpbacked; 1D II8–10; P i15–i18; V 10 (rarely 11); GR-I (5–6) + (17–20); pyl. caeca 34–46 (or more); interorbital width 27–32% HL; orbit diameter 21–26%; upper jaw length 52–58%; none of fins with greatly elongated rays. DISTRIBUTION .— Southern Japan s. to Taiwan ( NET , SWT ) in 360–650 m . REMARKS .— Our identification of specimens of this species was based on a combination of characters, including the presence of a rudimentary chin barbel. In a few specimens, the barbel was not present, but other characters that we deemed important appeared to confirm our identification. Howes and Crimmen (1990:1910) synonymized B. garretti with B. nipponicus , stating that the only difference between the two was the presence of a rudimentary chin barbel in the former, a suggestion made earlier by Okamura (1984:358) . However, our ASIZ specimens suggest that B. garretti almost always has V 10 (11 on one side in a paratype ) vs. mostly 9 in B. nipponicus (the holotype has 10, fide Okamura 1970 and Howes and Crimmen 1990, not 9 as stated in the original description), a slightly larger orbit (1–26% HL vs. 17–22%), and more pyloric caeca (34–46 [ 5 spec. ] vs. 12–19 [ 5 spec. ]). The count of pyloric caeca in the single paratype of B. garretti was given as 50 by Gilbert and Hubbs (1916:152), 49 by Okamura (1970:34) , and 54 by Howes and Crimmen (1990:191). Specimen ASIZP 61227, listed in Chiou et al. (2004b) as the first Taiwan record of B. nipponicus , was determined by us to be B. garretti . One of two specimens of B. antrodes ( ASIZP 61226) recorded in the same paper is now re-identified as this species.