Revision of Scopaeus Erichson, 1839 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae) of Indonesia, with description of 19 new species Author Frisch, Johannes Author Narakusumo, Raden Pramesa MUseUm ZoologicUm Bogoriense, Research Center for Biosystematics and EvolUtion, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor KM 46, Cibinong, West Java, 16911, Indonesia text Soil Organisms 2022 2022-04-01 95 1 23 73 journal article 291999 10.25674/so95iss1id311 06b03cc4-e211-4f65-be07-742740b0053c 2509-9523 10724236 Scopaeus crassipunctatus Frisch , spec. nov. ( Figs 22 , 48 , 104 –106 , 144, 177) Type specimens: Indonesia : Holotype , Jawa Barat , Sukabumi , Sirnarasa , Cisarua : Ciawitali River ( 06°51’39’’S , 106°30’48’’E ), 680 m , 20.9.2015 , leg. Frisch ( MZB ) . Paratypes ( 11 specimens ): 1 ♂ , 2 ♀ , same data as holotype ( MFNB , MZB ) . Banten : 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , Lebak : NE Majasari ( 06°37’32’’S , 106°23’53’’E ), 460 m , 26.5.2016 , leg. Frisch ( MFNB , MZB ) . Jawa Barat : 2 ♀ , Bogor , NO-slope Mt Salak ( 06°39’55’’S , 106°45’36’’E ), 640 m , 13.9.2015 , leg. Frisch ( MFNB , MZB ) ; 1 ♀ , Sukabumi , Simaresmi : Cisareno River ( 06°49’02’’S , 106°30’09’’E ), 1000 m , 22.9.2015 , leg. Frisch ( MFNB ) ; 1 ♀ , Sukabumi , Kiara Dua : Ciletuh River ( 07°08’40’’S , 106°36’55’’E ), 670 m , 23.9.2015 , leg. Frisch ( MZB ) ; 1 ♂ , Sukabumi , Kiara Dua : Ciletuh River ( 07°08’27’’S , 106°37’46’’E ), 710 m , 24.9.2015 , leg. Frisch ( MFNB ) ; 1 ♀ , Sukabumi , N Djampang Kulon : Cikarang River ( 07°14’03’’S , 106°36’49’’E ), 250 m , 25.9.2015 , leg. Frisch ( MZB ) . Description: Habitus and coloring as in Fig. 22 . Head trapezoidal. Antennae short with segments 6 – 10 increasingly transverse. Mesotibia moderately thickened. Body surface shiny; setose forebody punctation conspicuously coarse, but relatively spacious; microreticulation absent. Pubescence of body surface short, decumbent, without conspicuous macrosetae. Forebody orange-brown, in about middle of elytral length with transverse, blackish band of variable extent interrupted at suture, occupying up to posterior four fifths of elytra except for very posterior margin; abdomen black-brown except for light orange-brown tip; maxillary palpi, antennae and legs unicolorous yellow-brown. Total body length 2.0 – 2.5 mm ; forebody length 1.6 – 1.7 mm . Male: Abdominal sternite VII with unmodified posterior margin. Abdominal sternite VIII with very short emargination in median third of posterior sternite width (Fig. 144). Aedeagus ( Figs 48 , 104 – 106 ) about 0.3 mm long, with short, symmetrical distal lobes and narrow, bean-shaped, dextrad curved phallobase; apical lobes evenly curved apicoventrally towards subacute end and with straight ventral margins ( Figs 48 , 104 ), in ventral and dorsal view with straight lateral margins in proximal half, then angled bent apicomediad with acute ends ( Figs 105, 106 ); dorsal lobe wide with subtruncate apex ( Figs 105, 106 ); flagellum inconspicuous, not projecting from apical lobes ventrally ( Figs 48 , 104 ); lateral lobes wide, convexly projecting ventrolaterally, with long, ventral row of close, long setae reaching apex of apical lobes ( Figs 48 , 104, 105 ); ventral lobe long, narrow, straight ventrally, followed proximally by irregular line of few, tooth-like macrosetae ( Figs 48 , 104 ), with apex convex in lateral view and V-shaped in ventral view ( Fig. 105 ); median foramen situated close to proximal end of phallobase, divided by longitudinally wide, transverse ridge in narrow, circular distal and wide proximal half ( Fig. 105 ). Female: Sperm pump with process segment narrow, chamber partly membranous and short apophysis of chamber; bursal duct and bursa membranous ( Fig. 177 ). Distribution: Scopaeus crassipunctatus was collected at the edge of Mount Halimun-Salak National Park in the provinces of Banten and Jawa Barat in western Java . Etymology: The epithet crassipunctatus [adjective, Latin, composed of the adjectives crassus (coarse) and punctatus (punctate)] relates to the remarkably coarse forebody punctation of this new species ( Fig. 22 ). Comment: Scopaeus crassipunctatus is closely related and similar to S. puncticeps Kraatz, 1859 from ‘ India orientali’. The female type specimen at SDEI differs by somewhat finer, denser forebody punctation. A strong argument for the specific difference of S. crassipunctatus and S. punctipennis is the existence of another undescribed species of this clade in Malaysia ( Selangor ) against the background of a high degree of allopatry in monophyletic species groups of Scopaeus ( Frisch et al. 2002: 42 – 44 ) .