Curculionoidea (weevils) of New Caledonia and Vanuatu: Basal families and some Curculionidae Author Kuschel, Guillermo John T. Huber text Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle 2008 197 99 250 journal article 978-2-85653-605-6 1243-4442 Strabonus glabratus n. sp. Fig. 82 DESCRIPTION. — Shiny black, elytra with slight or intense blue sheen; elytra at apex and last ventrites with dark pubescence; prosternum with sparse white hairs, mesosternal process with dense white hairs; prothorax with a white stripe of dense scales on either side, similar white scales forming a patch on outer side of fore coxa. Head anteriorly shiny, sparsely punctulate, slightly alutaceous behind. Frons separated by 3 x the width of scape. Rostrum 0.74-0.77 x the length of prothorax, straight, depressed; postrostrum moderately punctate on either side, with a sulcus against scrobes; prerostrum a little wider than long, indistinctly punctate. Scape extending to about anterior third of eyes, weakly to distinctly compressed; funicle with segment 2 shorter than 1, shorter than 3 + 4; club as long as preceding six segments combined. Prothorax a fraction longer than wide, sparsely, finely punctate. Scutellum smooth, glabrous. Elytra 1.43 x wider than prothorax, 1.29-1.36 x longer than their combined width, broadened towards middle, then rounded off to a broad apex; in lateral view deep, almost humped. Striae complete, deeply sulcate from before middle; stria 10 with seven coarse puncta at base, followed by a fine engraved line. Interstriae distinctly punctate, with one row of puncta. Mesepisternum smooth; mesepimeron with few shallow puncta; metepisternum with a row of puncta, these nearly as coarse as those on sides of metasternum. All femora with a strong tooth of similar size. Last three ventrites punctulate; ventrite 5 broadly smooth on midline. Male: not dissected. Female: not dissected. Length: 2.0- 2.9 mm . TYPE MATERIAL . — Holotype female, 2.4 x 1.2 mm , Mt. Koghi , NZAC . Paratypes with BPBM , MNHW , NZAC , QMBA , SRFP . MATERIAL EXAMINED . — New Caledonia . 2 females , Mandjélia , les, Aoupinié , sawmill, 500 m , 2.I.2005 , G. B. Monteith ; 1 female , 20°24’S , 164°32’E , 780 m , 13.XII.2004 , G. B. Monteith ; 1female , Mt. Mou , 3.III.1963 , N L H Krauss ; 2 females , Mt. Mou , 22°04S , 1 km SW of Mandjélia , 730 m , 5.I.2005 , G. B. Monteith ; 1 female , 166°21’E , 1170 m (summit saddle), 27-29.XII.2004 , G. B. Mon- Mandjélia (Ouégoa), 8.II.2005 , S. Cazères & C. Mille ; 2 males , 3 teith; 2 females , Mt. Koghi , 500 m , 27.I.1963 , G. Kuschel ; 3 males , females, Mt. Panié , 1200-1300 m , 2.II.2004 , M. Wanat ; 2 fema- 4 females , Haute Rivière Bleue, 180-330 m , 22-23.II.2004 , M. Wales, Aoupinié, 900-950 m , 8.II.2004 , M. Wanat ; 1 male , Aoupinié, nat; 1 female , Forêt Nord ( Bot. Reserve ), 22°19’S , 166°55’E , 200 21°09’S , 165°19’E , 500 m , 17.XII.2004 , G. B. Monteith ; 2 ma- m, 15.II.2004 , M. Wanat. 27 specimens . ETYMOLOGY. — The Latin epithet ‘glabrátus’is given to a bare looking species. REMARKS. — The paratype , probably collected at or above 900 m of altitude; it differs in having the interstriae transversely strigose posteriorly, and elytra of a bright, intense blue.