An annotated checklist of the Scarabaeoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera) of the Guianas Author Hielkema, Auke J. Author Hielkema, Meindert A. text Insecta Mundi 2019 2019-10-25 732 732 1 306 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.3678492 8e18452b-1d9d-462e-bac8-8c86eeb4ddc3 1942-1354 3678492 930EAB11-37FA-41B0-980A-1A4736527842 Anomala undulata Melsheimer, 1846 Anomala undulata Melsheimer 1846: 140 Note. Seven presently recognized subspecies of Anomala undulata have been described, one of which occurs in the research area. The other six are A. undulata aeneipennis Blanchard, 1851 (recorded from Brazil ), A. undulata brasiliensis Arrow, 1899 (recorded from Brazil , Venezuela , Colombia ), A. undulata collaris Burmeister, 1844 (recorded from Colombia ), A. undulata espiritosantensis Ohaus, 1902 (recorded from Brazil , Colombia ), A. undulata peruviana ( Guérin-Méneville, 1838 ) (recorded from Ecuador , Peru ) and A. undulata undulata Melsheimer, 1846 (recorded from Belize , Guatemala , Jamaica , Mexico , U.S.A. ). Subspecies Anomala undulata varians ( Fabricius, 1801 ) Melolontha varians Fabricius 1801b: 173 ( Guyana ) Distribution. Guyana : Ohaus 1897: 401 ( TYPE Melolontha varians Fabricius ); Bodkin 1919: 217 (as A. undulata [s. l.]). French Guiana : Brûlé and Dalens 2012b: 37 (as A. undulata [s. l.]); Brûlé et al. 2014: 182 (as A. undulata [s. l.]; as Paranomala undulata [s. l.]). “Guianas”: Blackwelder 1944: 245 ; Machatschke 1972: 146 . Other: Fabricius 1801b: 173 (South America - as Melolontha varians ). Note. The validity of the subspecific epithet of Anomala undulata varians ( Fabricius, 1801 ) needs to be evaluated because it is a junior homonym of Anomala varians ( Olivier, 1789 ) (p. 78) (as noted in Ohaus (1897: 401)) . Both taxa were originally described in the genus Melolontha .