Data from: A revision of Sesuvium (Aizoaceae, Sesuvioideae) Author Bohley, Katharina Author Winter, Pieter J. D. Author Kadereit, Gudrun text Data in brief 2017 2017-01-03 48 1 109071 109071 journal article 10.5061/dryad.tk922 SESUVIUM HYDASPICUM (Edgew.) Gonç., Garcia de Orta 13: 381. 1965 . Trianthema hydaspicum [ hydaspica ] Edgew. , J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 6: 203. 1862 .— TYPE : INDIA / PAKISTAN . Punjab , 1852, Edgeaeorth 3019 ( lectotype : K!, designated by C. Jeffrey [1961] in Flora of tropical East Africa ). Trianthema polysperma Hochst. ex Oliv., Fl. Trop. Afr. [Oliver et al.] 2: 588. 1871.— TYPE : SUDAN . Kordofan , 25 Sep 1839 , Kotschy 68 ( holotype : K!, isotype: GOET, HAL, L digital image!, TUB). Sesuoium digynum Oliv. var. angustifolium Schinz, Bull. Herb. Boissier 5, app. 3: 74. 1897, syn. nov. Halimum sesuoioides (Fenzl) Hiern var. angustifolium (Schinz) Hiern in Cat. Afric. Pl. Welw. 1(2): 414. 1898. Sesuoium sesuoioides (Fenzl) Verdc. var. angustifolium (Schinz) Gonç., Garcia de Orta 13: 381. 1965.— TYPE : Angola , Benguela , Waaera 291 ( holotype : W – destroyed). Note —Welaeitsch 2393 and Welaeitsch 2395 have been cited by Hiern in his description of S. sesuoioides var. angustifolium and might be suitable material for typification. Sesuoium hoepfnerianum Schinz in Bull. Herb. Boissier 5, app. 3: 75. 1897.— TYPE : NAMIBIA . Hereroland, Höpfner 25 ( holotype : Z). Trianthema salarium Bremekamp , Ann. Transvaal Mus.: 239. 1933 , syn. nov.— TYPE : SOUTH AFRICA . Zoutpan (Zoutpansberg) , 21. Jan 1931 , Bremekamp & Schaeeickerdt 232 ( holotype : PRE!). Sesuoium nyasicum (Baker) Gonç., Garcia de Orta 13: 381–382. 1965 , syn. nov. Trianthema nyasicum [ nyasica ] Baker, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1897 (128–129): 268. 1897.— TYPE : MALAWI . Lake Nyasa, Monkey Bay , Aug 1896 , Whyte s. n. ( holotype : K!). Procumbent annual herb, often much-branched; internodes pale or sometimes red and slender with a sparse cover of flat, hyaline bladder cells, sometimes particularly around the nodes. Leaves 10–20 mm long, elliptic to lanceolate, sometimes with retuse tips and sometimes slightly folded along midvein; petiolate. Bracts ∼ 1 mm long, lanceolate and translucent; one pair. Flowers (sub-) sessile , 5–10 mm long, pink or dark red. Stamens 5–7 or sometimes numerous. Ovary with 2 carpels and 2 styles. Fruit a capsule with up to ca. 15 seeds. Seeds ca. 1–1.3 mm long, reniform, and (dull) black; testa with 13–24 distinct transverse wrinkles ( Figs. 3G and H ). FIG. 7. Sesuoium humifusum . A. Flowering and fruiting branch. B. Details of the flower during anthesis. For better visibility the perianth tube was incised. C. Flower right after anthesis. D. Longitudinal section through a developing fruit. Drawn by M. Geyer. Distribution and Habitat This species is found in Burkina Faso, India, Mauretania, Namibia, Pakistan, Senegal, Sudan and South Africa (Limpopo) ( Fig. 8 ). It grows on sandy or gravelly soil and apparently prefers disturbed areas with more humid conditions (savannah, cultivated soil). Notes Gonçalves (1965) based her new combination on Trianthema hydaspica and T. polysperma without allocating any of the other synonyms previously associated with S. sesuoioides to one of her correct names. She supposedly intended to separate plants with structured testa from plants with smooth seeds (see S. sesuoioides ). The number of stamens is described to be 5–7, but specimens with rugose testa and 15–numerous stamens are also found (e.g. P. M. Burgoyne & N. Snoae 5074 (MO)). Sesuoium hydaspicum is a C 4 plant ( Bohley et al. 2015 ). FIG. 8. Occurrence of Sesuoium hydaspicum (white triangles). This species has a wide and apparently disrupted distribution area spanning Africa, India and Pakistan. The type location of Sesuoium nyasicum is denoted by a black star and the type locality of Trianthema salaria by a grey star. The rough type localities of T. hydaspica and T. polysperma are shown by a white star and a black diamond, respectively. Given the type locality of Punjab (area in present-day India and Pakistan), this species has an unusual distribution with the majority of observations reported for southern Africa, as well as disjunct occurrences in northern Africa and Asia (India and Pakistan). The character states of the populations along the distribution have to be investigated critically to ensure an accurate concept of S. hydaspicum . Since Asia and northern Africa are both clearly underrepresented in this study, increased sampling will likely increase the range of this species and will also improve the accuracy of the species circumscription. Representative Specimens Examined ANGOLA . Namibe : N of Tambor (near 2 m Welwitschia ), 15°54′2.987″S , 12°21′56.998″E , 19 Jan 2009 , P. J. D. Winter 7705 ( PRE ) ; Cunene : 11.6 km NE of Ondjiva airstrip, ca. 3 km N of Mui River ; 16°57′48.995″S , 15°36′14″E , 13 Jan 2006 , P. J. D. Winter 7603 ( PRE ); Iona , Biqucemo , 16°53′S , 12°53′E , 13 May 1975 , B. J. Huntley 3627 ( PRE ) . BOTSWANA . Joromoja , Botletle River , 22 Apr 1975 , T. F. Ngoni 422 ( MO , PRE ) ; near Toteng-Mogapelwa-Road , 20°13′57.792″S , 22°33′53.596″E , 12 Dec 1982 , P. A. Smith 3964 ( MO ) ; Central Kalahari , near Rakops alongside Mopipi Dam , 21°08′S , 24°53′E , 02 Feb 1991 , I. J. Barnard 592 ( PRE ) . Central District : Edge of Sawa Pan ; 20°33′8.94″S , 26°4′28.2″E , 895 m , 13 May 2004 , Farrington et al. MSB 108 ( K ) ; Rakops , Makuba-Dukwe Vet. Fence , 21°30′S , 24°22′E , 02 Mar 1991 , I. J. Barnard 643 ( PRE ) . Northern District : Makgadi Pans , between Nata and Odiakwe on Francistown Maun Rd. at edge of salt pan, 20°08′S , 25°38′E , 09 Mar 1965 , E, H. Wild & R. B. Drummond 6821 ( PRE ) ; near Maun-Francistown Rd. 34.4 km E of Gweta , Makgadikgadi lowland, 20°4′27.516″S , 25°20′43.652″E , 06 Feb 1980 , P. A. Smith 3016 ( MO , PRE ) ; 18 km S of Nokaneng on rd. to Tsau , 18°08′S , 23°23′E , 11 Mar 1965 , H. Wild & R. B. Drummond 6865 ( PRE ) ; near the Movombe-Tsimanemeha track, 18°08′S , 23°08′E , 27 Jan 1978 , P. A. Smith 2268 ( PRE ) . North West District : Ngamiland, Okavango Swamp, Gwetshaa Island in beach zone , 19°08′S , 23°08′E , 24 Feb 1973 , P. A. Smith 436 ( PRE ) . BURKINA FASO . Oudalan : 14°25′59.912″N , 0°14′0.419″W , 21 Aug 1996 , J. E. Madsen 5264 ( MO , WAG ) ; Mare de Menegou , 14°20′59.999″N , 0°16′59.998″E , 21 Sep 1996 , J. E. Madsen 5771 ( MO , S ) . KENYA . Eastern: Lake Turkana , S end where road from South Horr to Leyengalani firdt gets near lake , 2°34′59.988″N , 36°42′59.759″E , 20 Aug 1981 , M. G. Gilbert 6346 ( UPS ) . MAURETANIA. Nouakchott: Nouakchott , 18°5′11.274″N , 15°58′33.96″W , 19 Oct 1963 , J. G. Adam 19379 ( MO ) . NAMIBIA. 1928, R. D. Bradfield 185 ( PRE ); Holoogberg Kee 107 F, 27°38′S , 17°53′E , 30 May 1972 , J. W. H. Giess & M. A. N. Müller 12304 ( PRE ). Erongo Region: Karibib, Ameib Kar 60 Farm, 21°53′S , 15°53′E , 22 Mar 1965 , H. R. Tolken & D. S. Hardy 780 ( PRE ); Karibib, Otjisondu Kar 36 Farm, near Dammen, 22°38′S , 16°08′E , 06 Jun 1961 , J. W. H. Giess 3433 ( PRE ); Karibib Distr., Ombjumenge Farm, 22°08′S , 16°08′E , 01 May 1953 , H. G. Kinges 3094 ( PRE ); Swakopmund, Kuiseb-Durchbruch, Walvisbaaipad, 29 Dec 1958 , H. Merxmüller 986 ( PRE ); Erongo Mountains, Omandumba Ost Farm, 21°38′S , 15°38′E , 24 Feb 1990 , D. S. Hardy 7048 ( PRE ). Hardap Region: Rehoboth District, ca. 4 km from Rehoboth on Rd. to Mariental, across from picnic spot, 23°40′S , 17°13′E , 01 Mar 1996 , P.M. Burgoyne & N. Snoae 5074 ( MO , PRE ); Gibeon Distr., Mariental, 3.2 km W of Mariental, 24°38′S , 18°08′E , 10 May 1955 , J. P. H. Acocks 18115 ( PRE ); Rehoboth, 5 km along turnoff to Tsumis Park, 10 Mar 1983 , K. Immelman 565 ( MO , PRE ); Gibeon Distr., Mariental, 8 km N of Mariental, sandy valley through volcanic hills, 10 May 1955 , J. P. H. Acocks 18116 ( PRE ); Mariental Distr., Feb 1956 , P. A. Basson 189 ( PRE ); Rehoboth, sandflats, 23°23′S , 17°08′E , 09 Apr 1949 , R. G. Strey 2529 ( B , BOL , PRE ); Mariental Distr., Voigtsgrund Farm, 70 km from Mariental on road to Maltahohe Lewer River at road bridges, 24°53′S , 17°23′E , 12 Mar 1983 , G. Germishuizen 2784 ( PRE ). ||Karas Region: Asab, 4.8 km S of Asab, 26°53′S , 19°38′E , 09 Mar 1965 , H. R. Tolken & D. S. Hardy 634 ( PRE ); Ariamsvlei, 16 km from Ariamsvlei on road to Charlies Puts, 28°08′S , 19°53′E , 17 May 1955 , B. de Winter 3577b ( PRE ). Kunene Region: Kaokoveld, Anabib, on slopes of mountains 3.2 km W of Anabib, 18°08′S , 12°38′E , 11 Aug 1956 , R. Story 5717 ( PRE ); Damaraland, Brandberg, White Lady, 21°08′S , 14°23′E , 05 Nov 1972 , K. Bremer 465 ( BOL , PRE ); Damaraland, Black Range Farm 72, Spitskop River drainage, 21°53′S , 15°08′E , 02 Apr 1990 , C. J. Ward 10789 ( PRE ); 25 km NW of Purros, next to road in stony flats, 18°53′S , 12°53′E , 12 Apr 1985 , Moss & Jacobsen K166 ( PRE ); Oshikango-Kunene District, Jun 1948 , M. E. Loeb 492 ( PRE ). Ohangwena Region: Kunene River, 5 km W of Ruacana waterfall, ca. 17°25′13.08″S , 14°9′19.249″E , 12 May 1995 , M. oan Slageren & J. Brand MSJB 020 ( PRE , WAG ); Okavango Native Territory, Okavango River, 12.8 km W of Runtu, 17°53′S , 19°38′E , 07 Feb 1956 , B. de Winter & W. Marais 4495 ( PRE ); Ovamboland, 65.9 km N of Namutoni on road to Odangua Pan, 04 Feb 1959 , B. de Winter & J. W. H. Giess 6812 ( PRE ). Oshana Region: Etosha Pan National Park, Okaukuejo, near edhe of pan 8 km E of Okaukuejo, 19°15′S , 16°15′E , 16 Apr 1973 , le Roux 506 ( PRE ). Otjozondjupa: 1 km E along cutline 3, between Khabe and Gautsha Pan, 19°38′S , 20°08′E , 25 Feb 1985 , C. J. H. Hines 318 ( PRE ); Okahandja, Gross Barmen Farm, 21°53′S , 16°53′E , 03 Jan 1958 , H. Merxmüller 1021 ( PRE ). SENEGAL. Saint Louis, Richard-Toll, Dagana, 16°27′39.996″N , 15°41′ 15.719″W , 03 Nov 1963 , J. G. Adam 19613 (MO). SOUTH AFRICA: Limpopo: Zoutpansberg Dist., saltpan, 11 Jan 1955 , A. O. D. Mogg 24416 (PRE); Dongola, De Klundert, next to waterhole, 22°23′S , 29°38′E , 16 Mar 1948 , I. C. Verdoorn 2290 (PRE); Zoutpan, fringe of pan, 22°53′S , 29°23′E , 12 Apr 1934 , H. G. W. J. Schaeeickerdt & I. C. Verdoorn 488 (PRE); Zoutpan, western side, 22°53′S , 29°23′E , 21 Jan 1931 , C. E. B. Bremekamp & H. G. W. J. Schaeeickerdt 232 (PRE). Northern Cape: Kalahari Gems National Park, Sewe Panne, large pan 38 km from Nossob, 25°23′S , 20°08′E , 29 Mar 1979 , A. A. Gubb 03–12 (PRE). North West: Bloemhof, S. A. Lombardt Nat. R., 27°38′S , 25°23′E , 15 Dec 1985 , L. N. Jeffers 425 (PRE). ZIMBABWE: Masvingo, Chiredzi District, Chitanga Hill, Hippo Valley Estate, 21°11′15.395″S , 31°45′48.726″E , 24 Jan 1971 , P.E. Taylor s. n. (MO), F. A. Rogers 13568 (BOL). Mashonaland West: ca. 12.8 km ESE of Chirunda Bridge, 03 Feb 1958 , R. B. Drummond 5459 (MO); Sashi River, 07 Jan 1961 , H. Wild 5306 (MO) .