Catalogue of snout mites (Acariformes: Bdellidae) of the world Author Hernandes, Fabio A. Author Skvarla, Michael J. Author Fisher, Ray Author Dowling, Ashley P. G. Author Ochoa, Ronald Author Ueckermann, Edward A. Author Bauchan, Gary R. text Zootaxa 2016 4152 1 1 83 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4152.1.1 958c1cff-0648-41d6-a3e6-eebc33321562 1175-5326 261900 CAE179E4-4950-45CA-8FDA-585002EFB098 Spinibdella Thor Spinibdella Thor, 1930b : 22 ; 1931a: 39; Atyeo, 1960a : 424 ; Soliman & Zaher, 1975 : 80 ; Tseng, 1978 : 38 ; Chaudhri et al ., 1979 : 133 ; Michocka, 1987 : 82 . Type-species: Spinibdella reducta Thor, 1930b : 23 by original designation. 121. Spinibdella ampulla Wallace & Mahon, 1972 : 568 ; Millstream, Western Australia, ex green herbaceous, couch grass, Eucalyptus sp. litter. Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. ANIC. 122. Spinibdella ankylotricha Omukunda, Theron & Ueckermann, 2012 : 9 ; Limpopo Province , South Africa . Type deposition. NCA . 123. Spinibdella antarctica ( Trägårdh, 1907 ) : 24; South Georgia , Grytviken Peninsula, Antarctica , under rocks.— Wallace, 1970 : 107. Original designation: Bdella antarctica Trägårdh ; Thor, 1931a : 33. Redescription. Wallace (1970) . Type deposition. BPBM; USNM, BMNH, ANIC. 124. Spinibdella arenosa Willmann, 1939b : 532 ; Germany ( Wangerooge Island ) ( Willmann , 1952: 165 ). Type deposition. ZSM . 125. Spinibdella atyeoi Gupta & Paul, 1985 : 14 ; West Bengal , Midnapur Dist., Patharkumkumi, India , ex nest of Prinia inornata (Sykes 1832) (Aves: Cysticolidae). Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. NZSI. 126. Spinibdella bifurcata Atyeo, 1960a : 430 ; 10 miles west of Tuxtla Gutierrez , Chiapas, Mexico, under rock.— Soliman, 1975: 48. Distribution. Mexico ( Chiapas , Oaxaca , Puebla , Michoacán , United States ( Texas ) ( Atyeo 1960a ), Egypt ( Giza ) (Soliman 1975; Zaher 1986 ), Malaysia ( Shiba 1978 ), China ( Lin et al. 2006 ). Redescription. Shiba (1978) . Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SEMC, paratypes at USNM , BMNH and SAM . 127. Spinibdella bioculata Swift & Goff, 1987 : 39 ; Kahoolawe Island , Hawaii , ex Kiawe duff and grasses. Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. BPBM. 128. Spinibdella californica McGregor, 1956 : 12 ; California, USA, ex lemon. Type deposition. Unknown. 129. Spinibdella corticis ( Ewing, 1909a ) : 122; Urbana, Illinois , USA , under bark of cottonwood tree.— Atyeo, 1960a : 426. Original designation: Bdella corticis Ewing ; Thor, 1931a : 36. Other name: Spinibdella cortis [sic]; Rack, 1961 : 185. Distribution. United States ( Illinois , Texas , Utah , Nebraska ), Mexico ( Oaxaca ), Guatemala ( Atyeo 1960a ), Japan ( Shiba & Morikawa 1966 ), Australia ( Wallace & Mahon 1972 ). Redescriptions. Atyeo (1960a) , Wallace & Mahon (1972) . Type deposition. USNM. 130. Spinibdella cronini ( Baker & Balock, 1944 ) : 178; Planada, California , USA , on lichens from fig tree.— Atyeo, 1960a : 432. Original designation: Bdella cronini Baker & Balock. Distribution. United States ( California , Texas , Utah , Colorado , Washington , Alabama , Maryland ), Mexico ( Tamaulipas , Guerrero , Nevo León, San Luis Potosí ) ( Atyeo 1960a ), Australia ( Atyeo 1963a ; Wallace & Mahon 1972 ), Bulgaria ( Sosnina et al. 1965 ), Egypt (Soliman 1975), Syria ( Lattakia ) ( Soliman & Zaher 1975 ), Ukraine ( Kuznetsov & Livshits 1979a ), United States ( Lehman 1982 ), Hawaii ( Swift & Goff 1987 ), Hungary ( Ripka et al. 2005 ), China ( Li et al. 1992 ; Li & Fan 2007 ), Iran ( Ostovan & Kamali 1995 ; Kamali et al. 2001 , Jalaeian et al. 2005; Ueckermann et al. 2007; Abbaszadeh et al. 2010; Daneshnia & Akrami 2013 ; Majidi & Akrami 2013 ; Masoudian & Khanjani 2013 ), Brazil ( Pinto-da-Rocha 1995 ; Hernandes et al. 2011 ), Slovakia ( Kaluz 2008 ). Remarks. this species was found in bat guano in USA ( Webster & Whitaker 2005 ). Redescriptions. Atyeo (1960a , 1963a ), Sosnina et al. (1965) , Wallace & Mahon (1972) , Swift & Goff (1987) , Ueckermann et al. (2007). Type deposition. USNM. 131. Spinibdella denheyeri Hernandes, Daud & Feres, 2008 : 265 ; ex Coffea arabica leaves (Linnaeus, Rubiaceae ) Atibaia, São Paulo , Brazil . Type deposition. DZSJRP. 132. Spinibdella depressa ( Ewing, 1909a ) : 125; Arcola, Illinois , USA , under bark.— Atyeo, 1960a : 428. Original designation: Bdella depressa Ewing ; Thor, 1931a : 38. a. Bdella virgata Ewing, 1909b : 70 ; Hartzell, 1918 : 206; Baker & Balock, 1944 : 179 synonymy by Atyeo (1960a) . b. Bdella chapultepecensis Baker & Balock, 1944 : 177 synonymy by Atyeo (1960a) . c. Bdella riolermensis Baker & Balock, 1944 : 178 synonymy by Atyeo (1960a) . Distribution. United States (Maryland) ( Drummond 1957 ), United States (Illinois, Texas, Maryland, Arkansas, Kansas, New Jersey, Connecticut), Mexico (México, Distrito Federal, San Luis Potosí, Morelos) ( Atyeo 1960a ), Australia ( Atyeo 1963a ; Wallace & Mahon 1972 ), Pakistan ( Chaudhri et al. 1979 ), United States ( Lehman 1982 ), Hawaii ( Swift & Goff 1987 ), China (Fujian) ( Lin & Zhang 2000 ), Iran ( Kamali et al. 2001 ; Ueckermann et al. 2007; Abbaszadeh et al. 2010). Remarks. this species has the posterior eye wanting, with circular striation where that eye should normally be. Redescriptions. Baker & Balock (1944) , Atyeo (1960a , 1963a ), Wallace & Mahon (1972) , Swift & Goff (1987) , Ueckermann et al. (2007). Type deposition. USNM. 133. Spinibdella dusta Shiba, 1969b : 150 ; tatami, Kuwabara-chô, Matsuyama, Japan , ex tatami. Type deposition. Biological Laboratory of Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College , Matsuyama , Japan . 134. Spinibdella gibberabdomen ( Thor, 1931b ) : 68; Tangier , Morocco ; Paktinat-Saeej et al. 2015: 695. Original designation: Bdella gibberabdomen Thor. Remarks. The author mentions only two ventral setae on the hypostome, and illustrates a truncate palptarsus, which is why this species was transferred to the genus Spinibdella . Type deposition. Lost. 135. Spinibdella howarthi Swift & Goff, 1987 : 40 ; Mauna Kea Summit Cone , Hawaii , under stone. Remarks. Male unknown; species known only from the holotype . Type deposition. BPBM . 136. Spinibdella iberica Gomelauri, 1961 : 68 ; close to the Turtle lake near Tbilisi, Georgia, ex lichens. Type deposition. Unknown. Remarks. The choice of the epithet by the author is a mystery, since the type locality was not in the Iberian Peninsula. 137. Spinibdella lignicola ( Canestrini, 1886 ) : 184; Italy and Egypt .— Tseng, 1978 : 47. Original designation: Bdella lignicola Canestrini. Distribution. Italy ( Canestrini 1886 ; Thor 1931a ), England ( Hull 1918 ), Egypt ( Trägårdh 1905 ; Thor 1931a ; Abdel-Shaheed et al. 1971 ), Spain ( Mihelčič 1958b ), Switzerland ( Schweizer & Bader 1963 ), Taiwan ( Tseng 1978 ), China ( Sichuan ) ( Li et al. 1992 ), Czeck Republic ( Stejskal & Hubert 2008 ). Redescription. Tseng (1978) . Type deposition. CRA. 138. Spinibdella longistriata Tseng, 1978 : 42 ; Shandimann, Pingtung Hsien, Taiwan, ex litter. Type deposition. Supposedly at BSMI, but probably lost (C-C Ho, pers. comm.). 139. Spinibdella mali Jorgensen, 1967 : 98 ; Spring Lake, Utah Co, Utah, USA, ex bark of apple tree. Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. Unknown. 140. Spinibdella namibiensis Omukunda, Theron & Ueckermann, 2012 : 15 ; Namibia and South Africa. Type deposition. NCA . 141. Spinibdella novemsetosa Tseng, 1978 : 42 ; Tainan city, Taiwan, on shallot ( Alliaceae ). Type deposition. Supposedly at BSMI, but probably lost (C-C Ho, pers. comm.). 142. Spinibdella ornata Atyeo, 1960a : 434 ; Bear Lake, Rock Mountain National Park, Colorado , USA , ex moss and litter. Distribution. California , ( Atyeo 1960a ), Wisconsin ( Oatman 1963 ). Remarks. Suspected synonym of S. thori , according to Atyeo (1963a: 174) . Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SEMC, paratypes at CSUC, USNM. 143. Spinibdella polyattenuata Omukunda, Theron & Ueckermann, 2012 : 6 ; Eastern Cape Province , South Africa . Type deposition. NCA . 144. Spinibdella pongolensis Omukunda, Theron & Ueckermann, 2012 : 12 ; Kwazulu , Natal , South Africa . Type deposition. NCA . 145. Spinibdella quinqueoculata Thor, 1931b : 70 ; Tangier, Morocco, ex moss. Type deposition. Lost. 146. Spinibdella rapida Kuznetsov & Livshits, 1979b : 608 ; rocky cliffs in the vicinity of Alupka town, Crimea , Ukraine , ex moss.— Bednarskaya, 2011 : 5. Type deposition. NBG. 147. Spinibdella reducta Thor, 1930b : 23 ; Norway , in coniferous forest litter.— Thor, 1931a : 39. Distribution. Norway ( Thor 1931a ), Poland ( Michocka 1987 ). Redescriptions. Thor (1931a) , Michocka (1987) . Type deposition. Lost. 148. Spinibdella smileyi Tseng, 1978 : 39 ; Taipei, Chiayi Hsien, Taiwan, ex litter. Type deposition. Supposedly at BSMI, but probably lost (C-C Ho, pers. comm.). 149. Spinibdella subrufa Rack, 1961 : 183 ; Germany . Type deposition. ZMUH . 150. Spinibdella tabarii Paktinat-Saeej & Bagheri, 2015b : 696 ; Amol city, Mazandaran Province, Iran; also citrus, Noor city, Mazandaran Province, Iran. Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at the Acarological Collection , Department of Plant Protection , Faculty of Agriculture , University of Maragheh , Maragheh , Iran ; paratypes at the Acarological Collection , Jalal Afshar Zoological Museum , Department of Plant Protection , Faculty of Agriculture , University of Tehran , Karaj , Iran ; and also at ASI . 151. Spinibdella tadjikistanica Kuznetsov, 1984: 774 ; Kondara Canyon, Tadjikistan , ex hawthorn ( Crataegus sp., Rosaceae ) and grape. Type deposition. NBG. 152. Spinibdella tenella ( Banks, 1896 ) : 75; Sea Cliffs, Long Island , NY, USA . Original designation: Bdella tenella Banks; Banks, 1904c : 16; 1907: 596; Thor, 1931a : 31; Spinibdella tenella ; Hernandes, 2013 : 64. Type deposition. MCZ. 153. Spinibdella tenuirostris ( Ewing, 1917 ) : 149; Xenia, Ohio , USA , under stones.— Atyeo, 1960a : 424. Original designation: Bdella tenuirostris Ewing ; Berlese, 1893: 43. a. Spinibdella wilsoni Jacot, 1938 : 129 ; synonymy according to Atyeo (1960a: 424) . Distribution. Germany ( Thor 1931a ), United States ( Ohio , Florida , Arkansas , Kansas , North Carolina , Vermont , Michigan , California ) ( Atyeo 1960a ), Japan ( Shiba & Morikawa 1966 ), Australia ( Atyeo 1963a ; Wallace & Mahon 1972 ), Russia ( Wainstein et al. 1978 , Ghilarov 1978), Taiwan ( Tseng 1978 ), Korea ( Lee et al. 1997 ), Mexico ( Hoffmann & López-Campos 2000 ), Spain ( Domingo-Quero et al . 2003 ). Redescriptions. Atyeo (1960a , 1963a ), Shiba & Morikawa (1966) , Wallace & Mahon (1972) , Tseng (1978) . Remarks. Ewing (1917 , not 1914 as mentioned by both Atyeo [1960a] and Wainstein et al. [1978] ) described Bdella tenuirostris , without noticing the preoccupied name erected by Koch (1839: 23). Type deposition. USNM. 154. Spinibdella thori ( Meyer & Ryke, 1959 ) : 375; Bathurst, South Africa , ex grass and soil.— Atyeo, 1963a : 174. Original designation: Bdella thori Meyer & Ryke. Distribution. South Africa ( Meyer & Ryke 1959 ; Halliday 2005 ), Australia ( Atyeo 1963a ; Wallace & Mahon 1972 ; Halliday 2005 ), Hawaii ( Swift & Goff 1987 ; 2001 ), Mexico ( Hoffmann & López-Campos 2000 ), Iran (Abbaszadeh et al. 2010). Redescriptions. Atyeo (1963a) , Wallace & Mahon (1972) , Swift & Goff (1987) , Omukunda et al . (2012) . Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. Institute for Zoological Research , Potchefstroom University , South Africa . 155. Spinibdella trinomma Omukunda, Theron & Ueckermann, 2012 : 3 ; Kwazulu , Natal , South Africa . Type deposition. NCA . 156. Spinibdella trisetosa ( Jacot, 1938 ) : 128 comb. nov. ; Micanope, Florida , USA , ex leaf litter. Original designation: Bdella trisetosa Jacot. Remarks. This species is herein transferred to the genus Spinibdella due to having two ventral setae on the hypostome, tricobothria present on tibiae I, IV, tarsi III and IV, setae lps present, and the palpal tibiotarsus truncate. Type deposition. USNM. 157. Spinibdella yeni Tseng, 1978 : 44 ; Taipu, Chiayi Hsien, Taiwan, ex litter. Type deposition. Supposedly at BSMI, but probably lost (C-C Ho, pers. comm.).