The Genus Megaleuctra Neave (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) In North America Author Baumann, Richard W. Author Stark, Bill P. Box 4045, Department of Biology, Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi, U. S. A. 39058 E-mail: stark @ mc. edu text Illiesia 2013 9 6 65 93 journal article a1bfbb3c-ae2d-46cf-9eb6-16aaf974ea61 1854-0392 4760872 6FA6F27D-DBC8-4F39-8063-8BA3C5508155 Megaleuctra complicata Claassen ( Figs. 2-20 , 85 , 86 ) Megaleuctra complicata Claassen 1937:48 . Holotype ( CUIC ). Type locality: Corvallis , ( Benton Co. ) Oregon , examined Megaleuctra complicata : Frison, 1942:12 . Figures of male Megaleuctra complicata : Stewart & Sandberg, 2004:126 . Male drumming signal and larval description Material examined. CALIFORNIA : Butte Co. , Seep, along Butte Creek , Cherry Hill Campground, 40.10194° N , 121.49861° W , 10 November 2003 , A.B. Richards , 1♂ , 2♀ ( ABRC , BYUC ). Same site, 3 February 2007 , A.B. Richards , J.B. Sandberg , 3 larvae ( ABRC , BYUC ). Same site, 10 November 2007 , A.B. Richards , D.A. Richards , 1♀ ( BYUC ). Same site, 26 April 2010 , A.B. Richards , 1♀ , 1 larva ( ABRC ). Unnamed stream, S Butte Creek bridge, Doe Mill Road , 39.90845° N 121. 61804° W , 21 January 2010 , A.B. Richards , 1♂ ( ABRC ). Humboldt Co. , Spring , East Fork Willow Creek Campground , 2-5 May 2008 , J.J. Lee , 1♂ , 12♀ ( BYUC , CSUC , JJLC ). Tehama Co. , Unnamed spring, tributary Big Chico Creek , along Hwy 32, 40.07841° N 121.59568° W , 10 November 2007 , A.B. Richards , 3♀ ( JJLC , ABRC ). Same site, 25 November 2007 , A.B. Richards , 3♂ , 1♀ ( ABRC ). Same site, 30 November 2007 , J.J. Lee , A.B. Richards , 1♂ ( JJLC ). Same site, 9 March 2008 , A.B. Richards , D.A. Richards , 1♂ , 3♀ ( ABRC , BYUC ). Same site, 22 March 2008 , A.B. Richards , D.A. Richards , 1♂ , 2♀ ( ABRC ). Same site, 13 April 2008 , A.B. Richards , D.A. Richards , 2♀ ( ABRC ). Same site, 21 February 2009 , A.B. Richards , 2♂ , 1♀ ( ABRC ). Same site, 28 February 2009 , A.R. Richards , 1♀ ( ABRC ). Same site, 28 March 2009 , A.B. Richards , D.A. Richards , B.C. Richards , 1♂ , 2♀ ( ABRC ). Same site, 26 April 2010 , R.W. Baumann , B.C. Kondratieff , A.B. Richards , 2♀ ( BYUC , CSUC ). Same site, 16 January 2011 , A.B. Richards , 1♀ ( ABRC ). Same site, 9 March 2013 , A.B. Richards , 1♂ , 2♀ ( ABRC ). OREGON : Benton Co. , Stream near, North Fork Alsea River , 3.5 mi. NE Alsea , 13 April 1961 , J.D. Lattin , 1 ♂ , 1♀ ( OSUC ). Rest area 12 mi. E Alsea , 12 April 1962 , S.G. Jewett , Jr., 2♂ ( BYUC ). Spring , 8 mi. E Alsea , 27 September 1962 , J.D. Lattin , 2♀ ( OSUC ). Corvallis , 28 March 1930 , R.J. Norberg , 1♂ , Holotype ( CUIC ). Chintimini Creek , Marys Peak , 14 April 1964 , Wiggins , Scott , 1 larva ( ROMC ). Oak Creek , 12 May 1938 , S.G. Jewett , Jr., 1♀ ( BYUC ). Marys Peak , Marys Peak Road , 3 April , 1970, J.F.G. Clark , 1♂ ( USNM ). Parker Creek , Marys Peak Campground , 14 June 1968 , Wiggins , Yamamoto , Smith , 1♀ ( ROMC ); Parker Creek , Marys Peak , 15 June 1968 , N.H. Anderson , 1♀ ( OSUC ). Marys Peak , upper Parker Creek , 44° 30.51’ N 123° 33.49’ W , 1115m , 30 May 1982 , G.W. Courtney , 1♂ , 2♀ ( ISUI ). Same site, 19 June 1996 , G.W. Courtney , 4♀ ( ISUI ). Same site, 26 April 1997 , R.W. Wisseman , 1 larva , ( BYUC ). Same site, 23 May 2007 , G.W. Courtney , 1♀ ( ISUI ). Same site, 28 May- 4 June 2009 , G.W. Courtney , 2♀ ( ISUI ). Same site, 1 June 2013 , G. Courtney , S. Fitzgerald , 9♀ ( ISUI , CSUC ). Marys Peak , 1 mi. from Hwy 34 turnoff, 14 miles W Corvallis , 17 March 1963 , N.H. Anderson , 2 larvae ( OSUC ). Same site, 17 March 1969 , N.H. Anderson , 5 larvae , ( BYUC ). Clackamas Co. , Austin Hot Springs , Clackamas River , 16 June 1957 , S.G. Jewett , Jr., 1♀ ( BYUC ). Camp Creek , Camp Creek Campground , 26 May 1983 , G.R. Fiala , 2♂ , 2♀ ( BYUC ). Same site, 2 April 1994 , G.R. Fiala , 2♀ ( BYUC ). Eagle Fern Park , 22 April 1962 , S.G. Jewett , Jr., 2♀ ( BYUC ). Seep , 3 miles E Rhododendron , 28 June 1959 , G.W. Byers , 1♀ ( SEMC ). Run , entering Salmon River , Salmon River Campground , Mount Hood National Forest , 10 June 1967 , T. Yamamoto , 1 larva ( ROMC ). Seep , Still Creek , Still Creek Campground , Hwy 26, Mount Hood National Forest , 23 July 1955 , S.G. Jewett , Jr., 1♂ , 1♀ ( BYUC ). Same site, 8 July 1965 , S.G. Jewett , Jr., 1♀ ( CASC ). Same site, 17 June 1967 , S.G. Jewett , Jr., 3♀ ( CASC ). Same site, 5 July 1982 , S.G. Jewett , Jr., 1♂ , 1♀ ( CASC ). Same site, 28 May 1983 , G.R. Fiala , 10♂ , 18♀ ( BYUC , CSUC ). Clatsop Co. , Osweg Creek , 2 mi. E Elsie , 9 May 1965 , S.G. Jewett , Jr., 1 ♀ ( BYUC ). Tributary , Necanicum River , Saddle Mountain State Park , l April 1967 , S.G. Jewett , Jr., 1♂ , 1♀ ( BYUC , FMNH ). Columbia Co. , Beaver Creek , 10 April 1940 , S.G. Jewett , Jr., 1♀ ( CASC ). Coos Co. , Little Rock Creek , 2 mi. from Hwy 42 up Rock Creek Road , 29 March 1982 , G.W. Courtney , 1 larva ( ISUI ). Douglas Co. , Big Camas Ranger Station , Umpqua National Forest , 30 April 1958 , S.G. Jewett , Jr., 4♂ , 18♀ ( BYUC , CASC , CSUC ). Headwaters , Bulldog Creek , Umpqua National Forest , 5000’, 19 June 1998 , R.W. Wisseman , 2 larvae ( BYUC ). Tributary , Smith River , 22.5 mi. from Hwy 101 on Smith River Road , 29 March 1982 , G.W. Courtney , 1 larva ( ISUI ). Hood River Co. , Hood River Meadows , 21 June 1958 , W.M. Kulash , 3♀ ( BYUC , NCSU ). Oxbow Springs , 18 April 1940 , S.G. Jewett , Jr., 1♀ ( BYUC ). Jackson Co. , Whiskey Springs , Whiskey Springs Campground , 9 June 2004 , B.P. Stark , R.W. Baumann , 5♀ ( BPSC , BYUC ). Lane Co. , Quartz Creek , 10 March 1983 , N.H. Anderson , 1♀ ( OSUC ). Linn Co. , Seeps , Willis Creek , 1.3 mi N Hwy 22, Marion Forks Road , 3 June 2000 , B.P. Stark , I. Sivec , M.C. Zúñiga , 8♂ , 20♀ ( BPSC , BYUC , CSUC , PMSL ). Same site, 17 May 2001 , B.P. Stark , K.W. Stewart , J. Sandberg , 10♂ , 1♀ , 5 larvae ( BYUC , UNTC ). Marion Co. , Elk Lake , 4 July 1958 , H. Hacker , 1♀ ( INHS ). Tributaries , French Creek , Willamette National Forest , Detroit Ranger District , Rd. 2225, 19 March 1998 , R.W. Wisseman , 1♂ , 1♀ ( BYUC ). Little North Santiam River , T 9S, R3E, section 9, 28 April 1960 , unknown collector, 1♂ ( BYUC ). Silver Creek Falls , Silver Falls State Park , 2 May 1949 , J.E. Davis , 1♀ ( CASC ). Multnomah Co. , Seep , Bridal Veil Falls Trail , Columbia River Gorge , 3 May 1989 , R.W. Wisseman , 1♀ ( BYUC ). WASHINGTON : Cowlitz Co. , Tributary , Kalama River , 10 April 1967 , R. Thut , 1♂ , 1♀ ( BYUC ). King Co. , Raging River , Fall City , 30 April 1932 , G. Hoppe , 1♀ ( INHS ). Lewis Co. , Stream , 12.1 mi. E Longmire , Hwy 706, Mount Rainier National Park , 4 July 1969 , ROM Field Party , 1 larva ( ROMC ); Ohanapecosh Campground , Mount Rainier National Park , 9 May 1996 , R.A. Lechleitner , 1♀ ( CSUC ). Seeps , Paradise River above Narada Falls , Mount Rainier National Park , 20 June 2003 , B.C. Kondratieff , J. Schmidt , R.E. Zuellig , 9♂ , 5♀ ( BYUC , CSUC ). Same site, 17 June 2004 , B.C. Kondratieff , J. Schmidt , 1♀ ( CSUC ). Same site, 14 July 2004 , B.C. Kondratieff , 1 ♀ ( CSUC ). Pierce Co. , Seeps , Fryingpan Creek , Sunrise Road , Mount Rainier National Park , 6 July 1999 , B.C. Kondratieff , 3♂ , 1♀ ( CSUC ). Same site, 17 June 2004 , B.C. Kondratieff , J. Schmidt , 1♂ ( CSUC ). White River Campground , Mount Rainier National Park , 22 July 1984 , B. Malkin , 1♀ ( CASC ). Boggy stream, Westside Road , 2 miles N Paradise Road , Mount Rainier National Park , 7 May 2001 , R. Lechleitner , 1♂ ( CSUC ). Skamania Co. , East Canyon Creek , 23 mi. S Randle , Rt. 23, 2 July 1985 , C. M. Flint , O.S. Flint , Jr., 1♂ ( USNM ). Rock Creek , tributary, Little Salmon River , Millard , 15 May 2003 , B.C. Kondratieff , R.W. Baumann , 1♀ ( CSUC ). Figs. 2-4. Megaleuctra complicata , Still Creek , Oregon. Terminalia: 2. Male, dorsal. 3. Male, lateral. 4. Female, lateral. Stewart and Sandberg (2004) described the larva of M. complicata , with associated males, from Willis Creek seeps, Oregon and these records are included in the material listed above. Stewart & Stark (2002) described the supposed larva of M. kincaidi from Benton County, Oregon but we are unable to confirm the species determination without associated male adults from this locality. In our study, all unassociated females and larvae collected in the Coast and Cascade Ranges in Oregon and Washington have been listed as M. complicata , because it is presently impossible to separate them from M. kincaidi , and the two species often occur at the same locality. Figs. 5-12. Megaleuctra complicata, Willis Creek , Oregon. Male: 5. Genitalia, lateral, open. 6. Genitalia, dorsal, open. 7. Genitalia, lateral, epiproct, extended. 8. Genitalia, apex, lateral, closed. 9. Subanal probe, apex, ventral. 10. Subanal probe, apex, lateral. 11. Vesicle, ventral. Female, 12. Genitalia, ventral. Figs. 13-20. Megaleuctra complicata, Still Creek , Oregon. Male: 13. Genitalia, dorsal, epiproct, midlength. 14. Subanal probe, apex, dorsal. 15. Genitalia, lateral, epiproct, midlength. 16. Subanal probe, apex, lateral. 17. Genitalia, anterior, epiproct, midlength. 18. Genitalia, ventral. Female: 19. Genitalia, ventral. 20. Genitalia, lateral. Male. Macropterous, but some populations in northern California exhibit brachyptery ( Fig. 85 ). Length of forewing 12-13 mm ; body length 11-12 mm . General color brown. Wings hyaline, with dark pigment occupying about half the costal space beyond the cord. Radial sector of forewing with three branches. Tergum 8 sometimes with a pair of small lobes ( Fig. 3 ). Tergum 9 with a pair of widely separated conical lobes, without a basal forked structure ( Figs. 2-3 , 6 , 13, 15 ); subgenital plate tongue-like, apex rounded ( Fig. 18 ); epiproct variable in shape, depending on expansion position. In midlength position, the upper portion is narrower at the base and expanded near the apex in dorsal view and is subparallel tapering along the middorsal groove ( Fig. 13 ), the anterior portion is expanded into blunt lateral processes, bearing a loose fringe of small stout spines, the lower portion is broader at the base, the apex wedge-shaped laterally and directed downward as two large stout hooks, extending beyond the apex of the upper process ( Figs 13, 15, 17 ). In expanded position, the upper portion is broader at the base and narrow at the apex, fitting into grooves on each side of the expanded lower process ( Figs. 2 , 5-8 ), the large wedge-shaped hooks of the lower process are visable on each side of the apex ( Fig. 8, 9 ), the expanded epiproct has a dorsal groove that can cover the apex of the subanal probe ( Fig. 6 ). Subanal probe can be free from the epiproct ( Figs. 3 , 5 ) or it can fit into the middorsal groove of the epiproct ( Figs. 5-6 ), tip greatly expanded in lateral view, exhibiting a deep notch, between the narrow elongate upper lobe and a broadly rounded lower lobe, which bears a distinct tube ( Figs. 3 , 10 , 14, 16, 17 ); cerci consisting of an elongate single segment ( Figs. 3 , 5 , 18 ); Vesicle long and thin and covered with sparse long hairs ( Fig. 11 ). Female. Macropterous, but some populations in northern California are slightly brachypterous. Length of forewing 14-15 mm ; body length 13-14 mm . Coloration similar to male. Radial sector of forewing with three branches. Sternum 8 with subgenital plate extending past tip of abdomen 1.5- 2.0 mm ( Figs. 19, 20 ), narrowed gradually to tip, round in cross section ( Fig. 4 ). Sternum 9 formed into a long, narrow ovipositor; cerci inconspicuous ( Figs. 4 , 20 ). Larva. Described by Stewart & Sandberg (2004). Egg. Undescribed. Diagnosis. The combination of paired, conical, widely-separated lobes, on tergum 9 and the absence of a basal forked structure ( Figs. 2-3 , 6 ), the distinctive apex of the subanal probe ( Figs. 3 , 5, 10 , 14, 16 ), and large angular epiproct ( Figs. 3 , 5, 7 , 13, 15, 17 ) separate the male of M . complicata from all other western North American species. The radial sector of the female forewing usually has three branches which may, with caution, be used to distinguish it from females of other western North American Megaleuctra .