New data on Brazilian semiplanktonic gastrotrichs (Gastrotricha: Chaetonotida) Author Minowa, Axell K. 0000-0002-2962-6053 Laboratory of Evolutionary Meiofaunal Organisms, Department of Animal Biology, Institute of Biology, State University of Campinas, 13083 - 970, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil & axellkouminowa @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 2962 - 6053 Author Garraffoni, André R. S. 0000-0002-6303-7244 Laboratory of Evolutionary Meiofaunal Organisms, Department of Animal Biology, Institute of Biology, State University of Campinas, 13083 - 970, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil & arsg @ unicamp. br; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6303 - 7244 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-11-15 5209 1 45 68 journal article 54743 10.11646/zootaxa.5209.1.3 8f37b84f-7d2d-4d06-b609-a1a312f2c616 1175-5326 7322404 E5FADE56-6166-4329-9CE9-625315DB7303 Dasydytes (P.) lamellatus Kisielewski, 1991 ( Figs. 1–4 ; Table 1 ) Measurements based on mature specimens from southeastern location: Dasydytes (Prodasydytes) with an elongatedoval body, 200–270 μm in total length, 133–200 μm (spines excluded). Distinct concave head with well-developed lateral lobes (70 μm wide). Distinct neck (37–74 μm wide) considerably narrower than the head and trunk (figs. 1, 2, 3, 4). An oval trunk with a 120 μm maximum width, and a protuberant caudal end (figs. 1A, B, 3A). Cephalion small and compact (fig. 2D), with small lateral pleura and small hypostomion, joined around the ventral portion of the mouth ring (fig. 3D). Subterminal mouth ring (17 μm in diameter) connected to the 46–67 μm long pharynx (fig. 2D). Cephalic ciliature consists of lateral tuft adjacent to the mouth (U6), mediolateral tuft (U10), and posterior pair of conspicuous transverse bands on the lateral and dorsal head (U17) (fig. 2E). A pair of dorsal sensory bristles inserted posteriorly adjacent to the mouth (figs. 1A, 2A, D). Locomotor ciliation on the trunk consists of four-paired tufts at the anterior ventral trunk (U51), middle lateral trunk (U68), posterior ventral trunk (U87) and ventrally adjacent to caudal protuberance (U92) (figs. 2B, C, 3A). Posterior pair of dorsal sensory bristles inserts on the dorsal anterior part of caudal protuberance (30 μm long) (fig. 1B). Dorsal cephalic spine (ca) (U16) (100 μm long) and two-paired ventral cephalic spines (cb1–2) (U25) (200 μm and 198 μm long, respectively) (figs. 2C, D, 4B, F). Trunk anterior half with three pairs of ventral, double-barbed curved spines inserted directly to the cuticle without scales (figs. 1D, 2D, E). (fig. 1C, D). First group (ta1–3) inserts ventrolateral on the base of the neck at U43 (figs. 1D, 2D). Second ventral group (tb) with single spine (184 μm) at U69 (figs. 2D, 4B). Posterior ventral spine (r) is inserted adjacent to caudal protuberance (135 μm) at U93 (figs. 2D, 4D). Caudal protuberance with 20 short-spined oval ventral scales (ss, fig. 3A–C) marking a medial circle at U90, between posteriormost ventral ciliary tuft (figs. 1B, 2B, 3A–C, B, C, 4A). Additionally, two pairs of keeled, arrowhead-shaped scales on the caudal end of the protuberance at U92 and U93 (fig. 3C), anterior pair inserted lateral to the circle of short-spined scales and medial to posterior ciliary tuft (U92), and posterior pair medial to rear long spine (r) (U93) (fig. 3A–C). Some specimens were found carrying a single egg taking up ⅓ of the animal’s total body volume, with ovalshape (120 μm long and 100 μm wide) and completely smooth surface without ornamentations (figs. 1E, F, 4C, F). FIGURE 1 . Dasydytes lamellatus differential interference contrast photomicrographs. A: Dorsal view, B: Ventral view, spined scales at posterior protuberance, C: Ventral motile spines with two lamella-like denticles, D: Ventral spine groups inserted at the head and trunk, E: Lateral view, F: egg. at: anterior tuft; ca–cb: cephalic long spines; db: cephalic dorsal cilia band; de: denticle; lt: lateral tuft; ss: short spines; ta–tb: trunk spines; r: rear spine. FIGURE 2 . Dasydytes lamellatus differential interference contrast photomicrographs. A: Dorsal view, B: Ventral view, ciliature tufts, C: lateral ciliature tuft, D: E: Cephalic ciliature. at: anterior cilia tuft; ca–cb: cephalic long spine; ce: cephalion; db: dorsal cilia band; lt: lateral cilia tuft; ta–tb: trunk spines; r: rear spine; ss: short spines; ta: trunk spines; vt1–3: ventral cilia tufts. FIGURE 3. Dasydytes lamellatus scanning electron microscope photomicrographs. A: Ventral view, B, C: Ventral view, ventral short spine group. D: Dorsal view, mouth tentacles, E: Spine lamella-like denticle. db: dorsal cilia band; de: denticle mo: mouth; hy: hypostomion; ss: short spines; vps: ventral posterior scales; vt1–3: ventral cilia tufts. FIGURE 4 . Dasydytes lamellatus differential interference contrast photomicrographs. A–B, D: Ventral View, C: egg, E: Dorsal view. at: anterior cilia tuft; ca–b: cephalic long spines; db: dorsal cilia band; ta–tb: trunk spines; pt: posterior cilia tuft; r: rear spine; vt1–3: ventral cilia tufts. TABLE 1 . Morphometric features of Dasydytes lamellatus from São Paulo and Piauí states, compared to original description. All measures in μm, x = average; n: number of specimens. ca, cb1-2: cephalic spine; ta1-3, tb: groups of trunk ventrolateral long spine; r: rear spines.
Dasydytes lamellatus present study
Feature ind1 ind2 ind3 ind4 ind5 ind6 ind7 ind8 ind9 ind10
body length, spines excluded 133.4 181.7 139.3 154.9 195.5 152.3 163.7 143.2 151.0 -
Total body length 198.6 245.7 203.2 221.2 267.0 224.2 269.9 214.3 215.7 -
Maximum head width 45.3 50.4 52.2 43.5 74.2 44.0 50.2 37.3 - -
1st neck constriction width 26.7 39.2 41.4 32.9 62.2 34.5 36.7 27.3 - -
2st neck constriction width 31.4 40.5 44.8 45.5 73.6 42.9 46.8 40.3 - -
Maximum trunk width 50.1 70.1 59.3 72.6 107.5 61.8 88.6 69.1 - -
Pharynx length 47.6 63.4 47.9 46.3 65.3 54.1 46.6 48.0 59.1 65.5
Diameter of mouth ring 13.2 14.9 16.7 10.5 14.0 12.3 10.2 10.0 - -
Cephalion length 5.7 6.7 8.9 - 8.1 7.6 11.0 7.7 - -
Cephalion width 13.4 22.1 21.3 21.2 27.9 24.7 24.3 19.8 - -
Spine length ca 73.4 84.8 58.4 66.6 75.0 76.9 62.3 88.4 75.2 94.0
cb1 107.4 165.2 114.9 104.7 130.1 124.4 110.3 128.5 135.2 -
cb2 103.6 155.2 - 138.0 144.0 132.0 128.8 104.0 130.0 -
ta1 107.8 158.0 158.0 133.4 149.8 127.5 128.4 116.5 121.4 -
ta2 118.2 159.0 157.6 145.4 135.8 137.5 132.0 119.0 131.1 -
ta3 - 177.1 165.1 129.0 150.3 141.1 147.7 127.3 141.3 -
tb 100.1 141.7 139.5 123.0 116.6 113.3 120.4 117.2 104.2 -
r 80.3 107.5 96.7 81.3 90.7 87.7 87.9 75.5 84.6 -
......continued on the next page TABLE 1. (Continued)
Dasydytes lamellatus original description
Feature ind11 ind12 ind13 ind14 (Piauí) Range x n Range x n
body length, spines excluded 150.1 185.4 163.9 99.4 99–196 160 13 98-125 112 4
Total body length 214.7 247.8 228.2 130.2 130–270 229 13 137-159 148 3
Maximum head width 38.1 - 44.0 30.5 30–74 48 11 31; 33 - 2
1st neck constriction width 28.9 - 29.7 22.6 23–62 37 11 22; 24 - 2
2st neck constriction width 39.3 - 46.9 23.5 24–74 45 11 21; 27 - 2
Maximum trunk width 81.7 - 74.4 42.7 43–107 73 11 40; 43 - 2
Pharynx length 53.1 66.7 47.4 23.9 24–67 55 14 37-39 38 3
Diameter of mouth ring 8.6 - 10.8 7.1 7–17 12 11 6.5-7.5 7 3
Cephalion length 5.0 - 10.0 - 5–11 8 9 - - -
Cephalion width 19.2 - 20.8 - 13–28 22 10 18 - 1
Spine length ca 85.3 95.9 85.6 52.7 53–96 79 14 51-53 52 4
cb1 78.8 143.9 109.2 61.5 62–165 125 13 71-73 73 4
cb2 - 144.2 130.3 54.2 54–155 129 11 70-76 73 4
ta1 125.0 142.5 159.4 62.0 62–159 136 13 67-71 69 5
ta2 129.2 140.1 135.6 62.8 63–159 137 13 70-76 72 5
ta3 144.1 142.4 143.9 70.1 70–177 146 12 80-86 82 6
tb 104.2 95.9 119.2 48.8 49–142 116 13 62-69 66 5
r 84.1 84.3 87.2 33.8 34–108 87 13 43-50 46 6
Remarks: The specimens found in the Atlantic forest ( São Paulo state ) and Northeastern Cerrado ( Piauí state ) share many morphological similarities with those described by Kisielewski (1991) from the Amazon forest ( Pará state ). All specimens exhibit a long dorso-lateral cephalic spine (ca) and two paired ventro-lateral spines at neck (cb), each spine provided with two lateral denticles, while the proximal one has a membrane-like lamella. The number of trunk spines are identical, with paired lateral groups of spines on the trunk (ta–tb) and a pair of posterior rear spines (r). All representatives share the anterior ciliary tufts at the neck base (U51), the characteristic lateral ciliary tuft at the middle trunk (U68), and posterior ventral tuft (U87) and the rearmost being the largest, located posterior medial to the rear spine (r) (U92). However, the trunk ciliature of Atlantic specimens exhibits four-paired ciliary tufts, in contrast to Pará and Piauí ones that have an additional ventral anteriormost tuft at the anterior neck (U30), adding up a five-paired ciliature. The Piauí specimens share much closer dimensions with Pará ones (99 µm and 112 µm in total length, respectively), being smaller than São Paulo specimens (160 µm, see Table 1 ). With an elongated-oval body with 99 μm long (spine excluded) and 131 μm (spined included), distinct head (30 μm wide), narrower neck (23 μm wide), oval body (41 μm wide), terminal mouth diameter 6 μm, pharynx 23 μm long. Egg dimension: 41 μm length, 16 μm width. Cephalion and hypostomion not seen.