Hermit crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Diogenidae) from the KUMEJIMA 2009 Expedition, Japan * Author Rahayu, Dwi Listyo Marine Bio-industry Implementation Unit, Research Center for Oceanography, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Teluk Kodek, Kec. Pemenang, Lombok Utara 83352, NTB, Indonesia. E-mail: dwilistyo @ yahoo. com Author Osawa, Masayuki Research Center for Coastal Lagoon Environments, Shimane University, 1060 Nishikawatsu-cho, Matsue, Shimane, 690 - 8504 Japan. E-mail: osawam @ soc. shimane-u. ac. jp text Zootaxa 2012 2012-07-04 3367 1 176 190 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.3367.1.17 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3367.1.17 1175-5326 5252070 Pseudopaguristes laurentae ( Morgan & Forest, 1991 ) ( Fig. 1F ) Paguristes laurentae Morgan & Forest, 1991: 678 , figs. 12, 13. — Davie, 2002: 55 . — Komai, 1999: 11 . Paguristes brachytes Komai, 1999: 3 , figs. 1–4. Paguristes gracilis Rahayu, 2005: 28 , figs. 10–11. Pseudopaguristes laurentae . — Rahayu, 2005: 25 . — McLaughlin, 2008: 261 , fig. 26. Material examined. 1 male , 2.5 mm , Stn. Dredge 78, 26°14.834ʹN , 126°51.951ʹE , 20 November 2009 , 179– 192 m (RUMF-ZC-1651). Remarks. The most distinctive character of this species is the prominent ventrodistal spine of each third and fourth segment of the antennal peduncle. Additionally, one row of spines on the mesial face of the dactyl of each cheliped and the broadened appendix masculine of the second male pleopod readily set Pseudopaguristes laurentae apart from other members of the genus. Distribution. From Madagascar to eastern and southern Australia , and Indonesia to Sagami-nada, Torishima, Kii Peninsula in Japan , and now recorded from Kume Island; 69– 675 m .