A review of genus Omophron Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Palearctic fauna and distribution Author Valainis, Uldis text Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 2010 10 2 105 128 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.13204399 1407-8619 13204399 OMOPHRON PARVUM TIAN & DEUVE, 2000 Description: lenght: 4.1 – 4.3 mm ; width: 4.3 – 4.6 mm . Head moderately convex, sides bordered; labrum transverse, emarginate in front margin, six setose; clypeus bisetose, front margin narrowly but strongly bordered; penultimate joint of labial palpi plurisetose on inner margin; penultimate joint longer than distal one; penultimate joint of maxillary palpi with row of 4- 6 apical setae, shorter than distal joint; mentum with rounded lobes, subocular ridge well defined, coarsely punctate in front; Pronotum moderately convex, transverse, moderately and rather closely punctate, sides gently and evenly rounded, with fairly wide, smooth, reflexed margin, hind angles acute, median line obsolete; reflexed margin of pronotum wider than that of elytra. Elytra oval, strongly convex, base unbordered, hind hardly widened behind shoulder, so the contour hardly broken at junction of pronotum and elytra, reflexed margin wider in front, slightly narrower in hind. Elytra with 15 striae, but striae 13 and 14 obsolete, just appearing near the base, other elytral striae disappearing at sides and behind. Striae shallow, with sparsely and moderately punctate, intervals flat, smooth, without microsculpture. Comparisons: This species belongs to the chelys- species group. Similar to O. brettinghamae Pasc. Comparing with O. brettinghamae Pasc. the green patch on pronotum is narrower, margin of the green pattern on elytra is less sinuate and has smaller stria punctures. Distribution: PAR: CH : GUX Type locality: Xixiangtang , west suburb of Nanning , the capital city of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region , South China ( holotype is deposited in the insect collection of South China Agricultural University) . References: Tian & Deuve, 2000