Palleptoceridae fam. nov., an extinct leptoceroid family in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Insecta, Trichoptera) Author WICHARD, WILFRIED Author MÜLLER, PATRICK text Palaeoentomology 2022 2022-09-22 5 5 468 474 journal article 198288 10.11646/palaeoentomology.5.5.8 77908e06-06a8-4016-96db-87570ba8e192 2624-2834 7333751 B3D18635-38AD-496E-B681-E4CCC5CEE97B Palleptoceridae fam. nov. Type genus. Palleptocerus gen. nov. Diagnosis. Ocelli absent. Antennae longer than forewings, scapus conically thickened. Maxillary palps five-segmented, lengths of palp segments in a row: short (1), long (2), long (3) short (4) and longest (5); terminal segment not annulated ( Figs 2A , 3B inset). Wings: Forewings slightly narrow and apically rounded, hind wings shorter and broader. Sexual dimorphism in terms of wing length and wing venation: Forewing lengths in males a little shorter than in females. The light brown wings of the males are darker in the females. In males forewing venation with forks I and V present ( Fig. 2B ); in females forks I, III, and V present ( Fig. 2C ). In both sexes, discoidal cells open and thyridial cells closed, long. The hind wing venation reduced in both sexes; forks I, II, III, and IV absent, exclusively fork V present; discoidal cells open; crossveins not present ( Fig. 2D ). Tibial spurs: 2/4/4, metatibia, each with a pair of apical and preapical spurs ( Fig. 1B ) Palleptoceridae fam. nov. is characterized by the apomorphic combination of the following characters: Tibial spur formula 2/4/4. Forewing fork I present without discoidal cell and in hind wing exclusively fork V present.