Revision of Southern Hemisphere Austronanus Hodgson, 1910, with two new genera and five new species of Paramunnidae (Crustacea: Isopoda: Asellota)
Just, Jean
Wilson, George D. F.
journal article
Key to genera and species of the
1. Pleotelson tapering, lateral margins smooth
Xigonus patagoniensis
– Pleotelson rounded with denticles on part of or entire lateral margins......................... 2
2. Frontal margin of head evenly convex; pleotelson proximal margins equal length of lateral margins; denticles on rounded lateral corner only
gen. nov.
.. 3
– Frontal margin of head forming rounded or pointed angle; pleotelson proximal mar
gins distinctly shorter than lateral margins; entire lateral margins denticulate ..............
... 4
3. Antenna article 3 lateral margin with acute forward pointing denticles; uropods not covered by cuticular hood ...............................
Stephenseniellus serraticornis
sp. nov.
– At least part of lateral margin of antenna article 3 with irregular crenate flange; uropods inserted under cuticular hood....................
Stephenseniellus palliolatipes
sp. nov.
4. Antennulae with 5 articles, article 5 elongate ............................................................... 5
– Antennulae with 6 articles, article 5 subequal to 4 and 6.............................................. 6
5. Front margin of head with pointed angular apex, lateral margins evenly convex; coxae V–VII with large lateral projection
Austronanus dentatus
– Front margin of head with rounded apex, lateral margins convex in middle, concave either side; coxae V–VII nonprojecting rings, 7 with lateral spine .............................. ...............................................................................
Austronanus aucklandensis
sp. nov.
6 Frontal margin of head adjacent to apex evenly convex, not sinuous........................... 7
– Frontal margin of head adjacent to apex concave, sinuous.......................................... 8
7. Coxae V–VII with denticles on lateral margin. Pleotelson laterally rounded.................
Austronanus dubius
– Coxae V and VI smooth, VII with single lateral denticle. Pleotelson laterally angular anteriorly, straight sided more posteriorly
Austronanus gelidus
sp. nov.
8. Antenna article 3 slightly widening distally, with crenate flange on straight lateral and medial margins; flagellum article 1 as long as 2 and half of 3 combined. Pleotelson posterior projection with row of 4 or 5 denticles either side......
Austronanus glacialis
– Antenna article 3 inflated midlength, margins curved, with crenate flange on lateral margin; flagellum article 1 as long as 2–4 combined. Pleotelson posterior projection with single proximal denticle either side .......................
Austronanus mawsoni
sp. nov.