Systematics of Indo-Pacific fireflies with a redefinition of Australasian Atyphella Olliff, Madagascan Photuroluciola Pic, and description of seven new genera from the Luciolinae (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) Author Ballantyne, Lesley A. Author Lambkin, Christine text Zootaxa 2009 2009-02-04 1997 1 188 journal article 1175­5334 Lloydiella uberia sp. n. ( Figs 204, 208, 210 , 215, 220, 224 ) Holotype . Male. PAPUA NEW GUINEA : Chimbu Pr., Uberie , 29.ix.1966 , R Carver & W Mackay ( DAPM ). Paratypes (5). PAPUA NEW GUINEA : Chimbu Pr., Uberie , 29.ix.1966 , R Carver & W Mackay , males ( DAPM ) Diagnosis . Distinguished by the rounded obtuse posterolateral corners of the pronotum, narrow MPP, dark metasternum and moderately broad posterior area of the aedeagal sheath sternite. Male . 10.0– 11.3 mm long; 3.3–4.0 mm wide; W/L 0.3. Colour ( Figs 204, 208, 211 ): Pronotum, MS and MN orange yellow (pronotum is semitransparent and fat body shows through cuticle in clumps); elytra very dark brown almost black; head, antennae and palpi dark brown; ventral aspect of pro and mesothorax yellowish, of metasternum and metepisternal plates dark brown, metepipleural plates yellow; all legs orange yellow except for dark brown apical 1/3 femora and all of tibiae and tarsi; abdominal V2–5 very dark brown as are tergites 2–6; LO creamy white; T 7, 8 pale orange. Pronotum ( Figs 204, 208, 210 ) 2.0– 2.4 mm long; 3.3–4.0 mm wide; W/L 1.6; lateral margins diverge posteriorly with rounded convergence; posterolateral corners rounded obtuse, projecting beyond median posterior margin. Elytron: 8.0– 8.9 mm long; with 2 well–defined interstitial lines. Head: GHW 2.3–2.6; SIW 0.3; SIW/GHW 0.1. Apical segment of labial palpi with two teeth (one at apex and a slightly wider one at base). Abdomen, ventrites: MPP short narrow prominent, not inclined dorsally along its length. Tergites: T8 with lateral margins rounded; lacking median groove on ventral surface. Aedeagal sheath with sheath sternite moderately broad in posterior half ( Fig. 221 ). Etymology. The specific name is considered a noun in apposition and reflects the type locality.