High species diversity of the genus Neopanorpa (Mecoptera: Panorpidae) in Yunnan Province, China Author Wang, Meng Author Hua, Bao-Zhen text Zootaxa 2018 2018-09-20 4483 1 journal volume 29518 10.11646/zootaxa.4483.1.2 e7c82ac0-d5ec-43de-939d-8d5fab040ee4 1175-5326 1437468 9BF000A2-7D47-475A-98F4-09844FAB64F0 Neopanorpa magnatitilana sp. n. ( Figs. 12–13 ) LSID: urn: lsid: zoobank.org: act: A5B8F6A2-6E54-4E3B-BA67-443669423B77 Material examined. Holotype , CHINA : Yunnan : Yongde County : Dedang town ( 24°1′30″N , 99°15′15″E , elev. 1600 m ), 24.viii.2014 , leg. Ji-Shen Wang, ME 000115 ( NWAFU ) . Paratypes 7♂ , same data as holotype, ME000116–ME000122 ( NWAFU ) ; 3♂ 3♀ , CHINA : Yunnan : Baoshan County : Gaoligong Mountain (elev. 1450– 1600 m ), 11.vi.2014 , leg. Chao Gao & Mei Liu , ME000123–ME000128 ( NWAFU ) ; 2♂ , CHINA : Yunnan : Gengma County : Nangunhe National Nature Reserve , 14.viii.2007 , leg. Li-Jun Cai, ME 000129–ME000130 ( NWAFU ) ; 2♂ 3♀ , CHINA : Yunnan : Tengchong County : Houqiao town : 01.vi.2009 , leg. Jiang-Li Tan, ME 000131–ME000133 ( NWAFU ), 27660–27661 ( ZMUG ) ; 4♀ , CHINA : Yunnan : Yingjiang County : Tongbiguan Nature Reserve , 20.v.2009 , leg. Jie Zeng & Man-Man Wang , ME000134–ME000137 ( NWAFU ) . Diagnosis. N. magnatitilana sp. n. can be readily distinguished from its congeners by the following characters: (1) Male A7–A8 yellowish white, male genital bulb blackish brown ( Fig. 12f & g ); (2) paramere with dorsal process large, wing-like, projecting dorsad ( Fig. 13a–c ); (3) female subgenital plate brown with shallow V-shaped emargination ( Fig. 13d ); genital plate with axis extending anteriorly beyond main plate for half length; posterior arms widely divergent ( Fig. 13e–g ). Etymology. The specific name is derived from Latin magna (large) and titilana (process), referring to the large conspicuous dorsal process of the aedeagus. Description. Holotype ( Fig. 12a ). Head ( Fig. 12c ). Vertex and ocellar triangle black. Rostrum yellowish brown with two blackish brown longitudinal stripes along clypeus, darkened at apex. FIGURE 12. Neopanorpa magnatitilana sp. n. (a) Male, dorsal view; (b) Female, dorsal view; (c) Head, frontal view; (d) Thorax, dorsal view; (e) Notal organ, dorsal view; (f) A5–A9, lateral view; (g) Male genital bulb, ventral view; (h) Male genital bulb, dorsal view; (i) Male epandrium and hypandrium, lateral view; (j) Gonostylus, ventral view; (k) Gonostylus, dorsal view. For abbreviations see legends of Figure 4. Scale bars: a–b = 5 mm; c–e, g–i = 0.5 mm; f = 1 mm; j–k = 0.25 mm. Thorax ( Fig. 12d ). Pronotum black. Mesonotum black at anterior half, extending caudad as longitudinal median band to scutellum, leaving yellowish white patches adjacent to wing bases; metanotum with similar pattern. Wings ( Fig. 12a ). Membrane hyaline with grayish brown markings; R2 bifurcated. In forewings, apical band extending to M1 or M2; pterostigmal band broad, with apical branch absent and basal branch running obliquely to posterior margin; submedian band reduced to a spot over CuA and CuP. Hindwings similar to forewings, but markings more weakly expressed. Abdomen : T1–T5 blackish brown ( Fig. 12a & e ). Male A6 black, A7–A8 yellowish white, narrowly bordered with brown caudally ( Fig. 12f ). Notal organ triangular, extending to half length of T4; T4 membranous anteriorly, bearing hirsute flat post-notal organ ( Fig. 12e ). FIGURE 13. Neopanorpa magnatitilana sp. n. (a)–(c) Male aedeagal complex, ventral, lateral, and dorsal views; (d) Female subgenital plate, ventral view; (e)–(g) Female genital plate, ventral, lateral, and dorsal views. For abbreviations see legends of Figure 5. Scale bars: a–d = 0.25 mm; e–g = 0.2 mm. Male genitalia . Black. Hypandrium with a basal stalk and a pair of distal hypovalves, hypovalves twice the length of basal stalk ( Fig. 12g ); hypovalves membranous in apical half, extending to basal lobe of gonostylus, twisted ventro-mesad, touching at apices, bearing minor hypandrial processes ( Fig. 12g ); in lateral view, hypovalves slightly expanded dorsad, apices curved ventrad, hypandrial processes only slightly produced, barely visible ( Fig. 12i ). Epandrium tapering toward apex, abruptly membranous at apex, emarginated shallowly ( Fig. 12h ); epandrial lobes broad, extending ventro-mesad ( Fig. 12i ). Gonostylus blackish brown, median tooth blunt; basal lobe cup-like, concaving with a line of dorsal setae ( Fig. 12j & k ). Ventral valves of aedeagus spatulate, projected ventrad ( Fig. 13b ); dorsal valves stout, concealed in ventral aspect ( Fig. 13a–c ). Paramere with long basal stalk, and bifurcated distally into ventral and dorsal branches; ventral branch slender, indistinct; dorsal branch slender, elongated dorso-laterally ( Fig.13b ); lateral process greatly expanded, curved ventro-mesally, rounded apically; dorsal process large, wing-like, projecting dorsad ( Fig.13a–c ). Female ( Paratype ) ( Fig. 12b ). Similar wing pattern and body coloration as in the male. T1–T6 blackish brown, A7–A8 pale ( Fig. 12b ). Subgenital plate brown, membranous on mesal line, with shallow emargination ( Fig. 13d ). Genital plate with axis extending anteriorly beyond main plate for half its length, slightly forked proximally; posterior arms broad spatulate, twisted and narrowed subbasally, widely divergent ( Fig. 13e–g ). Measurements. Male ( n = 10), forewing length 13.65 ± 0.39 mm , width 3.15 ± 0.16 mm ; hindwing length 12.39 ± 0.48 mm , width 2.9 ± 0.13 mm . Female ( n = 7), forewing length 13.73 ± 0.47 mm , width 3.17 ± 0.16 mm ; hindwing length 12.66 ± 0.44 mm , width 2.92 ± 0.13 mm . Variability. In some individuals, wing markings greatly reduced, with only a stripe of pigment on the pterostigma, and an incomplete apical band. Remarks. This new species resembles N. liquifascia Byers, 1999 in wing markings, however only the female of N. liquifascia is known. The meso- and metanotum have a black sagittal stripe in both males and females of N. magnatitilana sp. n. , but are entirely dull black in N. liquifascia . In the female genital plate, N. liquifascia has an extra sclerite beneath the main plate.