Taxonomic review of East Palearctic species of Synergus section I, with description of a new species from China (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipinae)
Pujade-Villar, Juli
Department of Animal Biology, Barcelona University, Barcelona 08028, Spain; E-mail: jpujade @ ub. edu
Wang, Yi-Ping
College of Forest and Biotechnology, Zhejiang Agricultural and Forestry University, Lin’an 311300, China; E-mail: wyp @ zafu. edu. cn
Chen, Xue-Xin
Institute of Insect Sciences, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China; E-mail: xxchen @ zju. edu. cn Corresponding author, E-mail: xxchen @ zju. edu. cn
He, Jun-Hua
Institute of Insect Sciences, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China; E-mail: xxchen @ zju. edu. cn Corresponding author, E-mail: xxchen @ zju. edu. cn
Zoological Systematics
journal article
Synergus jezoensis
Uchida & Sakagami, 1948
Figs 19–30
Type material examined.
, deposited in
(designated here), labels (
Fig. 29
, bearing same labels as
Diagnosis. The species differs from all other
species in having unusually large hypopygium. Otherwise, morphologically, it resembles the European species
S. reinhardi
S. hayneanus
. It can be distinguished from both latter species by having: (1) less extensive patch of micropunctures of metasoma, not reaching the ventral margin of metasoma as in
S. reinhardi
S. hayneanus
; (2) almost percurrent medial mesoscutal line; (3) much broader malar space, 0.9 times as long as height of compound eye (
0.5 in
S. reinhardi
S. hayneanus
). It can be further separated from
S. reinardi
by: (1) median carina in lower face not so strong as to be visible in lateral view and (2) head reddish brown (black in
S. reinhardi
), and from
S. hayneanus
by its longer radial cell.
9 July 1980
, leg.
Han-Lin Chen.
deposited in
deposited in
Redescription. Length. Female
3.4 mm
; male
2.5 mm
Color. Head largely yellow to brown except mandible dark brown distally, frons, interocellar area and vertex dark brown medially and reddish brown laterally; antenna yellow except scapus light brown; mesosoma reddish brown except tegula bright yellow. Female coxa, trochanter and basal half of femur pale brown, apical half of femur, tibia and tarsus pale yellow; male legs uniformly pale yellow. Metasoma reddish brown, except for prominent part of ventral spine of hypopygium pale yellow. Wing hyaline, with distinct pale yellow veins.
Head (
Figs 19–21, 24
). Head round-shaped, 1.6 times as wide as height in front view, 2.4 times as wide as medial long in dorsal view. Vertex and upper face finely coriaceous and sparsely setose. Gena foveate-rugose, distinctly expanded behind eye, visible in front view, narrower than cross diameter of eye. Malar space finely coriaceous, with dense delicate striae radiating from clypeus, 0.6 times as long as height of eye. POL: LOL:
=12: 6: 6 (diameter of ocellus equal to
) in female and 10: 4: 2 (diameter of ocellus two times as wide as
) in males. Transfacial distance 1.4 times as long as height of eye; diameter of antennal torulus 1.1 times as long as distance between them, distance between torulus and eye margin 1.2 times as long as diameter of torulus. Inner margins of eyes parallel. Lower face finely coriaceous, with striae radiating from clypeus and reaching to antennal toruli and eyes, median elevated area narrow and without carina. Clypeus striate; anterior tentorial pits small, but distinct, epistomal sulcus and clypeo-pleurostomal line absent, ventral margin almost straight. Frons dull coriaceous with heavy punctures, lateral frontal carina weak, interocellar area, vertex and occiput dull, coriaceous, and heavily punctate.
Antenna. Female (
Fig. 25
). 14-segmented, slightly longer than head plus mesosoma; pedicel subglobal, 1.1 times as long as wide, F1 hardly curved medially, 2.3 times as long as pedicel, and 1.1 times as long as F2; relative lengths of antennal segments from scape to F12 as 13: 6: 14: 12: 12: 12: 12: 9: 9: 8: 6: 5: 5: 10. Male (
Figs 22, 28
). antennae 15-segmented, F1 curved and somewhat excavated medially; relative lengths of antennal segments from scape to F13 as 4: 2: 6: 4.5: 4.5: 4: 4: 4: 3.5: 3.5: 3.5: 3: 3: 3: 2.5.
Mesosoma (
Figs 24–25
). Mesosoma weakly convex, 1.3 times as long as height in lateral view, with dense pale setae. Pronotum rugose, interspaces finely coriaceous and setose, setae denser and longer laterally; lateral pronotal carina present.
Zoological Systematics
, 39(4): 534–544
Figs 20–31.
Synergus jezoensis
. 20. Head, frontal view. 21. Male head, dorsal view. 22. Female head, lateral view. 23. First flagellomere of male antenna. 24. Antenna of female and detail of first antennomeres. 25. Head and mesosoma, lateral view. 26. Mesosoma, dorsal view. 27. Female metasoma, lateral view. 28. Detail of distal part of female metasomal. 29. First and second flagellomeres of antenna male. 30. Forewings. 31. Labels of lectotype.
Zoological Systematics
, 39(4): 534–544
Mesoscutum slightly longer than width, with strong transverse carinae, interspaces alutaceous and setose. Notauli complete, deeply impressed along entire length, weakly convergent posteriorly; median mesoscutal impression long and visible, extending to almost length of mesoscutum, parapsidal lines deeply impressed and extending to 1/2 length of mesoscutum; antero-median signum distinct and extending to 1/5 length of mesoscutum. Transscutal articulation deep and wide. Scutellum trapezoid, slightly overhanging metanotum, rounded and slightly broadened posteriorly, rugose with interspaces coriaceous, with dense long setae. Scutellar foveae transversely ovate, deeply impressed, separated by a narrow carina in the middle, bottom coriaceous and nude. Mesopleuron including speculum with strongly interrupted longitudinal striations (with a transversal smooth area in males); acetabular carina delimiting a very narrow smooth area laterally; mesopleural triangle with dense white setae. Metapleural sulcus extending to 3/5 height of mesopleuron in lateral view; subaxillular bar as high as metanotal trough. Lateral propodeal carinae distinct and parallel. Median propodeal area weakly rugose, with dense white setae. Nucha short and sulcate laterally.
Legs. Tarsal claws with large basal lobe and tooth.
Wing (
Fig. 29
). Fore wing longer than body, margin with short cilia; veins Rs and
1 reaching margin; radial cell of fore wing closed, 2.3 times as long as wide; areolet barely visible, vein Rs+M weakly marked and extending to 1/2 distance between areolet and basal vein, projecting to basalis before the middle.
Metasoma (
Figs 26–27
). Metasoma slightly longer than head plus mesosoma, 1.1 times as long as height in lateral view; syntergite sparsely setose antero-laterally, with apical patch of micropunctures extending to less than 1/3 length of metasoma, slightly short of reaching the ventral margin of syntergite; subsequent tergites and hypopygium shinning smooth and without setae; hypopigyum very long; prominent part of ventral spine of hypopygium very short.
Biology. Unknown.