New species and new record of the rare genera Xynotingis Drake, 1948 and Zeiratingis Drake & Ruhoff, 1961 (Hemiptera: Tingidae) from China
Dang, Kai
Li, Chuanren
Bu, Wenjun
journal article
Zeiratingis hainanensis
sp. nov.
Figs. 5–8
Body dorsal brown, ventral dark brown; paranota dark brown, with a transverse pale band at middle part; hemelytra with two transverse, dark brown bands at premedian and subapical parts, respectively, the premedian one distinctly broader than subapical one; costal area before premedian band and between premedian and subapical bands semitransparent.
Head short, slightly extending in front of eyes, inserted into pronotum up to eyes; posterior half of head concealed by the reflexed paranota (
Figs. 5. 6
), armed with five slender, appressed spines. Antennal segment I and II stout, and nearly equal in length; segment III approximately three times as long as IV, the last somewhat inflated, covered with many short hairs. Bucculae wide, triseriate, with ends meeting in front, extending slightly in front of clypeus. Rostrum reaching posterior margin of metasternum; rostral sulcus nearly straight, distinctly opening behind, each laminae uniseriate.
Pronotum broadly convex across humeri, punctate, tricarinate. Hood small, tectiform. Median carina long, clearly visible between reflexed paranota, foliaceous, uniseriate, moderately elevated; the highest part biseriate, located before pronotal disc; subapical part not areolated; each veinlet of areolae armed with many slender hairs. Lateral carinae concealed by paranota, strongly elevated on pronotum, semiglobose (
Fig. 7
), erected, almost as foliaceous as paranota, areolate; its base close to base of paranota; entire outer margins visible dorsally, also armed with many slender, hairs (
Figs. 5–7
), but each veinlet of areolae armed with many short spines (
Fig. 7
). Paranota highly inflated, reflexed upright, semiglobose; both paranota meeting in front but not in contact medially and posteriorlly; dorsally they covering most of pronotum and small anterior part of the head and the hemelytra, except for the median carina, outer margins of the lateral carinae, and posterior pronotal process..Peritreme upright on each metapleuron.
Zeiratingis hainanensis
sp. nov.
5. Habitus, 6. Lateral view of head and pronotum: the enormous semiglobose paranota are rested on the pronotum, 7. Dorsal view of paranota and lateral carina: in left side of pronotum, the enormous semiglobose lateral carina is entirely visible by removing the paranotum, 8. Hemelytra. LC= lateral carina, Pa= paranota. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.
Hemelytra broad, broader in anterior half, with sutural areas overlapping and their apices jointly rounded in repose; costal area broad, anteriorly bent upwards, nearly erect, mostly triseriate, areolae moderately large and irregularly arranged, but four to five rows of relatively small areolae broad at anterior brown band. Subcostal area narrow, biseriate, nearly upright. Discoidal area very large, slightly extending beyond middle of hemelytra, narrow at both ends, nine rows of areolae broad at its widest part. Sutural area wider and larger than the other areas; areolae at base as large as that of discoidal area, but areolae near apex being larger than all of others.
Body length (
1 male
1 female
): male, 3.54, female, 3.68; width (across hemielytra): male, 1.75, female, 1.90. Width (across paranota): male, 1.96, female, 2.08; height of paranota (from base to apex): male, 1.24, female, 1.30; length of paranota: male, 1.20, female, 1.20. Length of hemelytra: male, 2.55, female, 2.68. antennal segments measurements: I, 0.12, II, 0.11, III, 1.18, IV, 0.42 (male), I, 0.11, II, 0.10, III,1.12, IV, 0.45 (female).
Material examined.
, Hainan Province, Ledong County, Jianfengling Nature Reserve, Mingfenggu, alt.
900 m
, Pengzhi Dong leg.
1 female
, the data same as
The specific epithet indicates the location where the new species is found.
Zeiratingis hainanensis
sp. nov.
is similar to
Z. dissita
(from Borneo) in having enormous paranota and the costal area mostly triseriate. However, the new species differs from the latter by its shorter body (3.54–3.68 against
4.75 in
Z. dissita
), and by the head and the outer margins of the lateral carinae visible dorsally (
Figs. 5, 6
) (in
Z. dissita
they are entirely covered).
Zeiratingis hainanensis
sp. nov.
differs from
Z. peirosa
) by its broader costal area which is mostly triseriate, the anterior brown band is four to five relatively small areolae broad (in
Z. peirosa
it is mostly biseriate, and same biseriate at anterior brown band, see
Drake & Ruhoff, 1961
: 158, fig. 18a), anterior of paranota straightly upright on the compound eyes (in
Z. peirosa
, it is convex anteriorly, see
Drake & Ruhoff, 1961
: 158, fig. 18b), outer margins of lateral carinae entirely visible but not clearly visible in
Z. peirosa