Phylogeny, taxonomy and flower-breeding ecology of the Colocasiomyia cristata species group (Diptera: Drosophilidae), with descriptions of ten new species Author Takano, Kohei Takenaka Author Gao, Jian-Jun Author Hu, Yao-Guang Author Li, Nan-Nan Author Yafuso, Masako Author Suwito, Awit Author Repin, Rimi Author Pungga, Runi Anak Sylvester Author Meleng, Paulus Ak Author Kaliang, Clement Het Author Chong, Lucy Author Toda, Masanori J. text Zootaxa 2021 2021-12-08 5079 1 1 70 journal article 2931 10.11646/zootaxa.5079.1.1 010695ef-a142-42ad-81d7-2e7ed1f7e89e 1175-5326 5766402 2B118B81-7353-4A2C-A892-5466DFC83230 1) Colocasiomyia ecornuta Toda & Takano , sp. nov. ( Figs 5G , 9A , 15A , 16 ) Colocasiomyia sp.3 aff. sulawesiana : Sultana et al ., 2006: 694 . Diagnosis. Outer vertical seta absent ( Fig. 16A ). Katepisternal setae minute ( Fig. 5G ). Scutellum with several setulae scattered on dorsal surface ( Fig. 16B ). Male abdominal sternite VI without any process ( Figs 9A , 16C ). Cercus ventrally narrowed, strongly curved posteriad, apically forming somewhat triangular lobe bearing 1 long and many short setae ( Fig. 16E ). Phallal sheath pubescent on dorsal surface, gently curved ventrad, wider than thick, distally narrowing, basally roundly dilated, apically knobbed, subapically with small, acute projection on right margin ( Fig. 16F–H ). Gonocoxites broad, somewhat triangular plates ( Fig. 16G ). Neither epiproct nor hypoproct pubescent ( Fig. 16I ). Oviscapt distally narrowing, apically obliquely truncated and with 6–7 trichoid ovisensilla ( Fig. 16J ). Description ( and ). Head. Supracervical setae 7–11 per side, nearly straight, as long as inner occipital setae. Anterior reclinate orbital seta long, situated slightly anteriorly to proclinate orbital seta; additional, interfrontal setulae on fronto-orbital plate present ( Fig. 16A ). Eye with fine, sparse interfacetal setulae ( Fig. 16A ). Distance between antennal sockets narrower than half of socket width ( Fig. 16A ). Cibarial, medial sensilla (1–3 per side) in parallel rows narrower than sensilla campaniformia; posterior sensillum 1 per side. Supralateral setae outside prementum 3–4 per side. FIGURE 15. Habitus (upper, lateral view; lower, dorsal view) of species of the Colocasiomyia cristata subgroup.A, C . ecornuta sp. nov. ♂; B, C . grandis sp. nov. ♂; C, C . vieti sp. nov. ♂; D, C . cristata de Meijere ♂; E, C . sulawesiana Okada & Yafuso ♂; F, C . kinabaluana sp. nov. ♂; G, C . kotana sp. nov. ♂; and H, C . matthewsi sp. nov. ♂. Scale bars: 1 mm. FIGURE 15. (Continued). I, C . sabahana sp. nov. ♂; J, C . sarawakana sp. nov. ♂; K, C . xenalocasiae (Okada) ♂; L, C . diconica (Toda & Okada) ♂; M, C . sumatrana sp. nov. ♂; N, ditto ♀; and O, C . leucocasiae sp. nov. Scale bars: 1 mm. Thorax.Anterior dorsocentral setae just beside or slightly behind transverse suture ( Fig. 16B ). Neither additional dorsocentral setae on presutural area nor prescutellar acrostichal setae present; acrostichal setulae in 4 rows ( Fig. 16B ). Basal scutellar setae short, not reaching to half of apical scutellar setae; apical scutellar setae much nearer to each other than to basal scutellar seta ( Fig. 16B ). Wing. Costal setae in middle row all weak, trichoid. Legs. Patch covered with only minute pubescence absent on anterodorsal portion of fore tarsomere I. Mid tibia with 2 apical, stout setae. Abdomen. Male: sternite III longer than wide; IV as wide as long ( Fig. 16C ). Female: sternites III–V longer than wide; VI wider than long ( Fig. 16D ). Male sternite VI not pubescent at least partly ( Fig. 9A ). Male terminalia. Epandrium pubescent on dorsal and posterolateral portions, roundish on posteroventral margin, with 2–3 setae near posterodorsal margin and 11–12 setae thicker than cercal setae on posteroventral portion of each side, but lacking phragma ( Fig. 16E ). Surstylus long, somewhat triangular plate with 2 stout teeth dorsally and 3 long, recurved, trichoid setae ventrally on distal margin ( Fig. 16E ). Median piece of subepandrial sclerite mostly bilobed into long, highly wrinkled lobes connected only at posterior end; lateral pieces less sclerotized broad plates. Cercus nearly entirely pubescent, with approximately 22 setae, including especially long, most ventral one, on dorsal, oval portion ( Fig. 16E ). Phallapodeme less sclerotized thin plate, nearly perpendicular to phallal axis ( Fig. 16G ). Female terminalia. Oviscapt shorter than phallus (apodeme + sheath) ( Fig. 16G,H,J ). Indices (range of 4♂ and 4♀ ): FW/HW (frontal width / head width) = 0.59–0.66, ch/o (maximum width of gena / maximum diameter of eye) = 0.49–0.57, prorb (proclinate orbital seta length / posterior reclinate orbital seta length) = 0.86–0.95, rcorb (anterior reclinate orbital seta length / posterior reclinate orbital seta length) = 0.54–0.70, vb (subvibrissal seta length / vibrissa length) = 0.30–0.51, dcl (anterior dorsocentral seta length / posterior dorsocentral seta length) = 0.69–1.00, sctl (basal scutellar seta length / apical scutellar seta length) = 0.69–0.78, sterno (anterior katepisternal seta length / posterior katepisternal seta length) = 0.60–0.79, orbito (distance between proclinate and posterior reclinate orbital setae / distance between inner vertical and posterior reclinate orbital setae) = 0.42–0.58, dcp (distance between ipsilateral dorsocentral setae / distance between anterior dorsocentral setae) = 0.98–1.19, sctlp (distance between ipsilateral scutellar setae / distance between apical scutellar setae) = 2.00, C (2nd costal section between subcostal break and R 2+3 / 3rd costal section between R 2+3 and R 4+5 ) = 1.08–1.56, 4c (3rd costal section between R 2+3 and R 4+5 / M 1 between r-m and dm-m) = 1.16–1.51, 4v (M 1 between dm-m and wing margin / M 1 between r-m and dm-m) = 1.70–1.97, 5x (M 4 between dm-m and wing margin / dm-m between M 1 and M 4 ) = 1.76–2.00, ac (3rd costal section between R 2+3 and R 4+5 / distance between distal ends of R 4+5 and M 1 ) = 2.67–3.38, M (M 4 between dm-m and wing margin / M 1 between r-m and dm-m) = 0.49–0.59. Puparium (3rd instar larva). Segments with stout spicules on ventral surface; some lateral ones large, clawlike; anterior spiracle absent; caudal segments elongate, very narrow, without spicules, ending in a pair of minute posterior spiracles ( Fig. 16K ). Mouth hook: distal blade shorter than basal portion, apically more or less roundish, gently curved downward, with two lines of blunt teeth on submedial portion of ventral margin ( Fig. 16L ). Holotype . ( MZB ), “ Soppeng , South Sulawesi , Indonesia , 9.i.2005 , K. T . Takano / Emerged from puparium collected from an inflorescence of Alocasia balgooyi ”. Paratypes . Indonesia : 3♂ , 4♀ , same data as the holotype ( MZB , SEHU ) . Distribution. Sulawesi ( South Sulawesi ). Remarks. This species is peculiar in having many unusual characters as described in the diagnosis. Especially, the absence of any process on the male abdominal sternite VI is exceptional in the C . cristata species group. Etymology. Referring to the lack of process on the male abdominal sternite VI.