The Goblin Spider Genus Pelicinus (Araneae, Oonopidae), Part 1 Author Platnick, Norman I. Nadine Dupérré, & Ricardo Ott, & Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History. Author Dupérré, Nadine Nadine Dupérré, & Ricardo Ott, & Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History. & Barbara C. Baehr, & Museu de Ciências Naturais, Porto Alegre, Brazil. & Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Australia. & Natural History Museum Bern, Switzerland. Author Ubick, Darrell Author Fannes, Wouter text American Museum Novitates 2012 2012-04-23 2012 3741 1 44 journal article 2549 10.1206/3741.2 33e4b68e-b6b1-4795-9da8-3235a181bb23 0003-0082 5878576 529E724A-D047-473A-871C-76FADAE136BE Pelicinus marmoratus Simon Figures 1–60 , 121–144 Pelicinus marmoratus Simon, 1891: 559 , fig. 4 ( one male and two female syntypes from Saint Vincent , no specific locality, in BMNH; examined). Philesius marmoratus: Simon, 1893: 303 . Myrmopopaea jacobsoni Reimoser, 1933: 397 , figs. 1–3 (male holotype and female paratype from Fort de Kock [= Bukittinggi], Sumatra , in NMW; examined). NEW SYNONYMY. Gamasomorpha minima Berland, 1942: 5 , fig. 1a (male holotype from Canton Island , Phoenix Islands , in BPBM; examined). NEW SYNONYMY. Hytanis pusilla Bryant, 1942: 326 , figs. 13, 14 (female holotype from Christiansted, Saint Croix , Virgin Islands , in MCZ; examined). NEW SYNONYMY. Scaphiella ula Suman, 1965: 230 , figs. 15–20 (male holotype from Puu Papaa peak, Oahu , Hawaii , in BPBM; examined). NEW SYNONYMY. Triaeris reticulatus Chickering, 1968: 354 , figs. 6–13 (male holotype from Saint Croix , Virgin Islands , in MCZ; examined). First synonymized with Hytanis pusilla by Chickering, 1973 . Triaeris pusillus: Chickering, 1973: 228 . Silhouettella mahei Benoit, 1979: 205 , fig. 6A (male holotype from Morne Blanc, Mahé , Seychelles , in MRAC; examined). NEW SYNONYMY. Gamasomorpha gracilipes Wunderlich, 1987: 65 , figs. 37–39 (male holotype from Valle Gran Rey, La Gomera, Canary Islands, in Naturmuseum Senckenberg; examined by Michael Saaristo). First synonymized with Silhouettella mahei by Saaristo, 2001 . Pelicinus mahei: Saaristo, 2001: 321 , figs. 40–46. DIAGNOSIS: Both sexes can easily be separated from members of all the other species detailed below by the much weaker scuta on the abdomen (figs. 121–123, 135, 136). MALE (PBI_OON 38284, figs. 1–30, 121–134): Total length 1.40. Carapace yellow, elevated portion of pars cephalica finely reticulate, sides finely reticulate. Sternum yellow, finely reticulate. Mouthparts yellow, endites unmodified. Abdomen with dark patches visible through dorsal scutum. Scutopedicel region with numerous elevations not fused into ridges. Dorsal scutum pale orange, punctate, covering most of abdomen length, width. Postepigastric scutum pale orange, covering about ¾ of abdominal length. Embolus light, with narrow basal process extending as far distally as sail-shaped flange. FEMALE (PBI_OON 38284, figs. 31–60, 135–144): Total length 1.61. Postepigastric scutum short, almost rectangular, covering about half of abdominal length. Posterior receptaculum wide, bordered anteriorly by wide poreplate, dorsal and ventral edges of poreplate distinct, ventral edge sinuous. MATERIAL EXAMINED: WEST INDIES: Bahama Islands : Turks and Caicos Islands : Providenciales : 4 km NW Wheeland on N coast, 21°50′N , 72°18′W , Jan. 27, 1998 , under leaf litter on sand under shrubs on beach front dunes ( W. Steiner , J. Swearingen , USNM PBI _ OON 803), 1♂ , 2♀ . Virgin Islands : Saint Croix : no specific locality, Sept. 3, 1966 ( A. Chickering , MCZ PBI _ OON 806), 1♂ ( holotype ); Christiansted ( Beatty , MCZ PBI _ OON 805), 1♀ ( holotype ). Leeward Islands : Nevis : no specific locality, Sept. 1966 ( A. Chickering , MCZ 66843, PBI _ OON 807), 1♀ ( paratype ). Windward Islands : Saint Vincent : no specific locality ( H. Smith , BMNH PBI _ OON 802), 1♂ , 2♀ ( syntypes ), ( MNHN 5680 , PBI _ OON 4736), 1♂ , 1♀ . SOUTH AMERICA: Brazil : Pará : Ananindeua , 1°23′S , 48°24′W , Feb. 4, 2009 ( B. Silva , MPEG 18821 , PBI_OON 810), 1♂ , 1♀ , Feb. 8, 2009 (B. Silva , MPEG 18820 , PBI _ OON 811), 1♀ . OLD WORLD: Canary Islands : La Gomera : Valle Gran Rey , July or Dec. 1988 , in sedge litter about 100 m from shore ( J. Wunderlich , Naturmuseum Senckenberg 36927, 37927, PBI _ OON 809), 1♂ , 1♀ ( holotype , paratype , examined by M. Saaristo ). Kenya : Coast : Kilifi , Sept. 7, 1977 , garden elev. 10 m ( M. Graham , AMNH PBI _ OON 36748), 1♀ , Aug. 1980 , litter, elev. 30 m (B. Fulton , AMNH PBI _ OON 36648, 36851), 5♂ , 1♀ . Seychelle Islands : Grande Soeur : no specific locality, Sept. 10, 1975 ( M. Mühlenberg , MRAC 177123 , 177126 , 177159 , 177178 , PBI _ OON 33081, 33082, 33096, 33124), 1♂ , 3♀ , Sept. 17, 1975 (M. Mühlenberg , MRAC 177125 , PBI _ OON 33053), 1♂ ; Mahé : Morne Blanc, S slope, June 26, 1972 , elev. 470 m (P. Benoit , J. Van Mol , MRAC 146340 , PBI _ OON 33068), 1♂ ( holotype ); Petite Soeur : no specific locality, Sept. 10, 1975 (M. Mühlenberg , MRAC 177097 , 177146 , PBI _ OON 33054, 33067), 2♀ , Sept. 24, 1975 (M. Mühlenberg , MRAC 177101 , PBI _ OON 33110), 1♀ . Indonesia : Sumatra : West Sumatra : Fort de Kock [= Bukittinggi ] ( E. Jacobson , NMW 210 , PBI _ OON 43545, 43546), 4♂ , 1♀ (including types ) . Hawaii : Oahu : W slope, Puu Papaa Peak , Kaneohe , Nov. 22, 1964 , leaf mold ( T. Suman , BPBM 3738 , PBI _ OON 804), 1♂ , 1♀ ( holotype , allotype ). Marshall Islands : Eniwetok Atoll : Parry Islet , June 13, 1969 , Scaevola / Messerschmidia litter ( J. Berry , AMNH PBI _ OON 38284), 2♂ , 3♀ . South Gugeegue Island : Kwajalein , July 24, 1969 , Pandanus / Scaevola litter ( J. Berry , AMNH PBI _ OON 38283), 1♂ , 4♀ . Phoenix Islands : Canton Island , Mar. 17, 1924 ( E. Bryan , BPBM PBI _ OON 25536), 1♂ ( holotype ). Tonga Islands : Tonga : Nuku’alofa , Apr. 7, 2011 , collected at Auckland , New Zealand , seaport from soil under shipping container that came from Nuku’alofa ( M. McNeill , MUNZ PBI _ OON 43538), 1♂ . FIGURES 145–161. Pelicinus sengleti , new species , male (145–155) and female (156–161). 145. Habitus, dorsal view. 146. Same, lateral view. 147, 157. Abdomen, anterior view. 148. Sternum, ventral view. 149, 151. Left palp, prolateral view. 150, 153. Same, retrolateral view. 152. Same, ventral view. 154. Left embolus, retrolateral view. 155. Right embolus, dorsal view. 156. Abdomen, ventral view. 158. Carapace, anterior view. 159, 160. Genitalia, ventral view. 161. Same, dorsal view. FIGURES 162–179. Pelicinus madurai , new species , male (162–172) and P. lachivala , new species , female (173–179). 162, 173. Habitus, dorsal view. 163. Same, lateral view. 164, 175. Abdomen, anterior view. 165, 176. Sternum, ventral view. 166, 168. Left palp, prolateral view. 167, 170. Same, retrolateral view. 169. Same, ventral view. 171. Left embolus, ventral view. 172. Right embolus, dorsal view. 174. Abdomen, ventral view. 177, 178. Genitalia, ventral view. 179. Same, dorsal view. FIGURES 180–196. Pelicinus deelemanae , new species , male (180–190) and female (191–196). 180. Habitus, dorsal view. 181. Same, lateral view. 182, 192. Abdomen, anterior view. 183. Sternum, ventral view. 184, 186. Left palp, prolateral view. 185, 188. Same, retrolateral view. 187. Same, ventral view. 189. Left embolus, retrolateral view. 190. Right embolus, dorsal view. 191. Abdomen, ventral view. 193. Carapace, anterior view. 194, 195. Genitalia, ventral view. 196. Same, dorsal view. DISTRIBUTION: Pantropical. SYNONYMY: Most of the synonyms seem to be due to generic-level misplacements; of prior workers, only Saaristo (2001) correctly associated his specimens with Pelicinus , and he anticipated some of the new synonymies as well.