Aneurus (Neaneurus) cai nov. sp. nova from China and synonymy of Aradus chinensis VÁSÁRHELYI 1988 (Heteroptera, Aradidae) Author Heiss, E. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2007 2007-12-18 39 2 973 978 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5417096 0253-116X 5417096 Aneurus ( Neaneurus ) cai nov.sp. ( figs 3, 5, 8 ) H o l o t y p e. male, labelled: " China , Yunnan 2500-3100m , 25.58 N , 100.21 E , 30 V-3 VI 1993 , Jizushan Mts. Leg. V . Kuban" ( CEHI ) ; paratypes : 5 females collected with holotype ( CAU , CEHI , coll. Voigt ) . D i a g n o s i s: Distinguished from the related species by the more slender habitus, the anterolateral lobes of pronotum nearly straight and not projecting anteriorly, the shape of the scutellum, the differences in the male and female genitalic structures and the characters given in the key. D e s c r i p t i o n: Macropterous male (HT) fig. 3 . Body elongate ovate. General colour dark brown with lighter membrane; head, pronotum, scutellum, dorsal external laterotergites (deltg) and legs finely granulate. H e a d: About as long as wide across the eyes (30:31.5). Clypeus subparallel, genae thin and not reaching apex. Antenniferous lobes slightly diverging, blunt. Postocular lobes rounded. Antennae 1.71 ✕ as long as width of head, segment I thickest and shortest, distinctly shorter than apex of clypeus; II and III of equal length, IV as long as II + III. Relative length of segments I:II:III:IV = 9:11:11:12. Rostrum shorter than head, rostral atrium open, rostral groove open posteriorly. P r o n o t u m: More than twice as wide as long (58:26). Anterior margin only slightly concave at middle, collar narrow. Lateral margins subparallel at humeri then sinuate and anterior portion parallel, anterolateral lobes rounded but not projecting anteriorly over collar. Disk with smooth callosities on anterior lobe, then transversely depressed, posterior lobe with coarse granulation. S c u t e l l u m: Subtriangular about 1.7 ✕ as wide as long (36:21) with rounded lateral margins. Disk with coarse granulation, sublateral ridges formed by larger granules. H e m e l y t r a: Corium very short, reaching about 1/3 of scutellum, lateral margin subparallel. Clavus visble as a small triangle. Membrane fully developed, reaching ½ of mediotergite VII, its surface finely irregularly wrinkled. A b d o m e n: Elongate oval, lateral margins slightly rounded, posterior margin of deltg VII slightly truncate. Posteroexterior angles of deltg III-VI rounded and not projecting, deltg II and III not fused, with a small triangular contergite at its inner anterior angle. Tergal plate with a thin but distinct lateral rogose strip separating deltg’s from smooth surface of mediotergites. Spiracles II, V-VII lateral and visible from above, III+IV ventral, VIII apical on paratergites VIII. F e m a l e: Generally larger than the male, antennae about 1.8 ✕ as long as width of head. G e n i t a l i c s t r u c t u r e s: Male: Pygophore wider than long with a basal ridge along its outline, slightly pyriform posteriorly ( fig. 5 ); paratergites VIII triangular, rounded posteriorly, adhering to deltg VII and pygophore. Female: Tergite VIII about 3 ✕ as wide as long, paratergites VIII wide and flat ( fig. 8 ). M e a s u r e m e n t s: Holotype male: Length 4.85 mm , width of abdomen across tergite IV 2.1 mm , ratio length / width of abdomen 2.31. Females: Length 6.0- 6.3 mm ; width of abdomen 2.8-2.85 mm . E t y m o l o g y: Named in honor of my friend and excellent Chinese Heteropterologist Prof. Wanzhi Cai (CAU).