Two new Cincticostella species from China with a larval key to species of the genus (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae) Author Xie, Hui Author Jia, Yan-Yan Author Chen, Ping Author Jacobus, Luke M. Author Zhou, Chang-Fa text Zootaxa 2009 2299 53 61 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.191662 918c44f0-6b76-4302-bd95-19dfbd60a23c 1175-5326 191662 Cincticostella szechuanensis sp. nov. Mature larva: (degraded specimens, in ethanol; Figs.14 a, b); body length 9.5–12.0 mm. Caudal filaments 6.0–8.0 mm. Head with roughened appearance. Mouthparts: labrum with very shallow anteromedian emargination and setae relatively dense situated around margins. Maxilla( Fig.16 ) somewhat flattened, with row of setae along inner margin; palp with three distinct segments. FIGURES 14–15. Mature larvae of C. szechuanensis sp. nov. 14: Dorsal view (a,b). 15: Pro- and Mesothoracic anterolateral projections (magnified image) Thorax: Prothorax expanded laterally, with rounded anterolateral projections. Mesothoracic anterolateral projections blunt and notched medially ( Fig. 15 ); mesal plate without spines or strong ridges. Femora longer than tibiae, with longitudinal ridge on upper surface and not strongly flattened nor marginally serrate; tibiae longer than tarsi; claw with two proximal denticles. Abdomen: Abdominal terga without paired spines; posterior margins sometimes sinuate. Gills 3 slightly falcate, with inner margins longer than outer margins. Caudal filaments with very few intrasegmental setae, very few hairlike setae at articulations and small spines at alternate articulations. Etymology: The specific epithet is a reference to the type locale. Diagnosis. The new species is distinct among congeners in that it lacks any prominent paired processes on the abdominal terga. Material examined: Holotype , larva, China , Sichuan (Szechuan) province, Kuanshien, 2000 ft . elev., II/ III-1930 , deposited in the US National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA [USNM]. Paratypes , four larvae, same collection data [USNM]. FIGURES 16–21. Characters of Cincticostella species 16, maxilla of C. szechuanensis sp. nov. ; Larval habituses : 17, C. femorata ; 18, C. fusca ; 19, C. gosei ; 20, C. insolta ; 21, C. nigra .