Evolution of nuptial-gift-related male prosomal structures: taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of the genus Oedothorax (Araneae: Linyphiidae: Erigoninae) Author Lin, Shou-Wang Author Lopardo, Lara Author Uhl, Gabriele text Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2022 2021-11-20 195 417 584 journal article 115951 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlab033 75b10efe-a17d-4d10-b46e-094c6a7ebf01 0024-4082 6967774 BE2B3859-8F6A-4543-8A69-91840F82377B OEDOTHORAX TINGITANUS ( SIMON, 1884 ) ( FIGS 7X , 8J , 9J , 11 ; SUPPORTING INFORMATION, FIG. S1I ) Gongylidium tingitanum Simon, 1884: 483 (Dm) . Neriene insolens Simon, 1894: 633 (Dm) . Stylothorax tingitana Reimoser, 1919: 73 . Oedothorax tingitanus Denis, 1968: 151 , figs 11–15 (mf). Oedothorax tingitanus Bosmans, 1985: 59 , figs 1–3, 22, 36 (mf). Type material: Lectotype and 2♀ paralectotypes based on Bosmans (1985) : Morocco : close to Tanger, 1868, coll. Simon ( MNHN 4881 , not examined). Examined material: Morocco : Mediterranean coast, salt marsh, west of M’diq (Tekouan), 8♂ 8♀ 17.v.1977 , coll. P. Hillyard , det. A. F. Millidge ( NHM ); Merdia herga, west coast, salt marsh vegetation, 16♂ 1♀ 16.v.1977 , coll. P. D. Hillyard , det. A. F. Millidge ( NHM ) . Diagnosis: Males: The lack of male prosomal modifications and the presence of an embolic base protuberance distinguishes the males of this species from the ‘ gibbosus -like species group’ (Clade 28). Males share with Oe. fuscus the bifurcated protegulum, but can be distinguished by the extended distribution of papillae (from the distal part of the mesal branch of protegulum until the base of TS) and the presence of a tooth prolateral to the palpal tibia prolateral apophysis (in Oe. fuscus the papillae is limited to the distal part of the mesal branch and the prolateral tooth is absent). Females: Can be distinguished from other species by the epigynal configuration and number of sub-AME setae (two; one in Oe. gibbosus , Oe. trilobatus , Oe. apicatus , Oe. retusus , Oe. gibbifer and Oe. paludigena ). Distinguished from Oe. trilobatus and Oe. meridionalis by the much more anteriorly located copulatory openings ( Fig. 11E ); from Oe. agrestis , Oe. apicatus , Oe. gibbifer and Oe. retusus by the mesal copulatory openings ( Fig. 11E ; lateral in the first three species, Figs 5E , 12F , 15G ; posterior in Oe. retusus Fig. 16E ) and the more anteriorly extended copulatory ducts; from Oe. gibbosus by the more curved and less convergent borders between the dorsal and ventral plates ( Fig. 11E , in contrast to Fig. 6F ); from Oe. fuscus by the less convoluted copulatory ducts compared to Oe. fuscus ( Fig. 14E ) and the narrower separation between the copulatory ducts (wider in Oe. fuscus ). Description: Male (Merdia herga): Total length: 1.96. Prosoma: 0.90 long, 0.68 wide, unmodified ( Fig. 7X ). Eyes: AME- AME: 0.06, AME width: 0.07, AME-ALE: 0.04, ALE width: 0.07, ALE-PLE: 0.00, PLE width: 0.08, PLE- PME: 0.02, PME width: 0.05, PME-PME: 0.03. Clypeus: not hirsute, two sub-AME setae. Sternum: 0.52 long, 0.5 wide. Chelicerae: mastidia absent; stridulatory striae imbricated, rows widely and evenly spaced ( Fig. 8J ). Legs: dorsal proximal macroseta on tibia I, II, III and IV 1.60, 1.51, 2.02 and 2.34 times diameter of tibia, respectively; Tm I: 0.66. Pedipalp: TPA rodlike, distal part scaly; BT short, situated close to tip of tibial prolateral apophysis, pointed anteriorly; tooth prolateral to TPA; PC distal setae at median position ( Fig. 11A ); T without papillae, PT bifurcate, papillaebearing region extending from distal part of mesal branch until base of TS, ectal branch without papillae; TS short ( Fig. 11D ); DSA tip round ( Fig. 11A ); EM median-long, cylindrical, distally oriented, with small papillae at tip; TP with several small protuberances ( Fig. 11B ); E not broadened at basal part. Opisthosoma: brown, evenly coloured ( Fig. 9J ). Female (Merdia herga): Total length: 2.30. Prosoma: 0.97 long, 0.77 wide. Eyes: AME-AME: 0.03, AME width: 0.06, AME-ALE: 0.02, ALE width: 0.08, ALE- PLE: 0.01, PLE width: 0.07, PLE-PME: 0.06, PME width: 0.07, PME-PME: 0.05. Clypeus: not hirsute, two sub-AME setae. Sternum: 0.61 long; 0.58 wide. Legs: dorsal proximal macroseta on tibia I, II, III and IV 1.68, 1.59, 2.05 and 2.27 times diameter of tibia, respectively; Tm I: 0.66. Chelicerae: stridulatory striae similar to male. Epigyne: Clade 13 characteristic morphology, borders between dorsal and ventral plates converging anteriorly, copulatory duct of median length ( Fig. 11F–H ). Opisthosoma: brown, evenly coloured. Variation: Measurements are based on 10♂ 1♀ (Merdia herga) and 8♀ (Tekouan). Males (N = 10, means in parentheses): Total length 1.84–2.06 (1.93). Prosoma: 0.82–0.91 (0.87) long, 0.66– 0.73 (0.69) wide. Legs: dorsal proximal macroseta on tibia I, II, III and IV 1.24–1.78 (1.47, N = 9), 1.46–1.76 (1.59), 1.90–2.30 (2.11, N = 9) and 1.98–2.44 (2.21) times diameter of tibia, respectively; Tm I: 0.60–0.68 (0.64). Females (N = 9, means in parentheses): Total length 2.10–2.69 (2.44). Prosoma: 0.97–1.07 (1.04) long, 0.77– 0.88 (0.83) wide. Legs: dorsal proximal macroseta on tibia I, II, III and IV 1.58–1.92 (1.70), 1.41–1.90 (1.71), 1.86–2.20 (2.02) and 1.90–2.37 (2.13) times diameter of tibia, respectively; Tm I: 0.56–0.71 (0.65). Distribution: Spain , Morocco , Algeria , Tunisia . Habitat: Marshes, salt meadows, wet meadows, lake shores, riversides.