Clathria (Thalysias) (Poecilosclerida: Demospongiae: Porifera) from Brazil: New species and redescription of Clathria (Thalysias) basiarenacea (Boury-Esnault, 1973) Author Galindo, Helcy Author Hooper, John N. A. Author Pinheiro, Ulisses text Zootaxa 2014 3878 6 580 592 journal article 42298 10.11646/zootaxa.3878.6.5 93cbc36b-3911-432b-8024-cbf6176e947b 1175-5326 287363 07882734-4B2D-4703-9F90-19CE4300B4FF Clathria ( Thalysias ) basiarenacea (Boury- Esnault, 1973 ) (Fig. 1–4) ( Tab. 1 ) Rhaphidophlus basiarenacea Boury-Esnault 1973 , p.287; Hechtel, 1976, p.252. Clathria ( Thalysias ) basiarenacea, Hooper, 1996 , p.408; Santos et al. , 2002 , p.392; Moraes et al., 2006 , p.166; Muricy et al., 2011 , p.147. FIGURE 2. MNHN.LBIM.D.NBE 972, Holotype of Clathria (Thalysias) basiarenacea (Boury-Esnault, 1973) . Image of Muricy et al. (2011). (Scale bar: 2 cm). Type locality. Brazil , Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Pernambuco States. Type specimens. Lectotype . MNHN . LBIM .D.NBE 972, Santo Antônio Bay, Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Pernambuco State, Brazil , depth 6-10m , Calypso est. 14, ( Hooper, 1996 ). (Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris) (Fig.1). Redescription. Massively encrusting sponge. It has a maximum thickness of 1.5 cm and 5 cm of diameter. Color light-brown after fixed in ethanol 80% ( Fig. 2 ). Surface rugose with a thin detachable ectosome. Presence of incorporated detritus. The oscules scattered over the surface. Body is soft and compressible. Ectosomal skeleton detachable forming discrete bundles of auxiliary ectosomal styles ( Fig. 3 c). Choanosomal skeleton plumoreticulate multi-spicular forming erect brushes in a continuous palisade tangential to surface ( Fig. 3 a–b). Presence of accessory styles included in spongin fibres and echinating acanthostyles in straight or inclined angles present in the principal bundle ( Fig. 3 d). Megascleres . Principal choanosomal styles are thick, slightly curved, smooth shaft and with smooth heads, also usually asymmetrically pointed (161–258.7–344/ 3–5.8–9 µm) ( Fig. 4 a–c). Two categories of auxiliary styles: Auxiliary subectosomal styles I are thin slightly curved, smooth with deformed heads and rounded points (206–318.5–375/ 3 µm) ( Fig. 4 d–f). Auxiliary ectosomal styles II are thin, smooth with smooth heads and rounded points (100–164.2–202/ 3 µm) ( Fig. 4 g–i). Echinating acanthostyles are straight (22–51.9–67/ 3 µm), with few spines (about 28 per spicule) ( Fig. 4 j). Microscleres. Three categories of smooth toxas: two with shallow curvature, in a large size range; Toxas I are rare (9–16.1–25/0.5 µm) ( Fig. 4 k) and toxas II (32–46.9–68/0.5 µm) ( Fig. 4 l) and one accolada type , long thin with slightly and shallow median curve; Toxas III (129–203.6–306/1 µm) ( Fig. 4 m). Palmate isochelae, typical shaped (12–12.5–13 µm) ( Fig. 4 n) ( Tab.1 ). Distribution. So far only known from to Fernando de Noronha Archipelago (Pernambuco State, Brazil ). Remarks. We present here the first images of the spicules of the lectotype using SEM ( Fig. 4 ), which revealed features not reported in the original description. The species is so far known only from a single specimen (the lectotype ), which Boury-Esnault (1973) did not report there was two categories of auxiliary styles and described as being characterized by a style II with a microspined head. We, on the other hand, observed a deformed and bluntly pointed head. Furthermore, we did not observe asymmetry at the tip of principal style. The acanthostyle presents few spines (about 28) with a microspined head. Although Boury-Esnault (1973) mentions three categories of toxas in the original description, she provided measurements for only two of them. Here we provided measurements of all categories. However, we did not observe the deformed isochelae reported by Boury-Esnault (1973) . FIGURE 3. Clathria ( Thalysias ) basiarenacea (Boury-Esnault, 1973) . Skeleton: a) Ectosomal skeleton, formed by bouquets; b) Detail of choanosomal skeleton; c) Choanosomal skeleton plumoreticulate with bouquets of auxiliary styles in terminations of principal bundles; d) Detail of echinating acanthostyles. (Scale bar: a—900 µm; b—700 µm; c—500 µm and d—200 µm). TABLE 1 . Records and measurements of the spicules of subgenus Clathria ( Thalysias ) Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864 for Atlantic Ocean. Values measured in µm, expressed as lower-largest lowest–median–largest, for spicules length / width. Species Localization Choanosomal Subectosomal Ectosomal Echinating Toxa Chelae Otherspicules principal auxiliary auxiliary Acanthostyle spicules spicules spicules C. ( T. ) repens sp.nov. Brazil 200-313.4-483/ 110-245.2-375/ 100-133.6- 29-61.6-113/ I 22 -65.6- 90/ I 10 -13.9 - 3-4.9-8a 2-4.2-9a 230/ 1-2.4-5a 2-3.9-6 0.5 - 20 II 103-142.2 II 2.5-4.6-7. 241/1
C. ( T. ) basiarenacea Brazil (Boury- Esnault, 1973) - - Redescription 161-258.7-344/ 206-318.5-375/ 100-164.2-202/ 32-52-67/3 3-5.8-9a 3a 3a I 9-15-251 12-12.5-13 II 32-53-74/ 1.5 -
C. ( T .) basiarenacea Brazil 180-405/9-15a 230-450/1.5-6a Not available 56-70/3-6 III 129-160- 319/0.52 I 160-390/0.5 12-15 -
(Boury-Esnault, 1973) – Original description II 47-153/1.5 III Not
available C. ( T. ) hechteli Hooper, Caribbean , Colombia 106-410/ - - 50-100/ I 48 -413/ 1-2 10-18 - 1996 and Jamaica 2-10b 5- 8 II 5-13/1-2
C. ( T. ) chelosigmoidea Zea, Rodriguez & Martinez, 2014 Caribbean and Colombia 157–256.5–409/ 161–187.2–228/ 5,7–9.5–13.8a 1.0–2.4–4.3b 104–134.0–143/ 1.0–1.4–2.4b 76–83.3–103/ 3.7–4.5–5.2 - 13.2–15.0 -
C. ( T. ) collosclera Van Soest, 2009 C. ( T. ) cullingworthi Burton, 1931 C. ( T. ) delaubenfelsi (Lévi, 1963) Caribbean and Netherlands Antilles South Africa South Africa 237- 320.7-423 219-244.5-303/ /3-4.8-7a 2-2.5-3b 130/6c 120/2b 200-260/18-25a - 96-113.3-156/ 0.5-1-1.5b - 300-350/ 15-20d 42-52.1-66/ 3.5-4.4-5 60/4 129-150/ 12-15 92-106.8-126 - 145-195.8-268 11-12.8-15 6 8-9 - - Acanthostron gyle: 150-225/15-
C. ( T. ) fascicularis Caribbean Sea, Not available a Not available c - Not available Not available - 20 -
Topsent, 1889 Cuba, and Gulf of
C. ( T. ) flabellata (Burton, Mexico South Africa 650/35a 400/14b 200/4b 70/1 70-200 11 -
......continued on the next page TABLE 1 . (Continued) Species Localization Choanosomal Subectosomal Ectosomal Echinating Toxa Chelae Other principal auxiliary auxiliary Acanthostyle spicules spicules spicules spicules C. ( T .) hooperi Samaai & South Africa 491-599-745/ 118-124-142/ 4a 436-458-491 73-96-118/ I 327-382- I 18-19-20 - Gibbons, 2005 30-36-44a /11a 11-16-16 445/0.5 II 11-14-16 191-230-291/ II 82 -111- 7a 136/0.5 III 45 /0.5 . ( T .) isodictyoides (Van Caribbean and 314-488.9-608/ 160-214.7-274/ 276-401.6- 84-92.6-99/ 145-195.8- 15-16.9-19 - Soest, 1984 ) Netherlands Antilles 7-8.4-10a 1-1.9-3b 500/3-3.8-4.5b 5-7.6-8 268 84-92.6-99/ 5-7.6-8d . ( T. ) jolicoeuri (Topsent, Adriatic Sea, 315-330/ 45/0,003- 335-360/4b - 30 -330 12 - 1892) Aegean Sea, 13-15a 0,0 0 35c France , Gulf of Guinea Islands, Levantine Sea, Mediterrenean Sea, North Atlantic
and Cape Verde. C. ( T. ) lissoclada (Burton, Malvinas and South 240/12a 240/4b 180/3b 40-120/7 - 12 -
1934) Africa C. ( T. ) membranacea Argentina, Chile, 420/3a 150/9a 390/9a - 70 17 -
(Thiele, 1905) and Uruguay
C. ( T. ) minuta (Van Soest, Caribbean, Bermuda 266-348-40/ 1984) and, Netherlands 7.5-7.9-8.5a - 147-191.5-258/ 1.5-2.1-2.5b 97-123.1-152/ 5-6.4-7 47-75.5-115 15-15.8-17 -
Antilles 294-322.6-361/ 3-3.6-4b
. ( T. ) minutoides Van Cape Verde , St. 201-321.6-483/ - 171-259.4-370/ 42-88.8-135/ 54-79.3-96 13-15.8-19 - Soest, Beglinger & De Helena, and 4-6.9-9a 1.5-2.7-4b 3-5.4-8 Voogd, 2013 Ascension Islands 123-137.7-153/ 1-1.4-2.5b . (T.) nervosa (Lévi, South Africa 300-475/ 400-500/8-10a 250-300/ - - I14 - 1963 ) 6-16a 125-250/4-5a 10a II 11 III 7 . (T.) opalina Zea, Caribbean , and 219–356.3–584 286–368.1–418/ 152–200.0–261/ 90–112.1–128/ - 12.7–20.7 - Rodriguez & Martinez, Colombia /5.7–10.9–14.3a 2.4–5.7–8.6b 2.4–3.3–4.8b 3.8–5.2–7.6 2014 ......continued on the next page Species Localization Choanosomal Subectosomal Ectosomal Echinating Toxa Chelae Other spicules TABLE 1. (Continued) principal auxiliary auxiliary Acanthostyle spicules spicules spicules . (T.) oxeota (Van Soest, Caribbean Gulf of 228-328.7-456 312-404.5- 125-204.7- 43-49.6- 57/ I 530-711- - - 1984) Mexico , and 5.5-8.1-9.5a 488/ 262/ 4-4.2-5 995/1.5-2.8-4 Netherlands Antilles 3-4.1-5b 1-1.9-3.5b II 125-305.6- 390
. (T.) oxitoxa Lévi, 1963 Agulhas Bank 450-800/35-40 - 350-500/9a 75- 90/10 I 750-1300/ - Oxea: 100-150/ 4a 4-7 2400 -3000/10- II 170-250/ 11 0.5-1 III 35-40/0.5 . (T.) rarechaela (Van Caribbean and 268-354.6-408 271-316.3- 98-156.2-212/ 42-52.9-65/ 48-115-152 7.5-11.2-14 - Soest, 1984 ) Netherlands Antilles 5.5-6.4-8a 415/ 1-1.8-2.5b 4-4-5 2-3.8-5b . (T.) schoenus (de Caribbean, Greater 45-375/0.5-5c Not available c Not available c 43/3 I Not I Not available - Laubenfels, 1936 ) Antilles, and Cuba available II Not II Not available available
Clathria (T.) sulfocleistochela Zea, Rodriguez & Martinez , Caribbean and Colombia 199–258.4–33 199–220.9– 4.7–8.1–9.5a 261/ 2.9–3.8–4.8b 123–153.9– 185/ 1.4–2.4–3.8b 59–109.1– 146/ 4.6–5.2–6.7 - I11-13.5-16 II 7-13.2-16 -
C. (T.) vacata Van Soest, Beglinger & De Voogd, 2013 Cape Verde Islands 198-257.3-315 - 3-3.4-4a 162-200.4- 240/ 1-1.3-1.5b 91-103.2-129/ 3-3.7-5 - - -
C.(T.) venosa (Alcolado, 1984) C.(T.) virgultuosa (Lamarck, 1814) Caribbean, Cuba, and Greater Antilles Caribbean, Greater Antilles, Gulf of 230-350/3-5c - 60-155/1-3c 250-300/4a - 96-125.2-168/ 0.5-1b - 200-250/8a 60/6a - - 10-310/ 0.5-1 I300 II 50-60 5-12 12-14 - -
Mexico , United States , and Virgin Islands Legend: (a) Styles; (b) Subtylostyle; (c) Tylostyle; (d) Acanthostyles. (1) Toxas in Boury-Esnault, 1973 ; (*) Present spicule, but the author does not provide dimensions.