Pristina trifida sp. nov., a new soil­dwelling microannelid (Oligochaeta: Naididae) from Amazonian forest soils, with comments on species recognition in the genus Author Collado, Rut Author Schmelz, Rüdiger M. text Zootaxa 2002 118 1 14 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.155970 ccbdc6f3-1957-4b47-ae48-15974122117c 1175­5326 155970 Pristina trifida sp. nov. ( Figures 1 , 2 , Tables 1 , 2 ) Holotype . INPA Cat. No. 119, sexually mature specimen. Type locality: Primary rain forest plot of the SHIFT project ENV 52 study area, 02° 53’47” S , 59° 59’45” W ; at km 29 on the road Manaus­Itacoatiara close to the agroforestry research station EMBRAPA­CPAA in the state of Amazonas, Brazil . Soil samples collected in March 1999 by Jörg Römbke, worms extracted from soil in April 1999 in the laboratory of Systematic Zoology, University of Osnabrück. Paratypes . INPA Cat. No. 120 a­c, 3 sexually mature specimens. Material examined. Types (living and preserved). Further material: 4 specimens , sexually mature, fixed and embedded for future TEM microscopy; 4 non­sexual specimens, prepared for SEM­microscopy; 2 non­sexual specimens, embedded in glycerine; 5 sexual and non­sexual specimens, squashed for examination of chaetae. All specimens examined alive before fixation or preparation. All specimens from type locality. Two SEM­prepared specimens from soil sample collected in June 1997 , all other specimens from soil sample containing the type specimens. Derivatio nominis. Trifidus (Lat.) = three­split, named after the shape of the needle chaetae tip.