Catalogue of the Incini with the description of the first Archedinus species from Honduras (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) Author Seidel, Matthias Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Viničná & Department of Entomology, National Museum, Cirkusová 1740, CZ- 19300 Prague, Czech Republic; & Corresponding author Author Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Viničná & Department of Entomology, National Museum, Cirkusová 1740, CZ- 19300 Prague, Czech Republic; Author Sousa, Rafael Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Avenida Nazaré 481, Ipiranga, 04263 - 000, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2018 Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 2018-09-10 58 2 389 405 journal article 5801 10.2478/aemnp-2018-0031 32dc2999-ebd8-496d-9c2b-5f0fb6bc8f69 1804-6487 4504878 0610B52C-FE2C-49F1-A16F-0B14881AF4F2 Golinca davisii ( Waterhouse, 1877 ) Inca davisii Waterhouse, 1877: 228 [original combination] Golinca davisi : SCHENKLING (1922) : 5 [new combination and incorrect subsequent spelling] Locality records from literature. PERU ( WATERHOUSE 1877 ). Additional material examined. BOLIVIA : SANTA CRUZ: 1 ♁ 1 ♀ ( CMNC ): Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ichilo, Steinbach leg.; 1 ♀ ( CMNC ): Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ichilo, Buenavista, ii.1950 , Martínez leg.; 1 ♀ ( CMNC ):Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ichilo, Buenavista, iii.1955 , Martínez leg. ECUADOR : EL ORO: 1♀ ( MNCN ):St.Rosa (Ecuador), 24.v.– , F. Martinez, Expedicion al Pacifico (1862–1865). MORONA SANTIAGO : 1 ♀ ( NMPC ): Ecuador, Macas, Normandie, 1500 m . Types. Female holotype in BMNH. Remarks. SCHENKLING (1922) , while transferring Inca davisii Waterhouse, 1877 to the genus Golinca , misspelled the specific epithet as “ davisi ” lacking one “ i ”. This incorrect subsequent spelling has since been used by several authors ( BERGÉ 1884 , BLACKWELDER 1944 , KRAJCIK 1999 , MORÓN & VAZ- DE- MELLO 2007, VALOIS & SILVA 2015 ). Nevertheless, the correct spelling, G. davisii , remained in use ( NAGAI 1994 , RATCLIFFE et al. 2015 , DE SOUZA SILVA et al. 2017 ). We follow Art. 33.3 ( ICZN 1999 ) which states that “any subsequent spelling of a name different from the correct original spelling, other than a mandatory change or an emendation, is an “incorrect subsequent spelling”; it is not an available name”. Since both the correct and incorrect subsequent spellings were recently in use, the incorrect subsequent spelling is not in prevailing usage and cannot be preserved under Art. 33.3. The name to be used is Golinca davisii ( Waterhouse, 1877 ) .